论文周报[0729-0804] | 推荐系统领域最新研究进展(19篇)

科技   2024-08-05 08:01   新加坡  


1.  Graph Representation Learning via Causal Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Recommendation
2.  Exploiting Preferences in Loss Functions for Sequential Recommendation via Weak Transitivity
3.  Simple but Efficient: A Multi-Scenario Nearline Retrieval Framework for Recommendation on Taobao
4.  Semantic Codebook Learning for Dynamic Recommendation Models
5.  MIMNet: Multi-Interest Meta Network with Multi-Granularity Target-Guided Attention for Cross-domain Recommendation
6.  GenRec: Generative Personalized Sequential Recommendation
7.  RevGNN: Negative Sampling Enhanced Contrastive Graph Learning for Academic Reviewer Recommendation
8.  EXIT: An EXplicit Interest Transfer Framework for Cross-Domain Recommendation
9.  A Unified Graph Transformer for Overcoming Isolations in Multi-modal Recommendation
10.  Adaptive Utilization of Cross-scenario Information for Multi-scenario Recommendation
11.  High-Order Fusion Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation
12.  GradCraft: Elevating Multi-task Recommendations through Holistic Gradient Crafting
13.  Enhancing CTR Prediction through Sequential Recommendation Pre-training: Introducing the SRP4CTR Framework
14.  Do We Really Need Graph Convolution During Training? Light Post-Training Graph-ODE for Efficient Recommendation
15.  Adversarial Text Rewriting for Text-aware Recommender Systems
16.  Personalized Multi-task Training for Recommender System
17.  Watermarking Recommender Systems
18.  FedUD: Exploiting Unaligned Data for Cross-Platform Federated Click-Through Rate Prediction
19.  A Comprehensive Survey on Retrieval Methods in Recommender Systems

1.  Graph Representation Learning via Causal Diffusion for Out-of-Distribution Recommendation

Chu Zhao, Enneng Yang, Yuliang Liang, Pengxiang Lan, Yuting Liu, Jianzhe Zhao, Guibing Guo, Xingwei Wang


Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)-based recommendation algorithms typically assume that training and testing data are drawn from independent and identically distributed (IID) spaces. However, this assumption often fails in the presence of out-of-distribution (OOD) data, resulting in significant performance degradation. In this study, we construct a Structural Causal Model (SCM) to analyze interaction data, revealing that environmental confounders (e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic) lead to unstable correlations in GNN-based models, thus impairing their generalization to OOD data. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach, graph representation learning via causal diffusion (CausalDiffRec) for OOD recommendation. This method enhances the model's generalization on OOD data by eliminating environmental confounding factors and learning invariant graph representations.

Specifically, we use backdoor adjustment and variational inference to infer the real environmental distribution, thereby eliminating the impact of environmental confounders. This inferred distribution is then used as prior knowledge to guide the representation learning in the reverse phase of the diffusion process to learn the invariant representation. In addition, we provide a theoretical derivation that proves optimizing the objective function of CausalDiffRec can encourage the model to learn environment-invariant graph representations, thereby achieving excellent generalization performance in recommendations under distribution shifts. Our extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of CausalDiffRec in improving the generalization of OOD data, and the average improvement is up to 10.69% on Food, 18.83% on KuaiRec, 22.41% on Yelp2018, and 11.65% on Douban datasets. Our implementation code is available at https://github.com/user683/CausalDiffRec.

2.  Exploiting Preferences in Loss Functions for Sequential Recommendation via Weak Transitivity

Hyunsoo Chung, Jungtaek Kim, Hyungeun Jo, Hyungwon Choi


A choice of optimization objective is immensely pivotal in the design of a recommender system as it affects the general modeling process of a user's intent from previous interactions. Existing approaches mainly adhere to three categories of loss functions: pairwise, pointwise, and setwise loss functions. Despite their effectiveness, a critical and common drawback of such objectives is viewing the next observed item as a unique positive while considering all remaining items equally negative. Such a binary label assignment is generally limited to assuring a higher recommendation score of the positive item, neglecting potential structures induced by varying preferences between other unobserved items. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel method that extends original objectives to explicitly leverage the different levels of preferences as relative orders between their scores. Finally, we demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to baseline objectives.

