WHY专栏|The ‘WHY’ series 从“WHY”开始学马术(序)

体娱   2025-01-18 18:19   北京  


The ‘WHY’ series

Jeremy Michaels (FBHS)

I do a lot of coaching - children, adults, career students, competitors, beginners to advanced level - all different types and standards of riders.


I teach riding - primarily, jumping and dressage, I teach lungeing, stable management and I train coaches. As you can see I teach a wide variety of standards and topics!


When I started riding at the tender of age 12 years, I was taught by someone who told me what I should do, for example hold the reins between your third and little finger, close your fingers round the reins. Of course I obeyed the coach and did what I was told and of course never questioned why I had to it that way.   


I am sure you have also been told by your coach or someone ‘knowledgeable’ who works with horses, ‘You must do it this way’, but with no explanation as to WHY you should do it?

我相信你也有过类似的经历:你的教练或 “资深且博学”的行家里手告诉你“必须这样做”,却没有解释原因。

In subsequent articles, I will be exploring and discussing WHY it is important to do certain things with and around horses and ponies.


Some coaches are very good at explaining why you should do something where others merely tell you that you must do it without any explanation. Most of us will comply with the command to do something without question but few of us will ask WHY?


Personally, if someone explains WHY I should or shouldn’t be doing something and it makes sense, it stays in my mind, so that in the future because I understand the reasoning behind the request I will do it because I know WHY I’m doing it.


EDUCATION is critical, so the more we understand the reasons WHY we need to do something the more LOGICAL it is and the better we UNDERSTAND.



Jeremy Michaels

  • 英国马会BHS院士级教官

  • 英国马会BHS考试总考官

  • 天星调良马术 马术培训总监&马房总监

  • 教育学硕士

  • 曾任英国马会BHS教育总监

  • 曾任哈特伯瑞大学马业总监和高等学历教育资深讲师



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