Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Marie-Pascale Boisson is Ambassador of the Principality of Monaco to the People's Republic of China. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.编者按:“决策者”是一个全球平台,供决策者分享他们对当今世界重大事件的见解。本文作者是摩纳哥驻华大使马思颂(Marie-Pascale Boisson)。文章仅代表作者观点,而非本台观点。
The year 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People's Republic of China and the Principality of Monaco. This commemoration gives us the opportunity to recall the links forged between our two countries since January 16, 1995.2025年,中华人民共和国与摩纳哥公国迎来建交三十周年。这是一个回顾历史、展望未来的良机,让我们一同重温自1995年1月16日建交以来,两国之间建立的深厚友谊与达成的合作成果。Despite our major differences, starting with the size of our territories, Monaco being the second smallest state in Europe, the geographical distance that separates us, and the strong socio-cultural differences inherited from our history, our two countries have been able to create a constructive and dynamic dialogue based on a relationship of trust and mutual respect in areas of shared interest.尽管两国领土面积相差悬殊(摩纳哥是欧洲第二小的国家)、地理位置上相隔万里,且因历史渊源形成了迥然不同的社会文化,但这些差异并未成为两国交流的阻碍。三十年来,中摩两国始终以互信互敬为基石,在共同关心的领域开展了建设性、富有成效的对话。The most significant diplomatic event in recent years was undoubtedly the state visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2019, the first-ever visit by a head of state of the People's Republic of China to the Principality, which has remained in the memory of the people of Monaco as an exceptional moment. This visit followed that of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco to China in 2018, after a first state visit in 2007.回望近年的重要外交时刻,2019年习近平主席对摩纳哥的国事访问最为令人瞩目。这是中国国家元首首次访问摩纳哥,也成为摩纳哥人民难以忘怀的特殊时刻。而在此之前,摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世曾分别于2007年和2018年两次对中国进行国事访问。Environmental issues are at the forefront of our shared concerns, as they represent one of the most complex and threatening challenges facing all countries today and in the future, whether large or small, rich or poor, influential or not.环境问题始终是中摩两国共同关切的重点问题,也是当今及未来全球面临的最复杂、威胁最大的挑战之一,无论面积大小、财富多寡、影响力强弱,任何国家都无法置身事外。Faced with this crucial issue for international diplomacy, Monaco and China share common concerns and strong commitments. As our two heads of state have respectively emphasized, we must find solutions for the survival of the planet and, by the same token, for the future of humanity. The continuity of multilateral dialogue and the contribution of bilateral exchanges are essential in the face of this immense task.
在这一国际外交重要议题上,摩纳哥与中国有着共同的关切,并做出坚定的承诺。两国元首多次强调,必须努力寻找解决方案,维护地球的生存环境,推动人类的未来发展。面对这一艰巨任务,持续开展多边对话、积极推动双边交流显得至关重要。As members of the UN, both China and Monaco have chosen to sign up to major international instruments designed to combat the damaging effects of climate change, the erosion of biodiversity and all the pollution affecting ecosystems on earth, with a particular focus on the oceans and other aquatic environments.作为联合国会员国,中摩两国均积极参与国际气候行动,签署了一系列应对气候变化、保护生物多样性以及治理污染的国际协议,尤其重视海洋和其他水体环境保护。However important and fundamental they may be, the effectiveness of these global policies is measured on the ground by concrete achievements. Bilateral cooperation can therefore prove to be a valuable support and an essential building block in the construction of concerted actions.当然,再宏大的政策,最终都要靠实打实的行动来落实。在构建协同行动的过程中,双边合作不仅是强有力的支撑,更是不可或缺的基石。In this respect, Monaco and China have some convincing examples of success to their credit, through the implementation of joint projects linked to the preservation of biodiversity, so essential to maintaining the major balance of our planet. Planned over several years, two projects have brought together public and private sector entities from each of the two countries.在生态保护领域,摩纳哥与中国通过合作开展生物多样性保护项目,取得了令人瞩目的成果,彰显了国际合作在守护地球生态平衡中的重要作用。其中两个历经数年筹划的重点项目,汇聚了两国政府和产业领域的力量,成为合作共赢的典范。One of them has led to the creation of a priority conservation area in north-east China for the Northeast China Tiger (the Siberian tiger) population, with the aim of protecting this emblematic species threatened with extinction. A second project involves a scientific study into the pollution of the waters of Lake Taihu, with a view to analyse the reasons for this and considering solutions. This project has recently been extended to include the preservation of the aquatic ecosystem of the Yangtze River.