3.  Simple but Efficient: A Multi-Scenario Nearline Retrieval Framework for Recommendation on Taobao

Yingcai Ma, Ziyang Wang, Yuliang Yan, Jian Wu, Yuning Jiang


In recommendation systems, the matching stage is becoming increasingly critical, serving as the upper limit for the entire recommendation process. Recently, some studies have started to explore the use of multi-scenario information for recommendations, such as model-based and data-based approaches. However, the matching stage faces significant challenges due to the need for ultra-large-scale retrieval and meeting low latency requirements. As a result, the methods applied at this stage (collaborative filtering and two-tower models) are often designed to be lightweight, hindering the full utilization of extensive information. On the other hand, the ranking stage features the most sophisticated models with the strongest scoring capabilities, but due to the limited screen size of mobile devices, most of the ranked results may not gain exposure or be displayed.

In this paper, we introduce an innovative multi-scenario nearline retrieval framework. It operates by harnessing ranking logs from various scenarios through Flink, allowing us to incorporate finely ranked results from other scenarios into our matching stage in near real-time. Besides, we propose a streaming scoring module, which selects a crucial subset from the candidate pool. Implemented on the "Guess You Like" (homepage of the Taobao APP), China's premier e-commerce platform, our method has shown substantial improvements-most notably, a 5% uptick in product transactions. Furthermore, the proposed approach is not only model-free but also highly efficient, suggesting it can be quickly implemented in diverse scenarios and demonstrate promising performance.

4.  Semantic Codebook Learning for Dynamic Recommendation Models

Zheqi Lv, Shaoxuan He, Tianyu Zhan, Shengyu Zhang, Wenqiao Zhang, Jingyuan Chen, Zhou Zhao, Fei Wu


Dynamic sequential recommendation (DSR) can generate model parameters based on user behavior to improve the personalization of sequential recommendation under various user preferences. However, it faces the challenges of large parameter search space and sparse and noisy user-item interactions, which reduces the applicability of the generated model parameters. The Semantic Codebook Learning for Dynamic Recommendation Models (SOLID) framework presents a significant advancement in DSR by effectively tackling these challenges. By transforming item sequences into semantic sequences and employing a dual parameter model, SOLID compresses the parameter generation search space and leverages homogeneity within the recommendation system. The introduction of the semantic metacode and semantic codebook, which stores disentangled item representations, ensures robust and accurate parameter generation. Extensive experiments demonstrates that SOLID consistently outperforms existing DSR, delivering more accurate, stable, and robust recommendations.

5.  MIMNet: Multi-Interest Meta Network with Multi-Granularity Target-Guided Attention for Cross-domain Recommendation

Xiaofei Zhu, Yabo Yin, Li Wang


Cross-domain recommendation (CDR) plays a critical role in alleviating the sparsity and cold-start problem and substantially boosting the performance of recommender systems. Existing CDR methods prefer to either learn a common preference bridge shared by all users or a personalized preference bridge tailored for each user to transfer user preference from the source domain to the target domain. Although these methods significantly improve the recommendation performance, there are still some limitations. First, these methods usually assume a user only has a unique interest, while ignoring the fact that a user may interact with items with different interest preferences. Second, they learn transformed preference representation mainly relies on the source domain signals, while neglecting the rich information available in the target domain.

To handle these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel method named Multi-interest Meta Network with Multi-granularity Target-guided Attention (MIMNet) for cross-domain recommendation. To be specific, we employ the capsule network to learn user multiple interests in the source domain, which will be fed into a meta network to generate multiple interest-level preference bridges. Then, we transfer user representations from the source domain to the target domain based on these multi-interest bridges. In addition, we introduce both fine-grained and coarse-grained target signals to aggregate user transformed interest-level representations by incorporating a novel multi-granularity target-guided attention network. We conduct extensive experimental results on three real-world CDR tasks, and the results show that our proposed approach MIMNet consistently outperforms all baseline methods. The source code of MIMNet is released at https://github.com/marqu22/MIMNet

