Professor fired after PhD student exposes him as sexual predator

企业   2024-07-24 08:40   菲律宾  

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Renmin University of China has dismissed Professor Wang Guiyuan, 65, following allegations of sexual harassment made public by his PhD student, Wang Di. The incident has sparked significant attention and led to a police investigation.

On July 21, Wang Di posted a one-hour video online, holding her ID card and presenting evidence, including voice recordings, to substantiate her claims. She accused Professor Wang, a member of the School of Liberal Arts, of sexually harassing her and threatening to block her graduation after she rejected his advances.

Wang Di also revealed that Professor Wang forced her to work 18 hours a day on his personal chores, leaving her no time to work on her dissertation, which was due in December. When she pleaded for her graduation, Wang Guiyuan reportedly responded dismissively, suggesting her graduation was a “joke” and questioning her loyalty as a student.

The harassment, Wang Di stated, began in May 2022 when Wang Guiyuan invited her to his office under the pretext of discussing academic matters. Once there, he made inappropriate advances, including taking off his shirt, asking to kiss and touch her, and demanding sex. Despite knowing she had a medical condition affecting her lips, he insisted on kissing her and even groped her breast. He also suggested a “father and daughter” relationship to manipulate her and hinted at being her “sugar daddy.”

Wang Di recorded these interactions, where she consistently refused his advances while trying to remain polite. She said these manipulative and coercive behaviors persisted for two years, all stemming from her refusal to comply with his sexual demands.

Renmin University responded swiftly to Wang Di’s video, confirming her allegations within 24 hours. On July 22, the university announced Professor Wang’s dismissal, revoking his professor title and his qualification to tutor graduate students. The university pledged to forward all relevant information and materials to the appropriate authorities.

Later that day, Beijing police began an investigation into the case. According to China’s Criminal Law, molesting a woman by violence or coercion can result in a prison sentence of up to five years.

The case has garnered widespread attention on Chinese social media, with netizens expressing their outrage and support for Wang Di. One user commented, “This kind of behavior is disgusting and should be severely punished. Professors should be role models, not predators.” Another wrote, “Wang Di is very brave to come forward and expose this. We need more people like her to speak up against such injustices.”

Some netizens also called for stricter regulations and oversight within academic institutions. “Universities must establish better mechanisms to protect students and ensure they have a safe environment to study,” one user suggested. Another added, “This incident shows the importance of having independent bodies to handle complaints and protect students from retaliation.”

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