预告 | APRU可持续城市的生物多样性系列研讨会第3期

学术   2024-10-13 10:22   上海  

人类对环境的影响正以前所未有的速度导致生物多样性的退化,特别是大量人口聚居的城市区域,面临着抵御生物多样性丧失的巨大挑战。如何将人类发展与生物多样性保护相结合是可持续发展需要解决的关键问题。聚焦这一全球共同面临的挑战,环太平洋大学联盟(Association of Pacific Rim Universities,简称APRU)的生物多样性项目(APRU Biodiversity Program)、可持续城市与景观项目(APRU Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Program),将与香港中文大学、上海交通大学、悉尼大学联合举办系列研讨会,邀请从事科研、实践、教育的专家,与对此议题感兴趣的师生及其他各界人士,分享基于生态系统保护实现城市可持续发展的洞见。






上午 9:30–11:00(中国时间)







Yekang Ko 


APRU 可持续城市与景观项目主任


Gail Langellotto



Gail Langellotto是美国俄勒冈州立大学(OSU)园艺学教授,同时也是俄勒冈州立大学花园生态实验室的负责人。她与学生一起研究园林土壤、微生物、昆虫和植物,推动可持续园林设计和管理方法。她的跨学科研究横跨昆虫学、园艺学、城市生态学、保护生物学和社会科学等领域,并与园艺师、景观师、设计师和苗圃植物生产商密切合作。在加入 OSU 之前,她是纽约市福特汉姆大学的助理教授,并在加州大学戴维斯分校完成了博士后助理研究。她持有马里兰大学生物学学士、昆虫学硕士和博士学位。

Sohyun Park



Sohyun Park 博士是康涅狄格大学植物科学与风景园林系副教授。在加入康涅狄格大学之前,她曾在德克萨斯理工大学风景园林系工作。她还在公共和私营部门担任过研究主任和研究员。Park博士在亚利桑那州立大学获得环境设计与规划博士学位,在韩国获得风景园林硕士学位和生物学学士学位。同时,她还是 SITES 认证的专业人员。Park 博士的学术研究聚焦自然和人类系统之间错综复杂的相互作用,尤其关注生态系统和社区的可持续性和健康。她的研究旨在增进人们对城市形态、功能和变化如何影响生态系统服务,以及他们与人类健康的互动关系。目前研究的一项核心内容是批判性地审视生物多样性促进设计,探索在多尺度应对持续性的生物多样性危机的设计策略。

Jennifer Rae Pierce



Jennifer Rae Pierce是一位政治生态学家、城市规划师和城市生物多样性政策专家,拥有 18 年的城市与自然研究经验。她是城市生物多样性枢纽 (UBHub) 的共同创始人,该枢纽拥有全球最大的城市生物多样性活动数据库,发表有关地方实践和生物多样性全球目标的研究报告,以及为地方政府追踪相关指标及发展提供支持。她提供地方性管理工具和报告,包括为环境倡议理事会(ICLEI)提供生物多样性和生态系统服务核心工具包、为世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)提供城市自然指数,以及为城市的自然(Cities for Nature) 提供科学性的发展目标。她发表的研究包括对全球数百个城市的比较研究,以及对一些在泰国、印度、日本、新加坡、以色列、加拿大、美国、巴西和南非等地城市的深度解读。她拥有康奈尔大学城市规划学硕士学位和欧洲中央大学环境科学与政策学硕士学位。目前,她正在攻读加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的博士学位,研究方向为城市生物多样性的世界观与公平性。


 Biodiversity for Sustainable Cities

 Webinar Series 2024 

Human impact on the environment is now causing the crisis of biodiversity loss at unprecedented rates, especially for places like cities, which are the most populated settlements in the world and face great challenges in resisting biodiversity loss. How to allow human development and biodiversity conservation to work together for sustainable development is a key issue that needs to be resolved. In light of addressing this global challenge, the APRU Biodiversity Program and Sustainable Cities & Landscapes Program are jointly organizing a webinar series in partnership with The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and The University of Sydney for researchers, practitioners, educators, students, and other stakeholders to share insights into ecosystem protection for urban sustainability.

 Webinar 3 


9:30am – 11:00am

October 16, Wednesday (UTC+8)

Zoom Meeting Registration


The zoom meeting information will be sent to all registrants by host university

Cooperative Journal

Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal


Yekang Ko 

Associate Professor / School of Architecture & Environment / University of Oregon

Director of APRU SCL Program


Gail Langellotto

Professor of Horticulture / Department of Plant Science / Oregon State University

Cultivating Biodiversity in Small Spaces: Plants, People, and Practices 

Gail Langellotto is a Professor of Horticulture at Oregon State University (OSU), where she also leads the OSU Garden Ecology Lab. Together with her students, she studies garden soils, microbes, insects, and plants, to promote sustainable garden designs and management practices. Her interdisciplinary research spans the fields of entomology, horticulture, urban ecology, conservation biology, and social science, and is conducted in close collaboration with gardeners, landscapers, designers, and nursery plant producers. Prior to joining OSU, she was an Assistant Professor at Fordham University in New York City, and completed a post-doctoral research assistantship at the University of California, Davis. She holds a B.S. in biology, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in entomology, all from the University of Maryland.

Sohyun Park

Associate Professor / Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture / University of Connecticut

Biodiversity-Positive Design: Empirical Evidence and Case Studies 

Dr. Sohyun Park is an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Connecticut (UConn). Before joining UConn, she worked in the Department of Landscape Architecture at Texas Tech University. She also held positions as a Research Director and Research Fellow in the public and private sectors. Dr. Park earned her Ph.D. degree in Environmental Design and Planning from Arizona State University, a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture, and a B.S. in Biology from Korea. She is also a certified SITES Accredited Professional. Dr. Park’s scholarly pursuits revolve around the intricate interplay between natural and human systems, with a particular focus on sustainability and the health of ecosystems and communities. Her research aims to advance understanding of how urban morphology, functions, and changes influence ecosystem services and their interactions with human well-being. A central aspect of her current research critically examines biodiversity-positive design, seeking design solutions to address the ongoing biodiversity crisis at various scales.

Jennifer Rae Pierce

Co-founder and COO / Urban Biodiversity Hub

Urban Biodiversity Strategies, Frameworks and Indicators: A Review 

Jennifer Rae Pierce is a political ecologist, urban planner, and urban biodiversity policy specialist with 18 years of experience with cities and nature. She is the co-founder of Urban Biodiversity Hub (UBHub) which hosts the largest global database on urban biodiversity activities, publishes research on local practices and global targets for biodiversity, and supports related indicator tracking and development for local governments. She has prepared local government tools and reports including a biodiversity and ecosystem services mainstreaming toolkit for ICLEI, the Urban Nature Indexes for IUCN, and the Science-Based Targets for Cities for Nature. Her published research includes global comparative work across hundreds of cities as well as more in-depth explorations of cities in Thailand, India, Japan, Singapore, Israel, Canada, the USA, Brazil, and South Africa. She holds a master’s degree in urban planning from Cornell University and in environmental science and policy from Central European University. She is now earning her PhD from UBC on urban biodiversity worldviews and justice.

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