保留重刑:新加坡保留着死刑和鞭刑等严厉刑罚。例如在毒品犯罪方面,携带海洛因等 “高危毒品” 15 克以上即可宣判死刑,大麻之类的毒品超过 500 克即可处死。
Retention of Severe Penalties: Singapore retains severe penalties such as the death penalty and caning. For example, in cases of drug - related crimes, if a person is found in possession of more than 15 grams of "high - risk drugs" such as heroin, they can be sentenced to death. For drugs like cannabis, if the quantity exceeds 500 grams, the death penalty can be imposed.
性侵与性骚扰:性骚扰等行为可能会受到鞭刑,而偷拍、偷窥、随意散播黄色视频照片,都触犯法律,最高坐牢 2 年加鞭刑。
Sexual Assault and Harassment: Acts of sexual harassment may be subject to caning. Taking surreptitious photos, peeping, and randomly spreading pornographic videos and photos all violate the law, with the maximum penalty being imprisonment for up to two years plus caning.
公共卫生与秩序:乱扔垃圾初犯罚 1000 新元,再犯罚 2000 新元;随地吐痰最高罚款 1000 新元;在非吸烟区吸烟最高罚 1000 新元;上厕所不冲罚款 150 新元。
Public Health and Order: For the first - time littering offense, a fine of S$1000 will be imposed. For repeated offenses, the fine is S$2000. Spitting in public may incur a maximum fine of S$1000. Smoking in non - smoking areas is subject to a maximum fine of S$1000. Failing to flush the toilet after use will result in a fine of S$150.
网络与通讯:未经允许连接他人的无线网络属于黑客行为,将面临高达 1 万新币的罚款。
Internet and Communication: Connecting to someone else's wireless network without permission is considered hacking behavior and may face a fine of up to S$10,000.
交通相关:停车不熄火被罚 100 新元,拖延支付罚金将另罚 5000 新币;电动车走人行道,罚款最高 2000-5000 新元,或坐牢 6 个月。
Traffic - related: Failing to turn off the engine while parking will lead to a fine of S$100. Delaying the payment of the fine will incur an additional fine of S$5000. Riding an electric vehicle on the sidewalk may result in a fine of S$2000 - S$5000 or imprisonment for up to 6 months.
Dress Code and Privacy: It is prohibited to expose the body at home. Otherwise, fines or imprisonment may be imposed.
饮食限制:禁止售卖任何含有动物血制品的食品,也不能进口,否则被罚款最高 5 万新元,或坐牢 2 年;禁止食用淡水鱼制作的生鱼片;禁止所有加工食品包含反式脂肪。
Dietary Restrictions: The sale and import of any food containing animal blood products are prohibited. Offenders may be fined up to S$50,000 or imprisoned for up to two years. The consumption of raw fish slices made from freshwater fish is prohibited. All processed foods containing trans fats are also prohibited.
娱乐与活动:在没有法律规定或未获得审批的情况下,严禁组织集会、游行、示威等,否则最高坐牢 2 年,甚至可能会被割掉准证,驱逐出境。
Entertainment and Activities: Without legal provisions or approvals, the organization of gatherings, parades, demonstrations, etc. is strictly prohibited. Offenders may be imprisoned for up to two years. In some cases, their permits may even be revoked and they may be deported.
Fair and strict law enforcement: There is no discrimination between local residents and foreigners. For example, a presumption of guilt is applied to corrupt officials. If an official's living expenses significantly exceed their income, they may be regarded as having taken bribes.
An efficient judicial system: Once a violation of the law occurs, the police will immediately launch an investigation and bring the suspect to justice in the shortest possible time. Cases are processed quickly, and the judicial procedures are concise and clear.
A strict monitoring system: Singapore has an advanced monitoring system, with cameras covering almost every corner. This makes it very difficult for illegal acts to escape surveillance, effectively ensuring the implementation of the law.