
文摘   2024-09-04 10:00   浙江  

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8月30日,汽零欧洲总经理Philip Luo带领全体员工进行了一场关于三花企业文化和个人发展经历暨半年度总结的对谈。

On 30th August, Philip Luo, the general manager of Sanhua Automotive Europe, led all the employees to have a successful dialogue about Sanhua's corporate culture with personal development experience and half-year summary.

此次研讨会共计时长约两小时,主题围绕主席张道才、总裁张亚波在三花控股集团半年度经营管理大会的发言及结合欧洲本地行业现状展开:Philip Luo指出,当前汽车零部件行业在欧洲遭遇的挑战众多,地缘政治紧张、经济下行、逆全球化等现状无一不是影响行业的因素。尽管面对许多挑战,他仍然坚信,只要汽零欧洲全体员工遵循专注、稳健、低调、规范的个人行为准则,就能保证下半年欧洲业务有序平稳地开展。

The workshop lasted about two hours, with the theme revolving around the speeches made by Chairman Daocai Zhang and President Yabo Zhang in the semi-annual business management conference of Sanhua Holding Group, and the current situation of the local industry in Europe: Philip pointed out that the automotive industry has encountered a lot of challenges in Europe at present: geopolitical tensions, economic downturn, and anti-globalization are all factors affecting the automotive industry.  Despite the many challenges,he still firmly believes that as long as all employees of Sanhua Automotive Europe stay focus, stable, humble and compliance,  the work in Europe will be carried out  orderly and smoothly in the rest of the year.

汽零欧洲副总经理、综合管理部部长齐岩到场参与了此次文化研讨会,汽零欧洲副总经理、销售部部长严敏,汽零欧洲总经理助理、技术部部长祁照岗和部分出差外地的销售部员工共同参与了此次活动的线上直播,销售部大部分员工、技术部和综合管理部全体员工也在场积极与Philip Luo展开互动交流。

Deputy GM and GAM leader Yan Qi attended the workshop. Deputy GM and Sales Dep. leader Min Yan, Assistant of GM and R&D leader Dr. Zhaogang Qi, and some staff of the Sales Department who had business travel also participated through online meeting. Most of the staff of the Sales Dep., all the staff of the R&D and GAM participated the workshop to have an interactive communication with Philip.


The workshop was organized by the GAM, the atmosphere was relaxed and the theme of the activity was well defined. The activity finally ended with eating the Sanhua's classic blue and white desserts and laughter.

