
旅行   2024-09-14 18:00   广东  


At the beginning of the new semester,In order to fully implement the strategy of the famous school and improve the quality of the classroom, according to the deployment of the principal of Rongtong High School Lu Jiajie, a journey to explore the teaching concept quietly opened in the training room of Rongtong High School. During the training night, the teachers will discuss the five aspects of teaching together - the introduction of magic exhibition, aiming to maximize the effect of each lesson.

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At the beginning of the training, the presenter, Director Zhang Falin, broke the silence of the scene with a light-hearted and humorous opening statement, and then guided everyone to warm-up activities to understand each other. Everyone laughed again and again, and the atmosphere was instantly active. At this time, Director Zhang Falin proposed how to make a good lesson of five links - guidance, thinking, discussion, exhibition, evaluation, aroused the curiosity of every teacher.

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Next, the teachers were divided into five groups, sitting around a round table, representing the main elements of each lesson: introduction - thinking - discussion - presentation - evaluation. The table is strewn with markers, post-it notes and instructional design templates, ready to begin the highlight of the day - group brainstorming. As Director Zhang announced the topic, the groups quickly got into the mode, some bowed their heads in contemplation, some discussed enthusiastically, and some began to sketch on paper. 

Each teacher has their own unique understanding of the five links, and at this moment, the air is filled with sparks of thought, and every idea is carefully listened to and recorded. The reflection and discussion of teaching have been vividly reflected at this moment.

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After a heated discussion and creation, representatives from each group took turns taking the stage to showcase their teaching design plans. Some plans introduce new lessons with vivid stories, while others cleverly set up problem chains to guide students to think deeply; Some emphasize the importance of group collaboration, while others focus on personalized presentations from students. 

During the various stages of the "bus stop" exhibition, the representative teachers vividly demonstrated the teaching process with infectious language. The teachers listened attentively, sometimes nodding in agreement, sometimes raising questions, and the on-site interaction was frequent, creating a lively atmosphere.

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At the end of the show, warm applause and praise one after another. Teachers learn from each other, inspire each other, and create more teaching sparks in the communication. This demonstration stage is a practical interpretation of "how to make a good lesson", at the same time, the teaching "guide miraculous exhibition and evaluation" link deeply into the hearts of every teacher. We look forward to every excellent class in the future; We are making progress to protect the students' academic career.

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碧桂园十里银滩学校是碧桂园教育集团大湾区教育共同体建设下的一所从小学到高中阶段、12 年一贯制的全寄宿双语学校,将用优质的课程与服务为全球输送具有“家国情怀,国际视野”的未来社会精英。