日本飛行船劇團載譽重臨呈獻人偶音樂劇《傑克與魔豆》 Magic Puppetry above the Clouds

文摘   2024-09-27 16:36   中国澳门  

《傑克與魔豆》最受歡迎的版本首次出版於若瑟‧雅各伯(Joseph Jacob)在1890 年出版的故事集《英語童話》中,及後多次被改編成為卡通片及電影。而成立自1966年的日本的飛行船劇團,多年來巡演世界各地,曾四度來澳演出,以七彩繽紛的面具及令人驚歎的道具為大小觀眾帶來無限歡樂,是次亦將為觀眾帶來別出心裁的演出。
本次演出以粵語配音,並附上中、英文字幕,讓觀眾更投入這場奇幻歷險。演出門票於9月29日(星期日)早上10時起在澳門售票網、大麥網及貓眼娛樂公開發售,票價分別為480、380、280、200120澳門元,並設多種票務優惠。節目詳情可瀏覽文化局網頁www.icm.gov.mo 或澳門文化中心網頁 www.ccm.gov.mo,查詢可致電 +853 2840 0555

Jack and the Beanstalk
星期五 Fri 19:30
星期六 Sat 15:00
星期日 Sun 15:00
Macao Cultural Centre
100 分鐘 min
MOP 480, 380, 280, 200, 120 澳門元
3+ 歲 yo

29.09.2024 開售 

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The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR Government presents Jack and the Beanstalk, a musical adventure for young audiences, travelling all the way from Japan to light-up CCM’s Grand Auditorium this winter season, in three shows running from 13 to 15 December (Friday to Sunday).

Displaying their trademark artistry, Theatre Hikosen brings in a fantasy conveyed by a parade of big puppets, brought to life by an experienced cast. The Japanese company takes to the stage a reinvented adaptation of a magic tale that has enchanted endless generations with  a string of well-known characters, from a magic harp to a hen that lays golden eggs. Featuring lively songs and dance moves, Hikosen’s slightly changed version tells the story of a kind-hearted little boy who befriends a princess on his way to sell his family cow. 

Widely known the world over, Jack and the Beanstalk’s tale has stood the test of time, passed on through traditional storytelling over thousands of years and later revived on the pages of printed books. Its most popular version was first published in English Fairy Tales, a collection written by Joseph Jacob in 1890. Having been recreated into countless versions, from cartoons to motion pictures, it inspired Theatre Hikosen to reinvent the classic.

Founded in 1966, the Japanese company has travelled the world with their colourful masks, costumes and props, having visited our town plenty of times with shows for the whole family. 

Dubbed in Cantonese, with surtitles in English and Chinese, Jack and the Beanstalk opens on 13 December, 2024 (Friday) at CCM and tickets will be on sale at various prices and discounts from 29 September (Sunday), at the Macao Ticketing Network, as well as the Damai and Maoyan platforms. 

For further information and promotional offers, please visit www.icm.gov.mo and www.ccm.gov.mo. For enquiries contact +853 2840 0555.

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