
文化   教育   2024-02-07 12:01   广东  

一个美丽的 18 岁中国女孩的特写镜头,穿着白色的中式连衣裙,长发,抬头,走在夏天的芦苇丛中,绿色的灯光和夏天的氛围。胶片颗粒:2.人像拍摄。川内恋子的摄影风格:2.无反光,细节丰富,阳光,光线,120mm焦距,ISO400:1,胶片颗粒3,角度,自然光,明亮,柔和,简约,主题清晰,4K,产品拍摄,细节逼真,完美的照片 -- v 5.1 --ar 3:4 --s 750

Close-up of a beautiful 18 year old Chinese girl in a white Chinese dress, long hair, looking up, walking in the summer reed, with green light and a summer atmosphere. Film particles: 2. Portrait shooting. Kawauchi Renko's photography style: 2. No reflection, rich details, sunlight, light, 120mm focal length, ISO400:1, film particles 3, angle, natural light, bright, soft, minimalist, clear theme, 4K, Product shooting, realistic details, perfect photos --v 5.1 --ar 3:4 --s 750

正面是杰克·罗素 (Jack Russel) 的肖像,头部为黑色,带有一些棕色污渍,身体为白色,体现了 20 世纪 60 年代中期太空时代时尚的精髓,灵感源自 Paco Rabanne、Pierre Cardin 和 André Courrèges 的作品。背景是深、中性的蓝色,形成鲜明的对比,突出主题。他身着未来派高领服装,体现了那个时代的创新和大胆精神。他的妆容是 60 年代美容潮流的象征,锐利的翼形眼线和浓密的睫毛勾勒出她的眼睛,而他的嘴唇则涂上浓郁的荧光橙色色调,营造出充满活力的个性。他的头上戴着一顶时尚的几何帽子,与她的服装相得益彰,散发出太空时代的魅力。在他的眼睛上,她戴着一副造型独特、现代主义的太阳镜,符合时代的潮流设计。从帽子到太阳镜,他着装的每一个细节都经过精心挑选,与太空时代的氛围产生共鸣,创造出和谐而引人注目的肖像,向 1960 年代的创新时尚 --style raw-chaos 15- 致敬-ar 3:4--v 6--风格化 261

 In front view, portrait of a jack russel with black head with some brown stains and white body channeling the quintessential 1960s mid-century space-age fashion, inspired by the works of Paco Rabanne, Pierre Cardin, and André Courrèges. The backdrop is a deep, neutral blue, setting a stark contrast that accentuates the subject. He's adorned in a futuristic, high-collared garment that mirrors the innovative and bold spirit of the era. His makeup is emblematic of the '60s beauty trends, with sharp, winged eyeliner and voluminous lashes framing her eyes, while his lips are painted in an intense, fluorescent orange shade, making a vibrant statement. His head is graced with a sleek, geometric hat that complements her outfit, exuding the space-age appeal. On his eyes, she sports a pair of statement sunglasses with a unique, modernist shape, in line with the era's trendsetting designs. Every aspect of his attire, from the hat to the sunglasses, is carefully selected to resonate with the space-age vibe, creating a harmonious and striking portrait that pays homage to the innovative fashion of the 1960s --chaos 15 --ar 3:4 --v 6 --stylize 261 

一位身穿水晶的日本少女在五颜六色的花朵前摆出闪闪发光的蜻蜓翅膀,风格为蒂姆·沃克、彩虹色、闪亮的闪光、仙女核、安吉拉·巴雷特、由昆虫制成、图画风格原始-ar 4:5--v 6

 a Japanese girl in crystals posing with glittery dragonfly wings in front of colorful flowers, in the style of tim walker,  iridescent color, shiny glitter, fairycore, angela barrett, made of insects, pictorial--style raw--ar 4:5--v 6 

以莫德·刘易斯 (Maud Lewis) 迷人、简约的风格描绘一条中国龙,配上非常可爱的中国龙头特写。艺术品应该使用抽象、简单的线条,让人想起毕加索的插图。强调多颜色方案与白色背景下的高级颜色匹配。确保图像具有俏皮而又艺术的感觉,将不同的风格和谐地融合在一起。--chaos 20 --ar 9:16 --风格原始 --stylize 250 --v 6

Illustrate a white Chinese dragon in the charming, simplistic style of Maud Lewis, coupled with a very cute, close-up head of a Chinese dragon. The artwork should use abstract, simple lines reminiscent of Picasso's illustrations. Emphasize multi-color schemes with advanced color matching against a white background. Ensure the image has a playful yet artistic feel, blending the distinct styles harmoniously. --chaos 20 --ar 9:16 --style raw --stylize 250 --v 6

传统卷轴画风格,浅橙色,中国画展示了绚丽的风景,高度详细的中国紫禁城风格,浅翡翠和红色,等距,传统街道场景,高分辨率豪华,精致的表面,材质丝绸,--ar 19:6

in the style of traditional scroll painting, light orange,a chinese painting shows a flowery landscape, in the style of highly detailed Forbidden City of China, light emerald and red, isometric, traditional street scenes,high resolution luxurious, refined surface, material of silk, --ar 19:6

一幅描绘色彩缤纷的亚洲传统风景的绘画,红色和青铜风格,大型壁画,单色现实主义,明亮的绘画,迷人的插图,精确的艺术,历史复制品 -撒迦利亚书 --ar 9:16 --风格化 50 --iw 2 --v 6

A painting depicting a colorful traditional Asian landscape, In the style of red and bronze, Large-scale mural, Monochrome realism, Bright painting, Fascinating illustrations, The art of precision, Historical Replica - Zechariah --ar 9:16 --stylize 50 --iw 2 --v 6

一个韩国酷女人的插图。粉色酷发短发,酷炫姿势,华丽模式图案时尚,浅蓝色背景,强烈饱和度,韩国风格,黄金时代插画,绘画,高度详细,亚洲风格 --ar 4:5 --v 6

Illustration of a cool Korean woman. Short pink cool hair, cool pose, flashy mode patterned fashion, light blue background, intense saturation, Korean style, golden age illustration, painterly, highly detailed, Asian style --ar 4:5 --v 6

一名穿着汉服的男子站在流动山水风格的红色人造结构旁边,宋代工笔山水画,以cinema4d渲染,有机流动形式,日本枯山水设计,浅绿色和白色,日本花园盆景 --ar 3:4

A man in Hanfu stands next to a red man-made structure in flowing landscapestyle, Song Dynasty Gongbi landscape painting, rendered in cinema4d, organicflowing form, Japanese dry landscape design, light green and white, Japanese garden bonsai --ar 3:4



