大家好,我是朗读者王辰帆,来自江西省景德镇第一小学。我正在参加《学英语》报组织的“小小朗读者”活动,我为大家朗读的内容是“Wake up! Spring is here!”。
Wake up!
Spring is here!
As the spring comes, the weather warms up. The rain falls and the thunder roars. The world comes back to life. Chinese people call this time of the year jingzhe , or Awakening of Insects. This year, it falls on March 5th.
As the Chinese saying goes, “The whole year’s work depends on a good start in spring. ”Everyone seems to be ready for the year’s work. How about you?
内容来源:《学英语》报小学版 | 编辑:尤佳莉