6.  GenRec: Generative Personalized Sequential Recommendation

Panfeng Cao, Pietro Lio


Sequential recommendation is a task to capture hidden user preferences from historical user item interaction data. Significant progress has been made in this domain by leveraging classification based learning methods. Inspired by the recent paradigm of 'pretrain, prompt and predict' in NLP, we consider sequential recommendation as a sequence to sequence generation task and propose a novel model named Generative Recommendation (GenRec). Unlike classification based models that learn explicit user and item representations, GenRec utilizes the sequence modeling capability of Transformer and adopts the masked item prediction objective to effectively learn the hidden bidirectional sequential patterns. Different from existing generative sequential recommendation models, GenRec does not rely on manually designed hard prompts. The input to GenRec is textual user item sequence and the output is top ranked next items. Moreover, GenRec is lightweight and requires only a few hours to train effectively in low-resource settings, making it highly applicable to real-world scenarios and helping to democratize large language models in the sequential recommendation domain. Our extensive experiments have demonstrated that GenRec generalizes on various public real-world datasets and achieves state-of-the-art results. Our experiments also validate the effectiveness of the the proposed masked item prediction objective that improves the model performance by a large margin.

7.  RevGNN: Negative Sampling Enhanced Contrastive Graph Learning for Academic Reviewer Recommendation

Weibin Liao, Yifan Zhu, Yanyan Li, Qi Zhang, Zhonghong Ou, Xuesong Li


Acquiring reviewers for academic submissions is a challenging recommendation scenario. Recent graph learning-driven models have made remarkable progress in the field of recommendation, but their performance in the academic reviewer recommendation task may suffer from a significant false negative issue. This arises from the assumption that unobserved edges represent negative samples. In fact, the mechanism of anonymous review results in inadequate exposure of interactions between reviewers and submissions, leading to a higher number of unobserved interactions compared to those caused by reviewers declining to participate. Therefore, investigating how to better comprehend the negative labeling of unobserved interactions in academic reviewer recommendations is a significant challenge. This study aims to tackle the ambiguous nature of unobserved interactions in academic reviewer recommendations. Specifically, we propose an unsupervised Pseudo Neg-Label strategy to enhance graph contrastive learning (GCL) for recommending reviewers for academic submissions, which we call RevGNN. RevGNN utilizes a two-stage encoder structure that encodes both scientific knowledge and behavior using Pseudo Neg-Label to approximate review preference. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that RevGNN outperforms all baselines across four metrics. Additionally, detailed further analyses confirm the effectiveness of each component in RevGNN.

8.  EXIT: An EXplicit Interest Transfer Framework for Cross-Domain Recommendation

Lei Huang, Weitao Li, Chenrui Zhang, Jinpeng Wang, Xianchun Yi, Sheng Chen


Cross-domain recommendation has attracted substantial interest in industrial apps such as Meituan, which serves multiple business domains via knowledge transfer and meets the diverse interests of users. However, existing methods typically follow an implicit modeling paradigm that blends the knowledge from both the source and target domains, and design intricate network structures to share learned embeddings or patterns between domains to improve recommendation accuracy. Since the transfer of interest signals is unsupervised, these implicit paradigms often struggle with the negative transfer resulting from differences in service functions and presentation forms across different domains.

In this paper, we propose a simple and effective EXplicit Interest Transfer framework named EXIT to address the stated challenge. Specifically, we propose a novel label combination approach that enables the model to directly learn beneficial source domain interests through supervised learning, while excluding inappropriate interest signals. Moreover, we introduce a scene selector network to model the interest transfer intensity under fine-grained scenes. Offline experiments conducted on the industrial production dataset and online A/B tests validate the superiority and effectiveness of our proposed framework. Without complex network structures or training processes, EXIT can be easily deployed in the industrial recommendation system. EXIT has been successfully deployed in the online homepage recommendation system of Meituan App, serving the main traffic.

9.  A Unified Graph Transformer for Overcoming Isolations in Multi-modal Recommendation

Zixuan Yi, Iadh Ounis


With the rapid development of online multimedia services, especially in e-commerce platforms, there is a pressing need for personalised recommendation systems that can effectively encode the diverse multi-modal content associated with each item. However, we argue that existing multi-modal recommender systems typically use isolated processes for both feature extraction and modality modelling. Such isolated processes can harm the recommendation performance. Firstly, an isolated extraction process underestimates the importance of effective feature extraction in multi-modal recommendations, potentially incorporating non-relevant information, which is harmful to item representations. Second, an isolated modality modelling process produces disjointed embeddings for item modalities due to the individual processing of each modality, which leads to a suboptimal fusion of user/item representations for effective user preferences prediction. We hypothesise that the use of a unified model for addressing both aforementioned isolated processes will enable the consistent extraction and cohesive fusion of joint multi-modal features, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of multi-modal recommender systems. In this paper, we propose a novel model, called Unified Multi-modal Graph Transformer (UGT), which firstly leverages a multi-way transformer to extract aligned multi-modal features from raw data for top-k recommendation. Subsequently, we build a unified graph neural network in our UGT model to jointly fuse the user/item representations with their corresponding multi-modal features. Using the graph transformer architecture of our UGT model, we show that the UGT model can achieve significant effectiveness gains, especially when jointly optimised with the commonly-used multi-modal recommendation losses.

