琶音古樂團《樂遊地中海》呈獻南歐樂韻 Mediterraneo by L’Arpeggiata

文摘   2024-02-15 16:58   中国澳门  

在琶音古樂團(L’Arpeggiata)創團音樂總監克莉斯蒂娜‧普魯哈(Christina Pluhar)的帶領下,樂團與三位歌手及舞者共同為觀眾呈獻來自地中海的南歐樂韻。從深情的法多到中世紀希臘及意大利的傳統民謠,以獨特和聲為這趟音樂旅程再添詩情畫意。這場音樂會將印證地中海是文明共融之海,是文化交流的重要紐帶。



音樂會門票將於2月16日(星期五)早上10時起於澳門售票網公開發售,設多種票價及優惠,詳情可瀏覽文化局網頁www.icm.gov.mo或澳門文化中心網頁 www.ccm.gov.mo,節目查詢可致電 +853 2840 0555。

Box Open



Mediterraneo by L’Arpeggiata
16.03.2024   20:00
Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium
$400, $300, $250, $200

L’Arpeggiata’s Early Music
Digging on Southern Europe’s Musical Roots

The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR presents Mediterraneo, an ancient music concert that will take the audience back to the roots of old civilizations at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium on March 16 (Saturday).

Crossing over cultural traces of antiquity, Mediterraneo’s music “sails” between Turkey and Portugal, navigating by the shores of Greece and Italy. Lead by Christina Pluhar, L’Arpeggiata’s Baroque ensemble brings together an array of great voices and the mood-setting moves of a dancer. From the soulfulness of fado music to the unique harmonies of medieval Greek and Italian tunes, the concert stands as living proof that the sea, rather than separating, connects hearts and minds. L’Arpeggiata’s heterogeneous instrumentality is complemented by the harmonic nuances of traditional southern European songs, creating a ceaseless sequence of melodious narratives, propelled by the romance and mystery of the Mediterranean waters.

Entertaining and educational

it should appeal equally to 

early-music buffs and world-music fans 

The Independent (UK)

Founded in 2000 by director and theorboist Christina Pluhar, L’Arpeggiata is an eclectic ensemble combining early-music specialists with vocalists from a region musically known as the “olive frontier”.  With over 200,000 records sold, the group have received outstanding reviews for their albums and concerts. They have played in numerous well-known festivals, and concert venues, from London’s Festival of Baroque Music to the New York’s Carnegie Hall, amongst many others. 

Mediterraneo will be performed at CCM’s Grand Auditorium this March, with tickets on sale from February 16 (Friday) at the Macao Ticketing Network, at various prices and discounts. For further information and promotional offers, please visit the programme website at  www.icm.gov.mo and www.ccm.gov.mo.  For enquiries, please contact +853 2840 0555.