韩国学生KIM BYEONGGUK(中文名:金秉国)认为参加这次暑期学校让自己收获了在课堂学习中无法替代的宝贵经验:“Attending this summer school was an unforgettable and enriching learning experience. During this time, I not only deepened my understanding of cellular metabolism and fate determination mechanisms, but also broadened my academic horizons and developed a strong interest in scientific research. Through interactions with experts and scholars from around the world, I gained many innovative research ideas and recognized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific research. This is an invaluable experience that cannot be replaced by classroom learning.”
临床医学八年制学生张瑶认为:“Not only did I make new friends and broaden my horizons, but I also saw the people who have spent years devoted to research and pursuing their passion for science. What really touched me was seeing the shining faces of people who have spent years on research, who are dedicated to making their mark in scientific research, who probably read tons of books and papers, who have learned a lot from their mistakes, but who are so confident and happy when they stand up to talk about their scientific research journey.”