我国英语教育在相当长的一段时间里手结构主义和行为主义的影响而偏重在语言形式的教学上,文化教育在外语教学中所占的比重甚低。 近年来,随着人们对语言与文化、文化与交际之间的认识逐渐加深,人们开始肯定语言与文化之间的不可分割以及文化因素在跨文化交际中的重要性。 在英语教学中,应遵循语言分析和文化比较相结合的原则,在通过文化传授英语的教学过程中,教师应不断增强学生对文化差异的敏感性,注意对比中国文化和西方文化之间的文化差异。要让学生认识到不同的语言在语音,词汇,语法等方面存在差异,而且在交际原则上也有很大的差异。 小E为各位英语老师推荐19部教学语言类纪录片,希望能给各位老师的英语课堂教学提供一定的帮助。 1.语言星球 Fry's Planet Word (2011) 之所以把这个列为第一,是因为它是我进入语言学的引路人,也算是我学习语言学的启蒙教材了。这部纪录片的主持人是鼎鼎大名的斯蒂芬·弗雷,游走在学术界与娱乐界,是演员(如《V字仇杀队》),是作家(如小说和自传《摩押是我的浴盆》(Moab Is My Washpot)),也是主持人。他的才华俘获了众多粉丝的心,被亲切地称为“油炸叔”。这部纪录片是他主持的,又是BBC出的,其质量自然不用说。 维基百科: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%AF%AD%E8%A8%80%E6%98%9F%E7%90%83/7378794?fr=aladdin 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/6863975/ b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1qt411f7u9?vd_source=23559952d02c0ab2e90788e2346646e2 2.身体语言的秘密 Secrets of Body Language (2008) 姿态手势、面部表情和肢体动作构成了93%的人际沟通,只有7%的沟通通过话语来实现。研究非口头沟通的专家将解构过去和现在的肢体动作的录像,展现这些身体语言真正“说”了什么。你可以学习使用细微的动作来游说大众、获取权力和提升职位,这是很多人都不知道的秘密。 b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av33953783/?vd_source=23559952d02c0ab2e90788e2346646e2 3.地平线系列:我们为何讲话?Horizon: Why Do We Talk? (2009) 本部纪录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档探秘人类特有能力“说话”的纪录片。说话,这种区别于动物、以此界定为人类的我们所特有的属性,却至今仍是一个谜。当你说话时,轻松自如、毫不费力,以至于你都意识不到它的存在。其实它需要成千上万次的思考和决策,“说话”并非你想象的那么简单。虽然语言学教父诺姆·乔姆斯基指出:我们说话的能力是与生俱来的,但是“语言”或者说“说话的能力”到底来自哪里,它又是如何形成的呢?在本片中,你将看到三组不同的测试和实验:一位父亲用摄像机记录下了儿子头三年里是如何学会说话的,一位会说超过20种语言的自闭症患者,以及第一位找到说话基因的科学家。不仅如此,你还将看到一门新的语言是如何诞生的。 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/4881335/ 4.幸福的语法 The Grammar of Happiness (2012) A language that can be spoken, hummed, or whistled? A language with no unique words for color or numbers? Linguistics professor Daniel Everett claims that the unique language of the Piraha people of the Amazon is exactly that. More than 30 years ago, he traveled as a missionary into the amazon rainforest to teach the tribe, but they ended up teaching him. Their way of life and unique form of communication have profoundly changed Everett, and inspired a theory that could undermine the most powerful theory (or theorist) of linguistics. 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/24846628/ 5.通天塔-赖以生存的语言 因为沟通的需要,每个民族都有自己的语言,但某些国家的语言却正在流失。专家认为这会影响民族的自尊心和自信心,泯灭文化的传承,他们呼吁各界保护民族语言。 搜狐视频:https://tv.sohu.com/item/MTE4NzkwMA==.html 6.事物的本质:肢体语言解码 The Nature of Things (2017) 语言表情会说谎,而身体动作会说实话。本片分析各种肢体语言,讲述肢体语言在日常生活和判定罪犯上的实际应用。 b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av667833965/?vd_source=23559952d02c0ab2e90788e2346646e2 爱奇艺: https://www.iqiyi.com/w_19rtyy22ht.html 7.失语症:无语病症 Speechless (2017) 失语症(aphasi)是与语言功能有关的脑组织的病变,造成一个或多个语言机制损伤,最常见的病因是中风,英国的是失语症患者超过30万。本片分析失语症的病因,讲述患者的经历。 网址:https://weibo.com/5643224579/HgEmA4SoG 8.