昆工陈江照和河北工大陈聪等人Nat. Commun.:理性设计的通用钝化剂实现高性能单结和叠层钙钛矿电池

文摘   2025-01-17 12:20   福建  



Fig. 1| Theoretical screening of organic cations. a The chemical structures and electrostatic potential of BG+, VBE+, LBE+, and TS-. b The binding energy of BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS with FAPbI3 containing PbI anti-site, VI, and VFAdefects. c-e, The binding energy of (c) BG+, (d) VBE+, and (e) LBE+ cations with FAPbI3containing VFA defects. f Binding energy of An+, MA+, EA+, BG+, VBE+, and LBE+with FAPbI3 containing VFA defects. g-i Charge density difference of (g) BG+, (h) VBE+, and (i) LBE+ with FAPbI3 surface encompassing VFAdefects (cyan indicates a decrease in charge density, yellow indicates an increase in charge density).

Fig. 2| Chemical interactions and perovskite film quality. a XPS spectra of S 2p in the control and BGTS, VBETS, or LBETS-modified perovskite films. b, c XPS spectra of (b) Pb 4f and (c) I 3d in control and BGTS, VBETS, or LBETS modified perovskite films. d-f FTIR for (d) BGTS and BGTS+PbI2,(e) VBETS and VBETS+PbI2, and (f) LBETS and LBETS+PbI2.g, h Steady-state PL (g) and TRPL (h) spectra of the control, BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS-modified perovskite films on a bare glass substrate. i I-V curves of the devices based on ITO/SnO2/perovskite (BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS)/C60/Agstructure under dark.

Fig. 3| Surface potentials and energy level of perovskite films. a SEM images of the control, BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS-modified 1.58 eV-Cs0.05(FA0.95MA0.05)0.95Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3perovskite films. b LBIC mapping images of the control, BGTS-, VBETS-, and LBETS-modified 1.58 eV-Cs0.05(FA0.95MA0.05)0.95Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3based PSCs, the top row is fresh perovskite films and the bottom row is perovskite films after aging for 5 days at room temperature under RH of 60 ± 10%. cKPFM images of the control, BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS-modified 1.58 eV-Cs0.05(FA0.95MA0.05)0.95Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3perovskite films. d Tangent lines in KPFM images to demonstrate changes in surface potential. e UPS spectra of the control, BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS-modified perovskite films. f Energy level diagram of the control and BGTS, VBETS, and LBETS-modified perovskite films.

Fig. 4| Device performance and long-term stability. a-c Champion J-V curves of the best-performing control and VBETS-modified (a) 1.53 eV (prepared in the ambient conditions), (b) 1.53 eV (prepared in the glovebox with 99.999% N2 conditions), and (c) 1.66 eV perovskite-based PSC devices in reverse and forward scan mode. d The column-shaped statistical chart of PCE, VOC, JSC, and FF parameters for control devices and VBETS-modified devices based on 1.53 eV, 1.58 eV, and 1.66 eV perovskite as photoactive layer Specifically, * represents that perovskite devices are prepared in N2 glove boxes, while the others are prepared under air ambient conditions. e The EQE spectra and integrated JSC of the champion VBETS-modified PSCs with 1.53 eV, 1.58 eV, and 1.66 eV perovskites. f J-V curves of the 1.58 eV-perovskite-based PSC modules with VBETS modification. The inset is the photograph of a VBETS-modified perovskite module with an aperture area of 32.144 cm2. g Comparison of the historical PCEs of the PSC module with an aperture area exceeding 30 cm2. h Cross-sectional SEM image for exhibiting the device structure of perovskite/HJT crystalline silicon TSCs modified with VBETS. i J-V curves for the TSCs without and with VBETS in reverse and forward scan mode. j MPPT stability curves of the single-junction PSCs without and with VBETS.


Zuolin Zhang#, Yinsu Feng#, Jike Ding#, Quanxing Ma#, Hong Zhang*, Jiajia Zhang*, Mengjia Li, Taoran Geng, Wenhuan Gao, Yang Wang*, Boxue Zhang, Thierry Pauporté, Jian-Xin Tang*, Hongjian Chen, Jiangzhao Chen*, Cong Chen*. Rationally designed universal passivator for high-performance single-junction and tandem perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications 2025, 16, 753.





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