澳門特別行政區政府文化局將於6月21日及22日在澳門文化中心綜合劇院上演現代舞詩劇《詩憶東坡》,演出由著名編舞家及跨界藝術家沈偉創作,以優雅的現代舞深度提煉中國美學的精粹,傳達文化之美。門票將於5月5日早上10時正公開發售。 現代舞詩劇《詩憶東坡》以宋代大文豪蘇東坡的人生作為創作主幹,以優雅的現代舞演繹東坡的詩意人生,同時融合詩詞、國畫、書法、篆刻、與武術等傳統文化元素。旅法華人作曲家陳其鋼則以細膩精緻的創作技法,透過古樸優美的古琴和當代音樂探索了深厚的藝術根源,跨越千年,與文人心靈觸碰。總導演沈偉曾獲美國麥克阿瑟基金會頒發的獎項及多項榮譽,現居紐約的他同時也是一名畫家、設計師、編舞家和電影製片人並具有獨特的國際視野。是次演出更攜手國家級藝術演出單位中國東方演藝集團,共同挖掘歷史人文寶藏。該團自成立以來,一直致力於推廣當代表演藝術至全國各地,把精品佳作引入紐約林肯表演藝術中心等多個國際大舞台。 現代舞詩劇《詩憶東坡》以東坡的詩詞化為流動的身韻,舞盡詩情與畫意,盛載文人思想,傳承千年精神。門票於5月5日(星期日)早上10時正起在澳門售票網公開發售,票價分別為400、300、250及200澳門元,有關票務詳情和優惠可瀏覽文化局網頁或澳門文化中心網頁,節目查詢可致電 +853 2840 0555。 21-22.06.2024現代舞詩劇《詩憶東坡》Dongpo: Life in Poems 澳門文化中心綜合劇院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium90'$400, 300, 250, 200
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Dongpo: Life in Poems
Portrait of an artist in motion
The Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao SAR presents Dongpo: Life in Poems, a lyrical, contemporary dance exploring traditional Chinese aesthetics. Created by prolific Sino-American multi-artist Shen Wei, this movement and imagery display will be staged at CCM’s Grand Auditorium in two shows scheduled for 21 and 22 June. Inspired on the life and writings of Song dynasty’s poet Su Dongpo, this contemplative, modern performance incorporates a multiplicity of artistic expressions. From visual effects and calligraphy to painting and tai chi, moving beyond historic precision, it conveys emotions and conflicts, travelling across the poet’s world. Revisiting ancient arts, impelled by a melodic merge of guqin and modern music conceived by leading Chinese-French composer Chen Qigang, this piece explores deep artistic roots, bringing poetry to life, offering a glimpse of cultural heritage, rendering homage to a most respected figure in Chinese history.Recipient of a MacArthur Foundation grant and numerous distinctions, New York- based choreographer Shen Wei is also a dedicated painter, designer and filmmaker. Creator of visually striking work embedded with scenic elements, he devised the stylized vision of this show in collaboration with the China Oriental Performing Arts Group. Devoted to the diffusion of contemporary performing arts since its foundation, the company is widely known across the country, having thrived internationally in tours to prestigious venues, from New York’s Lincoln Centre to other iconic stages across continents. Dongpo: Life in Poems conveys meaning through movement, rhythms and emotions, unveiling sensibilities, inviting the audience to spiritual bonding. Tickets will be on sale at various prices, with several discounts available, from 5 May (Sunday), at 10am at the Macao Ticketing Network. For further information and promotional offers, please visit and For enquiries contact +853 2840 0555.