ITEC2024 x Visionary Z | 澳大利亚、新西兰项目征集令

文摘   2024-07-27 15:21   北京  

5月20日,第十二届朝阳国际人才创业大会(ITEC2024)正式启动。ITEC2024以“汇聚全球人才 · 创领朝阳未来”为主题,将于 2024 年 5 月—12 月举办ITEC全球创业赛、ITEC创新峰会、ITEC未来学院(凤凰学院)、ITEC国际科创沙龙系列活动。 

ITEC全球创业赛项目征集火热进行中,今年ITEC联合Visionary Z共同面向澳大利亚、新西兰招募优秀人才和创业团队,旨在汇聚中澳两地创新力量,促进国际交流合作,推动区域经济发展。

On May 20th, the 12th Chaoyang International Talent and Entrepreneurship Conference (ITEC2024) officially kicked off. ITEC2024, themed 'Gathering Global Talents · Leading Chaoyang's Future,' will host a series of events from May to December 2024, including the ITEC Global Entrepreneurship Competition, ITEC Innovation Summit, ITEC Future Academy (Phoenix Academy), and ITEC International Sci-Tech Salon.

The ITEC Global Entrepreneurship Competition is now actively collecting projects. This year, ITEC is partnering with Visionary Z to recruit outstanding talents and entrepreneurial teams from Australia and New Zealand. The aim is to gather innovative forces from China and Australia, promote international exchange and cooperation, and drive regional economic development.



2024年第十二届朝阳国际人才创业大会(ITEC2024)联合Visionary Z Fund,共同面向澳大利亚及新西兰征集优秀项目。凭借Visionary Z Fund的全球视野和专业能力,连接两地创新资源,为参赛者提供全方位的支持和服务,促进两地青年创业项目和人才交流合作。

(1)Background of the Event

The Chaoyang International Talent and Entrepreneurship Conference (ITEC) is a well-known event serving international talent innovation and entrepreneurship. It has successfully held 11 sessions, attracting over 50,000 entrepreneurs, 10,000 projects, and hundreds of well-known venture capital institutions from 73 countries and regions. 1,128 projects have landed in Beijing through ITEC, leveraging approximately 33.4 billion RMB for participants.

For the 2024 12th Chaoyang International Talent and Entrepreneurship Conference (ITEC2024), Visionary Z Fund collaborates to solicit outstanding projects from Australia and New Zealand. Through Visionary Z Fund's global perspective and expertise, the event aims to connect innovative resources from both countries, offering comprehensive support and services to participants and fostering youth entrepreneurship projects and talent exchanges between Australia and China. 

























① 互联网3.0


② 数字医疗


③ 光子集成电路







(2)Key Directions for Project Collection

Besides the focus on the '3+X' digital economy industry in the ITEC2024 Global Entrepreneurship Competition, Australian and New Zealand outstanding start-up projects in clean energy, biotechnology, agricultural technology, sustainable agriculture, and environmental science industries are highly valued in ITEC2024.

Three Major Digital Economy Leading Industries


Industrial Internet

- Upstream industrial internet automation: (industrial sensing, industrial control, edge control), industrial digital equipment (intelligent instruments, automation equipment), industrial internet networks (network services, network equipment), etc. 

- Midstream industrial internet security: (security protection, security services, security monitoring), industrial internet platforms, industrial internet software, etc. 

- Downstream system solutions: involving key technologies such as industrial operating systems, industrial software, immersive interaction, industrial simulation, blockchain, 3D rendering, sensors, core components, etc

- The Digitalisation of New Industries business models, including digitalisation of Consumption, Education, Healthcare, Transportation, Finance, Entertainment, and other new business models.'  


Artificial Intelligence

- AI foundational layer: Data services, AI chips, Cloud services, etc.

- AI technology layer: Computer vision, natural language processing, biometric recognition, etc.

- AI application layer: Enterprise services, smart manufacturing, intelligent logistics, smart cities, etc.

- Key technologies like pre-trained models, AGI, AIGC generative AI, AIGC multimodal technology, etc.


Digital Security

Upstream underlying network security ( hardware and software etc.)

- Midstream network security,( equipment, software, services etc.)

- Downstream: Industrial network security ( communication security, data, and application security, IoT security, etc. )

- Key technologies like security brain, data security, AI security, software supply chain security, network defensive strategies, advanced threat identification, and big data security.


Future Industry Tracks

- Internet 3.0: Technologies and products in digital twins, mapping and modeling, digital humans, virtual engines, 3D modeling, ray tracing, industrial simulation, ultra-high-definition audio and video, near-eye displays, holographic displays. 

- Digital Healthcare: AI+ drug discovery, AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment, intelligent high-end medical devices, traditional Chinese medicine + digital, computational biology, computational chemistry, molecular drug development databases, high-performance robotic arms, multifunctional medical imaging systems. 

-Photonic Integrated Circuits: Integrated circuit design and development, chip design tools, IP, packaging, testing, and verification 

-New Future Industry Tracks:

1. Future manufacturing, humanoid robots and their core components such as intelligent chips, servo motors, intelligent controllers, integrated smart joints, and new sensors, as well as the multi-scenario demonstration applications of humanoid robots in industrial transportation, elderly care and assistance, and medical aid.

2. Future energy, including carbon footprint calculation and tracing, carbon trading circulation, and cross-border dual carbon regulatory services.

3. Future aerospace, including satellite internet, BeiDou, and integrated communication and remote sensing technologies. 

4. Other future industries with innovative technologies.

















2.尚未在朝阳区注册公司的获奖项目,一般应在获奖1年内落地朝阳,奖励资金将在获奖项目落地朝阳后分两年按每年 50% 比例拨付。













(3)Participation Benefits

1. Funding Support: Top projects may receive up to 1 million RMB in angel funding and other resources.

2. Computing Resources: Up to 80,000 RMB worth of computing resources and other resource.

3. Business Support: Links to government and top enterprise business scenarios, cross-industry cooperation plans, and invitations to industry forums and summits.

4. Other Support: Projects are given priority for residency in VZ collaborative innovation workspace and introduction of local talent introduction programs, with supporting policy provisions.

5. Direct Advancement: Winning projects in special competitions directly advance to the ITEC Global Finals. 

In addition to the exclusive rights of special competitions, the final winners of the ITEC Global Entrepreneurship Competition will receive:

1. Competition Rewards:

- Grand Prize: 1 project, 5 million RMB

- First Prize: 4 projects, each 3 million RMB

- Second Prize: 8 projects, each 2 million RMB

- Third Prize: 12 projects, each 1 million RMB

- Excellence Award: 30 projects, each 200,000 RMB

※For significant disruptive technologies and scarce strategic talents introduced to Chaoyang, innovation resources will be allocated as needed, providing comprehensive support in terms of talent, industry, capital, and space.



1. Award-winning projects must be independent legal entities, registered for business, tax, and statistical purposes in Chaoyang District, and must conduct actual business activities such as R&D and office operations within Chaoyang District.

2. Award-winning projects not yet registered in Chaoyang District are generally expected to establish a presence in Chaoyang within one year of winning. The award funds will be disbursed in two equal installments over two years, following the project's establishment in Chaoyang.

3. The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation.


2. Event Services

Space Support

- For the Grand Prize winners: Up to 500 square meters

- For First Prize winners: Up to 400 square meters

- For Second Prize winners: Up to 300 square meters

- For Third Prize winners: Up to 200 square meters

- For Excellence Award winners: Up to 100 square meters

The ITEC Innovation and Entrepreneurship workspace will provide space support services for the winning projects for three consecutive years at different tiered standards. Other workspaces will provide corresponding space support based on actual conditions.


Venture Capital Acceleration

Fully leveraging the leading role of state-owned capital, industrial investments will be made in winning projects with good development prospects, advantageous position in the industrial chain, and core competitiveness, through government-led funds such as the Beijing Chaoyang District Science and Technology Innovation Fund. Continuous participation in ITEC Venture Capital Salon series activities, including monthly one-on-one financing matchmaking, themed project roadshows, and industry seminars.


Talent Services

-The main founders of winning projects that meet the conditions for Third Prize and above can be included in the 'Phoenix Plan' high-level talent service system, enjoying the '1+8' high-level talent service guarantees.

- Eligible young founders of winning projects can be included in the Chaoyang District Youth Science and Technology Talent Reserve Pool, with priority recommendations to participate in various city and district evaluation activities.

-Participation in ITEC government-enterprise matchmaking meetings, international talent innovation salons, youth elite internship programs, and national condition study classes.