拯救濒危语言 The Linguists (2008) THE LINGUISTS follows David Harrison and Gregory Anderson, scientists racing to document languages on the verge of extinction. David and Greg’s round-the-world journey takes them deep into the heart of the cultures, knowledge, and communities at stake. In Siberia, David and Greg seek to record the Chulym language, which hasn’t been heard by outsiders for more than thirty years. The linguists encounter remnants of the racist Soviet regime that may have silenced Chulym for good. In India, tribal children attend boarding schools, where they learn Hindi and English, a trade, and the pointlessness of their native tongues. Similar boarding schools for tribal children existed in the US through most of the twentieth century. David and Greg travel to the children’s villages, where economic unrest has stirred a violent Maoist insurgency. The linguists witness the fear and poverty that have driven youth from their native communities. In Bolivia, the Kallawaya language has survived for centuries with fewer than one hundred speakers. David and Greg trek high into the Andes to unlock its secret. 腾讯视频:https://v.qq.com/x/cover/0d3stmuqz2ivrdt/v0016hmmnmf.html 9.破解玛雅密码 Cracking the Maya Code (2008) 人类文明史交织着创造与毁灭,玛雅人创造了辉煌灿烂的古代文明,而西班牙人则如同折断路边向日葵一般轻易地毁灭了一切,这就是玛雅文明的悲剧。 寻踪玛雅带你走进中美洲丛林,展示曾经美轮美奂的玛雅文明,解密玛雅人那天书般的文字,回顾玛雅的前世与今生。 16 世纪,西班牙神父迭牙哥.兰达燃起了毁灭玛雅文明的罪恶之火,曾经的灿烂与辉煌霎时灰飞烟灭,玛雅人被洗去了祖先的历史。具有讽刺意味的是,首先发现玛雅遗迹也是西班牙人。今天,我们应该感谢阿尔弗雷德.莫兹利,恩斯特.弗斯特曼,艾瑞克.汤普森,塔蒂阿娜•普罗斯库里亚科夫,科诺鲁索夫,林达.什利,戴维.斯图尔特等人以及他们在解密玛雅文字方面所付出的不懈努力,是他们让世人理性地重新认识了玛雅文明。 本片将气势恢宏的玛雅遗迹展现在我们面前,绝美的雕塑,神奇的文字,高超的建筑艺术,无一不令人神往。他们究竟是谁,他们为何并如何做到这一切?请跟随本片一起寻踪玛雅!! b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av4291436/ 10.脏话史 History of Swear Words (2021) 尼古拉斯·凯奇将主持Netflix喜剧节目《脏话史》(History Of Swear Words),探索Fuck、Shit、Bitch、Dick、Pussy、Damn等脏话的起源、流行文化用法、科学和文化影响。 b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1dp4y1s7bx?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=23559952d02c0ab2e90788e2346646e2 11. 汉字 Hanzi (2016) 《漢字》是一部用中文漢字探討國際設計,視覺文化和身份的紀錄片。這部電影探討了諸如語言如何塑造身份、手寫在數位時代角色等議題。《漢字》與來自不同國家的電影人合作,訪談者包括Chineasy創辦人薛曉嵐,著名的日本字體設計師小林章,中文字體設計師柯熾堅,還有世界上最後一個正體中文活版印刷廠日星鑄字行。《漢字》鼓勵觀眾重新審視和思考自己的文化,語言和身份。 b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1XW411e7mV?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click 12. 思想之始 The.Day.We.Learned.To.Think (2004) 人类与动物最大的分别,除了可以赚钱外,人类懂得思考、沟通,有自己的一套语言。一直以来,科学家相信,语言的发展大概只有四万年历史。四万年前的人类就好像婴孩般只懂牙牙学语,与其他动物无异。不过,当一些科学家发现了八万年前的写作工具和图画后,人类语言的发展过程再次惹来争议。最近,他们更将语言的发展时间推前至二十万年以前。到底科学家的推论有何凭据?二十万年以来,语言的进化过程又是怎样? 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/4896262/ 优酷:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc4ODEyMTk2.html 13. 