亲爱的朋友们你们好! 我是中阿卫视主持人阿思玛,来自遥远的阿拉伯。2025乙巳蛇年,将迎来第一个“世界非遗”版春节,阿思玛在北京朝阳提前祝大家新年快乐!我现在所在的位置是北京温榆河公园,这里正举办一场盛大的灯会。
Hello everyone! I’m Asma, a host of the China Arab TV from the faraway Arab world. In 2025, the Year of the Snake, we are going to celebrate the first Chinese New Year featuring World Intangible Cultural Heritage. Here and now, Asma wishes everyone a Happy New Year in advance from Chaoyang District, Beijing! I am now in Beijing's Wenyuhe Park, where a grand lantern festival, the 2025 Beijing Megalights Wonderland, is being held.
要知道,在我们阿拉伯的文化中,也有着各种热闹的节日,但像眼前这样具有浓厚东方文化的灯光美景,我还是头一次见。 跟上我,来一场时空穿越之旅吧!
You know, in the Arab culture, there are also a variety of boisterous festivals. But I have never seen a light show like this, which is one with a strong oriental flavor. So, please follow me and let’s have a journey through time and space!
Lanterns are an important symbol of the Chinese New Year. They are believed to be able to bring good luck and signal a “prosperous and vibrant” year to come. To make a good start for the new year.
This is my favorite lantern group in this lantern festival, because I like Li Bai very much. As a historical figure, he is both legendary and romantic.
In this super-large 40-hectare space, there are a thousand groups of Zigong-branded, colored lanterns. They are all made by over 600 lantern masters with the techniques that have been passed down from thousands of years ago and now protected as intangible cultural heritage.
Well, we can’t feast our eyes on an empty stomach. So, let's go and get something to eat!
These traditional shows seem to have transported me back to the prosperous ancient China, but the popular and engaging Lion Dance and acrobatics that gives people a modern and technological feel,pull me back to the modern day!
The 2025 Beijing Megalights Wonderland is really a cultural feast not to be missed. It not only gives me a good taste of the charm of the Oriental culture and the flavor of the “lunar New Year” in Beijing. I’m sure you will love this place and love the traditional Chinese culture like I do!