
学术   2024-09-06 21:31   广东  

[征稿启事] 第20240906期 总第1034期







一、 Guest editors 

Prof. Lan Xue

School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University

Prof. Huang Ding

School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University、School of Public Administration, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Prof. Xiuli Xu

College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University


We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a symposium on “Global governance from the perspective of public administration” to be published in Chinese Public Administration Review (CPAR).

The public administration (PA) literature has historically paid limited attention to the international institutional setting and global governance (GG) issues. This began to change as globalization emerged as a significant challenge for public administration research, practice, and education in the new century, particularly after 2008. PA scholars contribute to the study of GG by bringing a unique conceptual sensibility and a diverse methodological toolkit, which allows them to pose varied research questions and offer innovative perspectives for understanding and managing global affairs. Unlike disciplines such as international relations or economics, PA focuses more on the bureaucratic characteristics of public institutions, including organizational autonomy, entrepreneurship, leadership, conflict management, administrative styles, expertise, and coordination capacity—all of which are crucial for the effective implementation of governance strategies and measures.

In recent years, global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, hunger, poverty, inequality, and cybersecurity have become more urgent, demanding immediate attention and solutions. However, the global architecture, influenced by factors like major power rivalries and the evolution of institutional complexity, has often impeded efforts to achieve more effective GG. Consequently, for any future reforms and advancements in GG to be successful, they must consider the global public policy-making process and the mechanisms for providing global public goods.

In this context, it is crucial to explore the nuanced PA theories and practices related to global challenges, administrative actors and networks, and public management mechanisms. This exploration is essential for contributing to the debates on GG scholarship and fostering the development of a new paradigm for global governance.

三、List of topics

We welcome empirical and theoretical research papers that build upon the existing scholarship and engage with topics including but not limited to the following:

Advancing public administration theory for global governance. 

There is a pressing need for pragmatic global theories within the field of Public Administration (PA) to foster the development of a robust academic scholarship focusing on Global Governance (GG). The exploration of a general theory and a macro-level theoretical framework across culture and national boundary are particularly desired. Additionally, micro-level theoretical debates based on empirical studies are also encouraged.

Transformation of the global governance system.

In light of the evolving multi-layered governance system, ranging from local to global levels, traditional PA research must examine the transformation processes and dynamics of the GG system. It covers the formation and evolution of GG practices and paradigms across different historical periods, as well as identifying emerging patterns of regional and sub-regional governance.

Rules, techniques, and tools for global governance. 

The global interdependence has extensive impacts on traditional PA practices, shaping its administrative structure, techniques and tools both at national, regional and global levels. Understanding the roles of rulemaking bodies, leadership, bureaucratic entrepreneurship, and capacities is critical. Furthermore, the design logic of the international organizations requires further investigation into its representation structure, voting or decision approaches, types of membership, sources of legitimacy, accountability mechanisms, and governing capacities, etc.

Global governance issues related to specific sector and emerging actors. 

GG debates intersect with various sectors including science and technology, poverty reduction, agricultural and hunger, climate change, deep sea and polar and space, etc. In addition, the roles of emerging actors such as developing countries, private sectors, and NGOs in providing global public goods and shaping the governing system are gaining increasing attention. In such a context, understanding the collaborative mechanisms and conflict management becomes imperative.

Papers using case studies, questionnaire survey, experimental design and big data analysis are all suitable for this symposium. Systematic literature reviews which can make significant theoretical and conceptual contributions are also welcome.

四、Submission Information

We are soliciting abstracts of 300-500 words for this CPAR symposium. Selected abstracts will be invited for submitting a full-text manuscript through the Scholar One Manuscript system of CPAR:


Abstracts and any inquiries should be sent to the guest editor:

Xiuli Xu (xxl@cau.edu.cn)

五、Key deadlines

Closing date for abstract submission is October 5, 2024.

Closing date for the final manuscript submission will be communicated later to the invited authors.