自然世界 草原土拨鼠:语言大师 Natural World: Prairie Dogs - Talk of the Town (2010) Prairie dogs are America's answer to the meerkat - small, sociable and exceptionally cute. This offbeat film narrated by Rob Brydon takes us to the Wild West where prairie dogs live in huge colonies known as 'towns'. Like meerkats, they are comical to watch, but there is a whole lot more to prairie dogs than just being cute - they can talk. For 30 years Professor Con Slobodchikoff has been recording their calls in response to predators like coyotes, hawks and badgers. He believes he has discovered a language second only to humans in its complexity. It's a bold claim but is he right? Con has devised a series of cunning field experiments to help prove his point. b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1CW411578X 14. 英语发展史 The Adventure Of English (2002) 梅尔文·布拉格 (Melvyn Bragg) 带你走遍大不列颠,了解英语的冒险历程——公元前500年的一门小众日耳曼方言,到底是如何一步步成长为当今毋庸置疑的世界语言。他将根据不同词语被引进英语的大致时期来向我们讲解它们的出处和拼写。 (1)语言的诞生 (Birth of a Language) (2)不登大雅之堂 (English Goes Underground) (3)圣经语言之争 (The Battle for the Language of the Bible) (4)此世、此国、此英 (This Earth, This Realm, This England) (5)英语在美洲 (English in America) (6)谈吐得体 (Speaking Proper) (7)帝国的语言 (The Language of Empire) (8)南腔北调皆英语 (Many Tongues Called English, One World Language) 好看视频:https://haokan.baidu.com/v?pd=wisenatural&vid=10982619594094161414 15. 你讲美国话么?Do You Speak American? Journalist Robert MacNeil travels across the USA to observe the current state of the spoken American English language. 优酷 :https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTc4ODU0MzY4.html 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/4313292/ 16. 英语的历史The History of English (2018) (1) 英语的历史就是个打不死小强的故事.各等民族入侵,带来的语言都被吸收利用 (2) 方法其一是吸收词汇,其二是简化语法。主要影响顺序是拉丁/日耳曼/法语 (3) 语言是融合也是分歧的过程,语言本身混合,而各处混合不同便是分歧。而统一的工具是文学和印刷机 (4)因此乔叟和莎士比亚对英语的重要。其实后者是个杰出小偷 (5) 语言要发展其实一直就在吸收新东西。互联网词是然,并不新鲜。太空时代,铁路时代都创造出很多词。 b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av23321196/ 17. 人类语言系列The Human Language Series (1995) By “language” we don’t mean learning French or Japanese, but the extraordinary ability humans have to talk to one another. The Human Language Series seeks to explain language by observing how people speak and listen. In three 55-minute films we see and hear the enormous complexity of language which, however, children seem to have no difficulty learning. Nobody lectures us, but the nature of language itself is revealed by over 50 linguists (including Noam Chomsky), philosophers, Papua New Guinea head hunters, archeologists, writers, publishers, Eskimos, baseball players (including Hank Aaron), actors, comedians (including Sid Caesar and George Carlin), and hosts of “real people,” including a great many children. 《语言引论》第8章讲语言习得引用过这个纪录片。 豆瓣:https://movie.douban.com/subject/26461479/ 18. Deborah Tannen的视频 HE SAID, SHE SAID: GENDER, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT! LANGUAGE, CULTURE, AND MEANING 个人网页:http://www.deborahtannen.com/video-lectures 19. 香农传 The Bit Player (2018) A film about Claude Shannon, the "Father of Information Theory" b站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av373236689/ — END —