编辑荐读 | 苏烈收藏的一套晚清时期针灸针
2024-12-26 19:01
A Set of Acupuncture Needles in the Late Qing Dynasty Collected by George Soulié de Morant
WANG Han1,2, PANG Yichao1, ZENG Ruilin1,3, WU Kai1,*王涵1,2,庞熠超1,曾睿林1,3,吴凯1,*
1 Institute of Western Studies on Chinese Medicine, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine,Kunming 650500, China;1 云南中医药大学中医西学研究所,昆明650500,中国;2 Suqian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Suqian 223800, China.3 Macheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Macheng 438300, China.吴凯,博士,副教授,英国曼彻斯特大学访问学者,云南中医药大学中医西学研究所与博物馆联合创始人,世界中联中医人类学专委会常务理事兼副秘书长。入选国家中医药管理局及云南省级多个人才专项。长期关注并实地研究中医药海外交流与文明互鉴,主持并完成国社科《中医药文化在欧美传播的话语体系研究》等项目,出版并发表《欧洲针灸之父苏烈与中医在西方的传播》等多部著作与论文。
In the early 20th century, French vice-consul George Soulié de Morant encountered acupuncture during his visit to China, and then brought it back to France. After more than a century, his collection was transported from Paris, France to Kunming, China, and later recognized as a Chinese national third-class precious cultural heritage. Currently housed in the Museum of Western Studies on Chinese Medicine at Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, this set of instruments includes one needle holder converted from a fan-shaped holder, ten acupuncture needles, and eleven paper tags handwritten in English with names of diseases and body parts. This article attempts to present the foundational information and historical significance of this collection of this set of late Qing dynasty acupuncture instruments by reviewing the collection and related research on acupuncture instruments, consulting acupuncture professionals, measuring the detailed information of the set of instruments, and employing a method of translating and summarizing the content of the attached tags.20世纪初,法国副领事苏烈在中国之旅中接触到针灸,并将其带回了法国。一个多世纪之后,他收藏的一套针灸针从法国巴黎运抵中国昆明,并被认定为中国国家三级文物。目前,这套针灸针保存于云南中医药大学中医西学博物馆,其内容包括一个改造自扇形容器的针套、十根针灸针,以及十一张用英语手写,标注了疾病名称和身体部位的标签。通过回顾这套晚清针灸针的收藏历程及相关研究,咨询针灸专业人士,测量该套器具的详细信息,以及翻译和总结标签的内容,呈现这套针灸针的基本信息与历史意义。Keywords: George Soulié de Morant; Qing dynasty; Acupuncture needles; Traditional Chinese medicine; France; Tags引用格式:Wang H, Pang YC, Zeng RL, Wu K. A set of acupuncture needles in the late Qing dynasty collected by George Soulié de Morant. Chinese Medicine and Culture 2024;7(3):233–240. DOI:10.1097/MC9.0000000000000107https://journals.lww.com/cmc/fulltext/2024/09000/a_set_of_acupuncture_needles_in_the_late_qing.7.aspx![]()
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