10.  Adaptive Utilization of Cross-scenario Information for Multi-scenario Recommendation

Xiufeng Shu, Ruidong Han, Xiang Li, Wei Lin


Recommender system of the e-commerce platform usually serves multiple business scenarios. Multi-scenario Recommendation (MSR) is an important topic that improves ranking performance by leveraging information from different scenarios. Recent methods for MSR mostly construct scenario shared or specific modules to model commonalities and differences among scenarios. However, when the amount of data among scenarios is skewed or data in some scenarios is extremely sparse, it is difficult to learn scenario-specific parameters well. Besides, simple sharing of information from other scenarios may result in a negative transfer. In this paper, we propose a unified model named Cross-Scenario Information Interaction (CSII) to serve all scenarios by a mixture of scenario-dominated experts. Specifically, we propose a novel method to select highly transferable features in data instances. Then, we propose an attention-based aggregator module, which can adaptively extract relative knowledge from cross-scenario. Experiments on the production dataset verify the superiority of our method. Online A/B test in Meituan Waimai APP also shows a significant performance gain, leading to an average improvement in GMV (Gross Merchandise Value) of 1.0% for overall scenarios.

11.  High-Order Fusion Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation

Yu Zhang, Lei Sang, Yi Zhang, Yiwen Zhang


Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently attracted significant attention in the field of recommender systems. Contrastive learning (CL) stands out as a major SSL paradigm due to its robust ability to generate self-supervised signals. Mainstream graph contrastive learning (GCL)-based methods typically implement CL by creating contrastive views through various data augmentation techniques. Despite these methods are effective, we argue that there still exist several challenges: i) Data augmentation (e.g., discarding edges or adding noise) necessitates additional graph convolution (GCN) or modeling operations, which are highly time-consuming and potentially harm the embedding quality. ii) Existing CL-based methods use traditional CL objectives to capture self-supervised signals. However, few studies have explored obtaining CL objectives from more perspectives and have attempted to fuse the varying signals from these CL objectives to enhance recommendation performance.

12.  GradCraft: Elevating Multi-task Recommendations through Holistic Gradient Crafting

Yimeng Bai, Yang Zhang, Fuli Feng, Jing Lu, Xiaoxue Zang, Chenyi Lei, Yang Song


Recommender systems require the simultaneous optimization of multiple objectives to accurately model user interests, necessitating the application of multi-task learning methods. However, existing multi-task learning methods in recommendations overlook the specific characteristics of recommendation scenarios, falling short in achieving proper gradient balance. To address this challenge, we set the target of multi-task learning as attaining the appropriate magnitude balance and the global direction balance, and propose an innovative methodology named GradCraft in response. GradCraft dynamically adjusts gradient magnitudes to align with the maximum gradient norm, mitigating interference from gradient magnitudes for subsequent manipulation. It then employs projections to eliminate gradient conflicts in directions while considering all conflicting tasks simultaneously, theoretically guaranteeing the global resolution of direction conflicts. GradCraft ensures the concurrent achievement of appropriate magnitude balance and global direction balance, aligning with the inherent characteristics of recommendation scenarios. Both offline and online experiments attest to the efficacy of GradCraft in enhancing multi-task performance in recommendations. The source code for GradCraft can be accessed at https://github.com/baiyimeng/GradCraft

