东风破晓,医梦华夏 | 交大马来学子的医学梦

学术   2024-08-10 16:40   上海  






周轩平(CHEW SIEN PING)是临床医学2019级本科生,他作为来自马来西亚的一名留学生,致力于将中马两国的医学传统融合,未来也将致力于眼科医学,为他们找回那失落的世界。他曾获评百贤亚洲未来领袖奖学金生、上海交通大学国际宣传大使等称号。在学术上,他保持优越表现,名次在专业上名列前茅。在科研上,他在学有余力的情况下参与并负责了15项科研项目,在本科阶段已发表多篇论文和医疗专利。他也是官方民非——马来西亚国际医学协会的主席,管理11个国家分会,致力于培养未来卓越医者,他同时也在各个医学生团队如中国医学生联合会、亚洲医学生联合会等担任领导一职。他参与了多项赛事,其中在国际急救大赛上荣获国际冠军,同时也参与了中国国际大学生创新大赛国赛,响应乡村振兴工作并作为首支交大团队在红旅赛道荣获国金,成果获得了各界专业认可。未来,他也将坚守初心,不忘使命,共同创造一个更加美好的医学未来


Nationality: Malaysia

School: School of Medicine

Major&grade: Clinical Medicine 2019 undergraduate


Chew Sien Ping, a Malaysian international student studying clinical medicine, is passionate about integrating the medical traditions of China and Malaysia. He has excelled academically, achieved leadership roles in various medical student organizations, and made significant contributions to research with multiple publications and patents. Additionally, he has demonstrated his skills by winning prestigious competitions such as the International First Aid Competition and the China International Student Innovation Competition. In the future, he plans to specialize in ophthalmology while continuing his mission of creating a brighter medical future through dedication and hard work.



Growing up in Malaysia's diverse cultural environment, Zhou has been fascinated by the world since childhood. The fields of medicine and Chinese culture have always held a strong allure for him. To pursue this dream, he chose Shanghai, a city where ancient traditions and modernity coexist. Upon arriving in Shanghai, every corner of the city painted a vibrant picture. The sea breeze felt like a gentle caress on his cheek; the dazzling lights of Pudong illuminated his nights in this foreign land like stars in the sky. The ancient alleyways within the bustling city seemed to whisper the stories of Shanghai through every stone slab and corner. This is not just an academic journey but also a cultural adventure for him. He is eager to integrate the medical knowledge from China and Malaysia into a powerful force here, making a humble contribution to advancing healthcare in both countries and beyond.


大学时光,既是知识的海洋,也是实践的战场。周同学与团队伙伴在“互联网+大学生创新创业大赛”中并肩作战,他们的项目在众多的参赛项目中脱颖而出,最终,上海交通大学医学院首次在这个赛道上崭露头角。然而,他的创新之路并未止步。受到这次比赛的鼓舞,他决心创立“智眼医学 IntelVision”。这不仅是一个项目,更是一个希望通过科技为眼科医学领域带来革命性变革的梦想。团队集结了多方的智慧和力量,致力于为眼科医学创新研究,希望未来能为更多的人带来光明,照亮他们的人生。

College time is not only an ocean of knowledge, but also a battlefield of practice. Zhou and his team partners fought side by side in the "Internet + College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition", and their project stood out among many entries, and finally, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine made its debut on this track. However, his road to innovation did not stop. Inspired by the competition, he decided to create "IntelVision". This is not just a project, but a dream to revolutionize the field of ophthalmology through technology. The team gathers the wisdom and strength of many parties, and is committed to innovative research in ophthalmology, hoping to bring light to more people in the future and illuminate their lives.

互联网+ 市赛金奖


On the academic road, he kept exploring and was also guided by countless predecessors. Under the guidance of her mentor, Academician Li Lanjuan, Zhou was able to deeply participate in the research of the COVID-19 project in Southeast Asia. He also had the honor to contact with Mr. Chen Erzhen, vice president of Ruijin Hospital, and deeply studied the treatment mechanism of severe pancreatitis. In order to better promote the progress of medicine, he also participated in the construction of medical education evaluation system, and the project was also approved by the Shanghai Municipal project.




Eyes, known as the window of the soul. As a medical student, Zhou knows the importance of ophthalmology, which is not only to treat diseases, but also to bring back the lost light for people.
From a young age, he developed a keen interest in ophthalmology: “Whenever I see those who have lost their light because of eye disease, my heart is full of sympathy and desire: hope that one day, I can become an eye doctor, bring hope to them, and find the lost world for them.” In order to realize this dream, he studied hard and kept researching, hoping to master more medical knowledge and skills. During his study abroad career, he was exposed to many international ophthalmology studies, which not only enhanced his academic background, but also made him realize the differences and advantages of Chinese and foreign medicine in the field of ophthalmology. He worked with Academician Fan Xianqun's team to build the International Eye Health Alliance. Together, they discuss cutting-edge issues in the field of ophthalmology, share the latest research results, and contribute wisdom and strength to the progress of ophthalmology. The cooperation not only deepened Zhou's understanding of ophthalmology, but also enhanced his influence in the international field of eye health.



Zhou believes that only by combining Chinese and foreign medical knowledge and technology can we make greater contributions to eye health. In the future, he hopes to become an outstanding ophthalmologist, and through his own efforts, build a bridge for the exchange and cooperation of ophthalmology medicine between China and foreign countries, and contribute to the global eye health.


 周轩平作为马来西亚国际医学协会(MMI),一个马来西亚的官方民非 (NGO)的主席,管理 11 个国家分会,同时作为创始人创立了其中国分会(MMI China)。这个协会的使命是连接、教育和培养未来的优秀医者,为中马两国的医学教育事业做出贡献。他一直关注教育领域,在中国也深入了解中国的医学教育体系,意识到,留学生医学教育体系仍需改善,需要更多的国际化和跨学科的元素。他获得了市级大创项目的支持,希望能够为留学生提供更好的医学教育。

The Malaysian International Medical Association (MMI) is an official non-governmental organization (NGO) in Malaysia dedicated to connecting and nurturing outstanding medical practitioners. Zhou is the president of the association and the founder of MMI China, and he manages 11 national chapters. He has been paying attention to the field of education, and has a deep understanding of China's medical education system in China, realizing that the medical education system for international students still needs to be improved and needs more international and interdisciplinary elements. He has received support from the municipal Dachuang Project, hoping to provide better medical education for international students.
In addition, he has also been funded by the Shanghai Education Promotion Fund project to carry out research on the training system of health science popularization talents. Through this project, he hopes to train more health science talents for the society and raise public health awareness.



As a Malaysian student, Chew Sien Ping came to China and formed a deep love relationship with Chinese culture and medicine. Here, he is not only an international student, but also a medical explorer, an international collaborator in the field of eye health, an interdisciplinary researcher, and a practitioner of the spirit of medicine. The road to medicine is long and full of challenges, but it is these challenges that make him more determined to move forward. He will combine the medical essence of China and Malaysia and contribute his meager strength to the health cause of the two countries and even the whole mankind. In the journey of medicine, he will keep dreaming , sticking to the original heart, without forgetting the mission to create a better future.

来源 | 留学生服务中心

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