Ecosystem Empowerment

Connecting with the ITEC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workspace, Internet 3.0 Industry Base, and leading enterprises in Chaoyang District, the winning projects will enjoy services and guarantees in terms of industrial support, space incubation, and market matchmaking.


◆报名:即日起- 8月31日















(4)Event Schedule

Registration: Now–August 31

Register online through the official competition registration channel 

Preliminary Review: August and September

Online review where judges score the projects based on the submitted materials

Projects registered before August 1 will be reviewed in August, and projects registered on or after August 1 will be reviewed in September 

Semi-Finals: Late September

Online pitch presentations, with judges scoring based on the project materials and presentation performance to determine which projects advance to the field inspection stage 

Special Competitions: October

Offline pitch presentations, with judges scoring based on presentation performance; winning projects in special competitions will advance directly to the finals and may receive market orders and other cooperation resources 

Field Inspections: October

A combination of online and offline inspections for projects planned to enter the finals, determining the final projects for the global finals 

Global Finals: November

Offline pitch presentations for finalists, with judges scoring on-site to determine the final winners

Innovation Summit and Awards Ceremony: December

Offline summit to award the winning projects, showcasing outstanding projects, and facilitating government-enterprise matchmaking and venture capital connections









组委会李老师:183 1015 8875

组委会张老师:176 1046 0977 


(5) Registration Method

1. Register online on the 'Chaoyang International Talent Port' ITEC section.


Scan the QR code and open the webpage on a computer to complete the registration process.

Registration Deadline: August 31, 2024

Early registration is highly encouraged. Projects registered before August 1 will be prioritized for the preliminary review.

2. Registration Consultation: Add ITEC Secretary official WeChat for inquiries and updates.

Add ITEC Secretary on WeChat:

Scan the QR code to add the official ITEC Secretary on WeChat for inquiries and updates.

Consultation Phone Numbers:

Committee Member Ms. Li: 183 1015 8875

Committee Member Mr. Zhang: 176 1046 0977 

Consultation Email:

















Visionary Z Fund

Visionary Z Fund是一家具有全球视野的科创投融资服务机构,旨在打造“远见卓识的 Z 时代基金”。关注青年,布局全球,结合全球青年创投生态脉络引导海内外高质量项目和人才交互、助力发展。根植于中国产业结构升级战略需要,持续推动项目落地及成长,加速地方产业提质转型。通过全周期覆盖的孵化对接服务及自有基金投资等方式,循迹一带一路及跨太平洋、泛大西洋脉络,向境内外青年创业项目个人及团队提供完善的商业支持,力图成为陪伴创业公司和创新型中大企业的中外双边市场交互拓展的可靠伙伴,持续为前沿技术、商业、组织及个人提供有效解决方案。


Guiding Unit

CPC Beijing Chaoyang District Committee Talent Work Leadership Group 

Host Unit

Beijing Chaoyang District Talent Work Bureau 

Supporting Units

Beijing Chaoyang District Development and Reform Commission

Beijing Chaoyang District Commerce Bureau

Beijing Chaoyang District Data Bureau

Beijing Central Business District Management Committee

Zhongguancun Science Park Chaoyang Park Management Committee

Beijing Chaoyang District Science and Technology and Informatization Bureau

Beijing Chaoyang National Cultural Industry Innovation Experimental Zone Management Committee

Beijing Chaoyang District Science and Technology Association

Beijing Chaoyang District Investment Promotion Service Center

43 Party (Work) Committees of Streets and Towns in Beijing Chaoyang District 


Visionary Z Fund

Visionary Z Fund is a globally-oriented technology venture capital and financing service institution, aiming to create the 'Visionary Z Era Fund.' The fund focuses on youth and global layout, guiding high-quality projects and talent exchanges both domestically and internationally, and supporting development. Rooted in the needs of China's industrial upgrading strategy, Visionary Z Fund continuously promotes project implementation and growth, accelerating the qualitative transformation of local industries. 

Through comprehensive incubation and matching services as well as proprietary fund investments, Visionary Z Fund traces the Belt and Road Initiative and trans-Pacific and trans-Atlantic networks to provide comprehensive business support to youth entrepreneurship projects and teams worldwide. The fund aims to be a reliable partner for start-ups and innovative medium-to-large enterprises in their bilateral market expansion, consistently offering effective solutions for advanced technologies, businesses, organizations, and individuals.