13.  Enhancing CTR Prediction through Sequential Recommendation Pre-training: Introducing the SRP4CTR Framework

Ruidong Han, Qianzhong Li, He Jiang, Rui Li, Yurou Zhao, Xiang Li, Wei Lin


Understanding user interests is crucial for Click-Through Rate (CTR) prediction tasks. In sequential recommendation, pre-training from user historical behaviors through self-supervised learning can better comprehend user dynamic preferences, presenting the potential for direct integration with CTR tasks. Previous methods have integrated pre-trained models into downstream tasks with the sole purpose of extracting semantic information or well-represented user features, which are then incorporated as new features. However, these approaches tend to ignore the additional inference costs to the downstream tasks, and they do not consider how to transfer the effective information from the pre-trained models for specific estimated items in CTR prediction. In this paper, we propose a Sequential Recommendation Pre-training framework for CTR prediction (SRP4CTR) to tackle the above problems. Initially, we discuss the impact of introducing pre-trained models on inference costs. Subsequently, we introduced a pre-trained method to encode sequence side information concurrently.During the fine-tuning process, we incorporate a cross-attention block to establish a bridge between estimated items and the pre-trained model at a low cost. Moreover, we develop a querying transformer technique to facilitate the knowledge transfer from the pre-trained model to industrial CTR models. Offline and online experiments show that our method outperforms previous baseline models.

14.  Do We Really Need Graph Convolution During Training? Light Post-Training Graph-ODE for Efficient Recommendation

Weizhi Zhang, Liangwei Yang, Zihe Song, Henry Peng Zou, Ke Xu, Liancheng Fang, Philip S. Yu


The efficiency and scalability of graph convolution networks (GCNs) in training recommender systems (RecSys) have been persistent concerns, hindering their deployment in real-world applications. This paper presents a critical examination of the necessity of graph convolutions during the training phase and introduces an innovative alternative: the Light Post-Training Graph Ordinary-Differential-Equation (LightGODE). Our investigation reveals that the benefits of GCNs are more pronounced during testing rather than training. Motivated by this, LightGODE utilizes a novel post-training graph convolution method that bypasses the computation-intensive message passing of GCNs and employs a non-parametric continuous graph ordinary-differential-equation (ODE) to dynamically model node representations.

This approach drastically reduces training time while achieving fine-grained post-training graph convolution to avoid the distortion of the original training embedding space, termed the embedding discrepancy issue. We validate our model across several real-world datasets of different scales, demonstrating that LightGODE not only outperforms GCN-based models in terms of efficiency and effectiveness but also significantly mitigates the embedding discrepancy commonly associated with deeper graph convolution layers. Our LightGODE challenges the prevailing paradigms in RecSys training and suggests re-evaluating the role of graph convolutions, potentially guiding future developments of efficient large-scale graph-based RecSys. https://github.com/DavidZWZ/LightGODE

15.  Adversarial Text Rewriting for Text-aware Recommender Systems

Sejoon Oh, Gaurav Verma, Srijan Kumar


Text-aware recommender systems incorporate rich textual features, such as titles and descriptions, to generate item recommendations for users. The use of textual features helps mitigate cold-start problems, and thus, such recommender systems have attracted increased attention. However, we argue that the dependency on item descriptions makes the recommender system vulnerable to manipulation by adversarial sellers on e-commerce platforms. In this paper, we explore the possibility of such manipulation by proposing a new text rewriting framework to attack text-aware recommender systems.

We show that the rewriting attack can be exploited by sellers to unfairly uprank their products, even though the adversarially rewritten descriptions are perceived as realistic by human evaluators. Methodologically, we investigate two different variations to carry out text rewriting attacks: (1) two-phase fine-tuning for greater attack performance, and (2) in-context learning for higher text rewriting quality. Experiments spanning 3 different datasets and 4 existing approaches demonstrate that recommender systems exhibit vulnerability against the proposed text rewriting attack. Our work adds to the existing literature around the robustness of recommender systems, while highlighting a new dimension of vulnerability in the age of large-scale automated text generation. https://github.com/sejoonoh/ATR

16.  Personalized Multi-task Training for Recommender System

Liangwei Yang, Zhiwei Liu, Jianguo Zhang, Rithesh Murthy, Shelby Heinecke, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong, Philip S. Yu


In the vast landscape of internet information, recommender systems (RecSys) have become essential for guiding users through a sea of choices aligned with their preferences. These systems have applications in diverse domains, such as news feeds, game suggestions, and shopping recommendations. Personalization is a key technique in RecSys, where modern methods leverage representation learning to encode user/item interactions into embeddings, forming the foundation for personalized recommendations. However, integrating information from multiple sources to enhance recommendation performance remains challenging. This paper introduces a novel approach named PMTRec, the first personalized multi-task learning algorithm to obtain comprehensive user/item embeddings from various information sources.

Addressing challenges specific to personalized RecSys, we develop modules to handle personalized task weights, diverse task orientations, and variations in gradient magnitudes across tasks. PMTRec dynamically adjusts task weights based on gradient norms for each user/item, employs a Task Focusing module to align gradient combinations with the main recommendation task, and uses a Gradient Magnitude Balancing module to ensure balanced training across tasks. Through extensive experiments on three real-world datasets with different scales, we demonstrate that PMTRec significantly outperforms existing multi-task learning methods, showcasing its effectiveness in achieving enhanced recommendation accuracy by leveraging multiple tasks simultaneously. Our contributions open new avenues for advancing personalized multi-task training in recommender systems.

17.  Watermarking Recommender Systems

Sixiao Zhang, Cheng Long, Wei Yuan, Hongxu Chen, Hongzhi Yin


Recommender systems embody significant commercial value and represent crucial intellectual property. However, the integrity of these systems is constantly challenged by malicious actors seeking to steal their underlying models. Safeguarding against such threats is paramount to upholding the rights and interests of the model owner. While model watermarking has emerged as a potent defense mechanism in various domains, its direct application to recommender systems remains unexplored and non-trivial. In this paper, we address this gap by introducing Autoregressive Out-of-distribution Watermarking (AOW), a novel technique tailored specifically for recommender systems. Our approach entails selecting an initial item and querying it through the oracle model, followed by the selection of subsequent items with small prediction scores. This iterative process generates a watermark sequence autoregressively, which is then ingrained into the model's memory through training. To assess the efficacy of the watermark, the model is tasked with predicting the subsequent item given a truncated watermark sequence. Through extensive experimentation and analysis, we demonstrate the superior performance and robust properties of AOW. Notably, our watermarking technique exhibits high-confidence extraction capabilities and maintains effectiveness even in the face of distillation and fine-tuning processes.

18.  FedUD: Exploiting Unaligned Data for Cross-Platform Federated Click-Through Rate Prediction

Wentao Ouyang, Rui Dong, Ri Tao, Xiangzheng Liu


Click-through rate (CTR) prediction plays an important role in online advertising platforms. Most existing methods use data from the advertising platform itself for CTR prediction. As user behaviors also exist on many other platforms, e.g., media platforms, it is beneficial to further exploit such complementary information for better modeling user interest and for improving CTR prediction performance. However, due to privacy concerns, data from different platforms cannot be uploaded to a server for centralized model training. Vertical federated learning (VFL) provides a possible solution which is able to keep the raw data on respective participating parties and learn a collaborative model in a privacy-preserving way. However, traditional VFL methods only utilize aligned data with common keys across parties, which strongly restricts their application scope.

In this paper, we propose FedUD, which is able to exploit unaligned data, in addition to aligned data, for more accurate federated CTR prediction. FedUD contains two steps. In the first step, FedUD utilizes aligned data across parties like traditional VFL, but it additionally includes a knowledge distillation module. This module distills useful knowledge from the guest party's high-level representations and guides the learning of a representation transfer network. In the second step, FedUD applies the learned knowledge to enrich the representations of the host party's unaligned data such that both aligned and unaligned data can contribute to federated model training. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of FedUD for federated CTR prediction.

19.  A Comprehensive Survey on Retrieval Methods in Recommender Systems

Junjie Huang, Jizheng Chen, Jianghao Lin, Jiarui Qin, Ziming Feng, Weinan Zhang, Yong Yu


In an era dominated by information overload, effective recommender systems are essential for managing the deluge of data across digital platforms. Multi-stage cascade ranking systems are widely used in the industry, with retrieval and ranking being two typical stages. Retrieval methods sift through vast candidates to filter out irrelevant items, while ranking methods prioritize these candidates to present the most relevant items to users. Unlike studies focusing on the ranking stage, this survey explores the critical yet often overlooked retrieval stage of recommender systems. To achieve precise and efficient personalized retrieval, we summarize existing work in three key areas: improving similarity computation between user and item, enhancing indexing mechanisms for efficient retrieval, and optimizing training methods of retrieval. We also provide a comprehensive set of benchmarking experiments on three public datasets. Furthermore, we highlight current industrial applications through a case study on retrieval practices at a specific company, covering the entire retrieval process and online serving, along with practical implications and challenges. By detailing the retrieval stage, which is fundamental for effective recommendation, this survey aims to bridge the existing knowledge gap and serve as a cornerstone for researchers interested in optimizing this critical component of cascade recommender systems.

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