其中一个项目是在中国东北设立一片东北虎重点保护区,旨在拯救濒临灭绝的东北虎种群。另一个项目则聚焦于太湖水污染问题,通过科学研究分析污染原因,提出治理方案。值得一提的是,这项研究的范围已经扩展至长江流域的水生生态系统保护。2022年2月5日,摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世在北京人民大会堂出席欢迎宴会前参观中国非物质文化遗产展览。/图片来源:新华社Tsinghua University and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have joined forces to set up another collaborative project, also in the cultural field, to award a scholarship to deserving students for their work in research and practice in ecology and environmental protection.与此同时,清华大学与摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王基金会还在文化领域展开合作,设立了奖学金,以奖励在生态环境保护研究及实践中表现突出的学生。While these projects may seem like a drop in the ocean compared to the scale of the issues at stake, they are no less effective in their area of intervention, and we all know that "small streams make big rivers!"面对复杂难解的全球生态问题,这些项目可能显得微不足道,但它们的影响力却不容小觑。正所谓“不积小流,无以成江海”,这些涓涓细流终将汇聚成滔滔江河。Other fruitful exchanges have taken place through the regular participation of senior representatives of the Chinese authorities in the Monaco Blue Initiative discussion platform. Every year in Monaco, this international forum brings together major ocean stakeholders to discuss the global challenges of conserving marine and aquatic environments and, more generally, ways of developing a real and sustainable blue economy. In 2025, Monaco will be organizing the Blue Economy and Finance Forum, in advance of the third UN Ocean Summit to be held in Nice in June and has cordially invited the Chinese authorities.摩纳哥与中国在蓝色经济领域的合作成果丰硕。中方高级代表应邀出席历届“摩纳哥蓝色倡议”活动。一年一度的论坛汇聚了全球海洋领域的重要利益相关方,共同探讨海洋与水生环境保护领域的全球挑战,并探索建设可持续蓝色经济的实际路径。2025年,摩纳哥将在联合国第三届海洋大会(于6月在法国尼斯举办)之前,率先举办蓝色经济与金融论坛,并已诚挚邀请中方代表出席。Sporting values are also among those shared by our two countries. Monaco has just been named "World Sports Capital 2025" by a European body, in recognition of its ongoing commitment to promoting sport. Despite the small size of its 2.08 square kilometers territory, Monaco is internationally renowned for organizing prestigious world sporting events every year. As a sports-oriented country, Monaco has always supported and applauded China's important work in the field of Olympics and Paralympics. Alongside delegations of Monegasque athletes, our head of state, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, was personally present in Beijing for both the 2008 Summer Olympics and the 2022 Winter Olympics.体育精神也是中摩两国共同的价值追求。摩纳哥不久前被欧洲机构授予“2025年世界体育之都”的称号,以表彰其在推动体育事业方面的持续努力。虽然国土面积仅有2.08平方公里,摩纳哥却因每年举办多项国际顶级体育赛事而享誉全球。作为一个热爱体育的国家,摩纳哥始终高度支持并认可中国在奥林匹克和残奥事业中的杰出贡献。摩纳哥国家元首阿尔贝二世亲王亲自率团出席了2008年北京夏季奥运会和2022年北京冬季奥运会。In the economic exchange sector, after a sharp slowdown due to the global health crisis, Monaco has witnessed a resumption of business links between our entrepreneurs. The number of visitors to the Principality's Pavilion at the 7th China International Import Expo in Shanghai in November 2024 is a reasonable indication of a future increase in trade.全球公共卫生危机曾一度导致中摩双边经贸合作锐减,现在两国企业间合作正在稳步复苏。2024年11月,第七届中国国际进口博览会在上海举行,摩纳哥国家馆吸引了众多参展人,其热度无疑为两国未来贸易增长带来了积极信号。Finally, as culture is an emblematic sector for the Principality, this review would not be complete without mentioning the cultural links that have been marked over the years by exhibitions in Monaco or China, as in 2017 and 2018, showcasing our respective historical heritages, or by performances of the Compagnie nationale des Ballets or the Monte Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra.文化一直是摩纳哥引以为豪的领域,文化交流也是中摩关系中不可或缺的一个部分。从2017年和2018年分别在摩纳哥与中国举办的历史遗产主题展览,到摩纳哥国家芭蕾舞团和蒙特卡洛爱乐乐团的精彩演出,多年来两国通过丰富多彩的文化活动增进了彼此的了解和情感联结。Other diplomatic, cultural, economic and sporting events will punctuate and celebrate the year 2025, to commemorate this important milestone and continue to shape bilateral cooperation based on mutual respect between our two states for the mutual benefit of our respective populations.2025年,摩纳哥与中国将携手举办一系列丰富多彩的外交、文化、经济和体育活动,共同庆祝两国建交三十周年这一里程碑时刻。这不仅是对过去三十年友谊的礼赞,更是进一步深化双边合作的契机。在相互尊重的基础上,中摩合作必将为两国人民带来更多福祉。