FUDAN Crazy Saints &
Crazy Saints X Tryout
About 我们
复旦飞盘社成立于2009年,也是国内最早一批接触极限飞盘的群体。成员来自于各个年级、院系、国家、工作岗位、俱乐部等等,我们也积极参加并响应国内飞盘运动的比赛与推广。社团里共有两支竞技队伍,一队Crazy Saints和在上个赛季建立起来的二队Crazy Saints X一起活跃在上海甚至全国的赛事中。
Summary of Last Seaon
「From our ex Blake」
这赛季是“Universal loss”的一年,贵阳open惜败麻将,CUL被同济逆转,盛夏邀请赛再次被雾空飞逆转。
但这一年里,我们收获了希望。在新训练模式下我们成功的练习与实践战术,展现出近年来配合最默契的oline & 最强劲的dline。
关于选拔 About Tryout
10.12 15:30-天黑
10.14 09:00-12:00
·Endzone drill
·Huck drill
一队Crazy Saints:
选拔后一队正式名单总人数为「10(男)+10(女)+6(替补)」,其中20人为出战比赛的优先名单,6名成员为替补队员或因条件限制无法参加的队员。在之后的约赛中我们会有先从一队中确定名单,总人数为20人。如果存在人数不够的情况我们会进行pick up。
二队Crazy Saints X:
Hello everyone, tryouts for CS & CSX of this academic year have begun! If you're interested in joining us for competitive ultimate frisbee training and matches, please read the following information carefully and complete the questionnaire in the following link.
-Time: (Better if you can attend both on time)
10/12 15:30 until dark
10/14 09:00-12:00
Handan Road Football Field
-Objective: Competing means aiming for championships. We aspire to be the strongest university team.
Tryout Details:
- Ten-meter disc passing
- Facemark disc passing
- Endzone drill
- Huck drill
- Scrimmage
Assessment Criteria:
- Physical fitness
- Passing and catching abilities
- Full-scale defense and offense
- Positive attitude and self-control
- Proactive communication to create a positive atmosphere
Crazy Saints:
The official roster will consist of a total of "10 (men)+10 (women)+6 (substitutes)," with 20 members being the priority list for participating in matches, and 6 members serving as substitutes or those unable to participate due to conditions. For upcoming matches, we will initially select a list of 20 members from CS. If there is a shortage of players, we will engage in pick-up recruitment.
Crazy Saints X:
CSX is geared towards newcomers who have relatively weaker fundamental skills and tactical knowledge. During training, CSX will occasionally have joint practice sessions with CS to work on fundamental skills. Additionally, CSX will focus more on developing basic tactics and abilities. Moreover, CSX will participate in irregular scrimmage matches. This semester, we aim to make CSX and CS more structured and integrated into a complete team system. We will schedule at least one CS & CSX scrimmage or joint practice session each month, and we will make appropriate adjustments to the rosters of the two teams based on everyone's progress and performance on the field. To aid newcomers in their growth, we will have joint participation in the same matches for both the two teams and may even create 2 mixed teams for certain games.
CS and CSX together form the complete CS family, and we need every member to work, support, and contribute together!
Attention: If you're interested in joining us this academic year but can't participate in tryouts due to some objective reasons, please contact Lili, Mia, and Yuqing in the WeChat group. We will coordinate and arrange a trial session for you.
Tryout 报名
--Tryout Signup--
Tryout Information
10.12 15:30-天黑(dark)
10.14 09:00-12:00
Handan Road Football Field
Please finish the Survey
关注 Crazy Saints
关注 fdu飞盘社
文案 🖊 Owen
排版 🔗 Owen
摄影 📷 复旦极限飞盘社
审核 🔍 Mia Mr