会员动态 | 应对极端天气,中建南洋开启“工地安全保卫战”

文摘   2024-10-16 13:38   新加坡  

    与其他国家一样,新加坡正逐渐受到气候变化的影响。为了更好地应对日益频繁的极端天气事件,新加坡劳工部(MOM)和工作场所安全与健康委员会(WSH Council)正制定指导原则。中建南洋公司在项目实施了一系列应急措施,以应对强风、极端降雨和洪水、高温以及极端雷电等恶劣天气。这些措施确保我们始终能及早检测、及时沟通并采取有效行动,最大限度地降低天气带来的风险。近日,中建南洋康宁山综合体项目受邀,针对项目预防恶劣天气的优秀做法接受CNA采访。






Like many countries in the region, Singapore is increasingly affected by climate change, which poses various challenges to construction operations. In response, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and the Workplace Safety and Health Council (WSH Council) are preparing comprehensive guidelines to help manage adverse weather conditions. CCDC has implemented various measures on our construction sites to ensure safety during adverse conditions such as strong winds, extreme rainfall, floods, heat stress, and lightning. Our approach emphasizes early detection, timely communication, and effective actions, all of which are essential to mitigating risks and protecting our workforce. Canning Hill project was invited to be interviewed by CNA regarding its excellent practices for preventing adverse weather.

To address the risks associated with strong winds, we utilize several detection methods, such as subscribing to alerts from NEA's myENV app and installing anemometers on our tower cranes to monitor real-time wind speeds. we use handheld devices to check wind speeds in specific localized areas. We brief workers on how to secure materials properly, especially at exposed edges, and once strong winds are detected, we promptly inform the team through our WhatsApp groups, reminding them of the necessary precautions. On-site, we have implemented full netting around the building perimeter to reduce wind intensity and prevent falling objects. We also prioritize using aluminum formwork over plywood, minimizing potential flying debris. During high winds, all lifting activities and external wall work are halted until conditions improve. Once the wind subsides, we conduct thorough inspections of all temporary structures to ensure they remain secure and pose no hazard to our workforce or the public.

In preparation for extreme rainfall and potential flooding, our team closely monitors weather forecasts and receives heavy rain and flash flood alerts through the NEA’s myENV app. We mark water levels in designated holding areas to monitor any rising water accurately and have 24-hour duty personnel on-site to respond to emergencies. Workers are trained to recognize flood-related hazards and follow required safety measures. When heavy rain is detected, we quickly notify everyone via WhatsApp, allowing for immediate response. To manage water accumulation, we have created multiple water-holding areas equipped with pest control to prevent mosquito breeding. Large pumps are available to transfer water from these holding areas to treatment facilities, where it is treated before discharge. Additionally, robust retaining structures are in place, with installed monitoring instruments to assess ground stability, and we conduct visual inspections before and after any heavy rainfall.

Heat stress poses a significant risk, particularly during Singapore’s warmer periods. We manage this by regularly checking the weather forecast and subscribing to high-temperature alerts. Handheld WBGT meters are used on-site to monitor temperature levels frequently. We also provide briefings to workers on the symptoms of heat illness and the importance of hydration. New workers are gradually acclimated to local conditions by assigning them lighter tasks in shaded areas, and we ensure that sufficient shaded rest areas, water coolers, and fans are available across the site. To further support worker health, we conduct regular hydration reminders and have set up an air-conditioned recovery room for anyone displaying signs of heat stress or feeling unwell. For additional cooling, we deploy powerful misting machines to reduce the ambient temperature in work areas.

Lastly, to safeguard our teams from lightning, we subscribe to alerts from the NEA and use handheld lightning detectors to monitor conditions closely. Workers receive training on lightning safety protocols, and once a lightning alert is received, we quickly notify everyone via our WhatsApp groups. In the event of lightning, all outdoor activities are immediately suspended until it is safe to resume. We also provide multiple safe shelters on-site, allowing workers to take refuge during any suspension of outdoor operations due to lightning risks.

Safety is not just a priority for our company, it is acore value for us and we expect the same from our partners. By implementing these comprehensive safety measures, CCDC demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of our workforce, ensuring that our construction sites are prepared for a range of adverse weather conditions. Through early detection, clear communication, and effective actions, we strive to create a safer work environment, underscoring our dedication to responsible and sustainable construction practices in Singapore.

责编:孙   瑶





中建南洋公司是全球最大的投资建设集团中国建筑设立在新加坡的全资子公司,也是由中建股份直接管理的四大海外机构之一。中建南洋公司1992年成立于新加坡,现已成长为当地领军企业。中建南洋公司已实现业务类型的多元化, 涵盖房建领域、基础设施、房地产开发以及机电安装。中建南洋涉足区域市场,在马来西亚品牌形象也初具规模。

中建南洋为新加坡政府及企业打造了一系列优质工程,累计承建项目个数229个, 先后建设教育学府18所,为新加坡打造优质教育基地。承建“居者有其屋”计划的政府组屋单位48,234套,精品私人公寓34,692套。在新加坡,每二十套住宅,便有一套由中建南洋打造。建设医疗中心4个,参与建设轨道交通地铁站12个,各类高档酒店、商业中心和公共项目18个,以及其他各类型项目34个。相伴衣食住行。





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