The Digital Intelligence Education INNOVATION COMPETITION

文摘   2024-07-03 22:50   北京  

In response to the new opportunities and challenges presented by the digital intelligence era to global higher education, Peking University has collaborated with nearly 30 universities worldwide to establish the Digital Intelligence International Development Education Alliance (DI-IDEA) (hereinafter, the “Alliance”). Pursuant to the arrangements made by the Alliance, we are pleased to announce the launch of the 1st Global Digital Intelligence Education Innovation Competition. This competition aims to enhance communication and collaboration among member universities of the Alliance and extend these interactions to include other universities worldwide. Through this competition, we seek to promote teaching and learning and explore new paradigms for the nurturing of innovative talent for the era of digital intelligence.

Organizational Structure

1.Guided by

Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

2.Sponsored by


3.Hosted by

Peking University’s Center for Excellent Teaching and Learning

Peking University’s School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Peking University’s Office of the Provost

Undergraduate College of Wuhan University

4.Co-sponsored by

Intel Corporation, DP Technology, and AI for Science Institute, Beijing

5.Supported by

GAC Aion New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd.LeadArt Biotechnologies Inc.

Competition Format

The competition is divided into an Innovation Track, a Sustainable Development and Cultural Preservation Track, and an Application Development Track.

For the Innovation Track, the Organizing Committee will provide real-world problems from various disciplines, including life sciences, material sciences, and aerospace information. Participating teams are tasked with devising solutions to these specific challenges. Competition groups will be divided by discipline for separate organization and review.

For the Sustainable Development and Cultural Preservation Track, several pressing issues will be presented in this field, and participating teams are expected to propose solutions to these challenges. Teams may also select their own topics within the fields of sustainable development or cultural preservation and submit solutions.

For the Application Development Track, participants will have the opportunity to unleash their creativity. We expect them to utilize new technologies and capabilities powered by artificial intelligence to create AI for Science applications that are innovative and practical under real-world research scenarios.

The competition received support from companies like Intel and DP Technology. Intel provided participants with development tools such as OpenVINO™, oneAPI, and IPEX-LLM, while DP Technology contributed the Bohrium platform for contestants in this event.

Guidance Committee

(Sorted by Name)

Eligibility for Participation

1. For the Innovation Track, participants must be full-time undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students at institutions of higher education. For the Sustainable Development and Cultural Preservation Track and Application Development Track, participants must be full-time undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students at institutions of higher education, or individuals who graduated from or left such institutions within the last three years (after January 1, 2021)And the status of students shall be determined based on the date of the official announcement of the contest.

2. Each participating team may have no more than ten members, with no more than five members from the same institution of higher education.Each individual may join only one project in the Innovation Track.

3. Each participating team may appoint one or two instructors,who must be formally employed faculty members from an Alliance member institution. If all members of a participating team are from institutions outside DI-IDEA, the team needs to contact and hire an instructor who is a faculty member from a DI-IDEA member institution.

4. After registration, no changes are permitted to the leaders, members, or instructors of the participating teams.

5. During the competition, if any submitted materials are found to be false, or if any participants are caught plagiarizing or violating others’ intellectual property, the participants involved will be disqualified.

6. Personnel involved in writing questions and accessing data in the organizer and technical support unit of the competition are prohibited from participating, including their close relatives.

Competition Schedule 

and Advancement Rules



The registration time is from June 27, 2024 (the registration deadline can be seen in the specific notice of each circuit)


Preliminary round

The preliminary round is scheduled from late June to early September 2024. Participants who meet the eligibility criteria set by the Organizing Committee will advance to this round. The results will be reviewed online



The semi-finals will be held from late August to mid-October 2024, with the review process conducted online. For each track, up to 15 submissions will be chosen to progress to the finals.



The finals will take place from late October to early November 2024, with the review process conducted both online and offline.


Award ceremony

The award ceremony is scheduled to take place at the Beijing Forum in early November, 2024.

The schedules vary across different tracks. Please refer to the specific track notifications for details.

Award Settings

For the three groups in the Innovation Track, submissions will be reviewed and awarded separately. The awards include: one gold medal with a prize of RMB 100,000; one to three silver medals, each with a prize of RMB 30,000; three to five bronze medals, each with a prize of RMB 10,000; and six to ten merit awards, each with a prize of RMB 2,000.

For the Sustainable Development and Cultural Preservation Track, the awards include: one gold medal with a prize of RMB 100,000; one to three silver medals, each with a prize of RMB 30,000; three to five bronze medals, each with a prize of RMB 10,000; and six to ten merit awards, each with a prize of RMB 2,000.

For the Application Development Track, the awards include: one to two gold medals, each with a prize of RMB 150,000; one to three silver medals, each with a prize of RMB 50,000; three to five bronze medals, each with a prize of RMB 10,000; and three to five special awards, each with a prize of RMB 5,000.

Registration Consult

Registration Website:

(Copy the page to open or click to read the original text)

Registration Consult: 

Kong Yinfei   Phone: 01062752509

General Consult:

Innovation Track - Life Sciences Group:

Innovation Track - Materials Sciences Group:

Innovation Track - Aerospace Information Group:

Sustainable Development and Cultural Preservation Track:

Application Development Track:
