
科技   2024-09-04 08:01   新加坡  

第30届SIGKDD会议已于2024年8月25日至29日在西班牙巴塞罗纳举行。据统计,今年Research Track共有2046篇有效投稿,接收率为20%,相比KDD2024的接收率22.10%有所下降。其中,涉及到的推荐系统相关的论文共59篇(本文只整理了Research Track相关论文,应用专题在次条中进行总结)。整理不易,欢迎小手点个在看/分享。

本文收集与整理了发表在该会议上的推荐系统相关论文,以供研究者们提前一睹为快。本会议接受的论文主要整理了Research Track Papers,因此大家可以提前领略和关注学术界的最新动态。如果不放心本文整理的推荐系统论文集锦,也可自行前往官网查看,学术类论文官网接收论文列表如下:




1. RecExplainer: Aligning Large Language Models for Explaining Recommendation Models
Yuxuan Lei (University of Science and Technology of China) et al.

2. Bridging Items and Language: A Transition Paradigm for Large Language Model-Based Recommendation
Xinyu Lin (National University of Singapore) et al.

3. CoRAL: Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models Improve Long-tail Recommendation
Junda Wu (University of California San Diego) et al.

4. Large Language Models meet Collaborative Filtering: An Efficient All-round LLM-based Recommender System
Sein Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) et al.

5. DisCo: Towards Harmonious Disentanglement and Collaboration between Tabular and Semantic Space for Recommendation
Kounianhua Du (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) et al.

6. Adapting Job Recommendations to User Preference Drift with Behavioral-Semantic Fusion Learning
Xiao Han (City University of Hong Kong) et al.

7. EAGER: Two-Stream Generative Recommender with Behavior-Semantic Collaboration
Ye Wang (Zhejiang University) et al.

8. CheatAgent: Attacking LLM-Empowered Recommender Systems via LLM Agent
Liang-bo Ning (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) et al.


9. Towards Robust Recommendation via Decision Boundary-aware Graph Contrastive Learning
Jiakai Tang (Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China) et al.

10. GPFedRec: Graph-Guided Personalization for Federated Recommendation
Chunxu Zhang (College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education, Jilin University) et al.

11. How Powerful is Graph Filtering for Recommendation
Shaowen Peng (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) et al.

12. Unifying Graph Convolution and Contrastive Learning in Collaborative Filtering
Yihong Wu (Université de Montréal) et al.

13. Graph Bottlenecked Social Recommendation
Yonghui Yang (Key Laboratory of Knowledge Engineering with Big Data, Hefei University of Technology) et al.

14. When Box Meets Graph Neural Network in Tag-aware Recommendation
Fake Lin (University of Science and Technology of China) et al.

15. Consistency and Discrepancy-Based Contrastive Tripartite Graph Learning for Recommendations
Linxin Guo (Chongqing University) et al.

16. Customizing Graph Neural Network for CAD Assembly Recommendation
Fengqi Liang (Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication); Huan Zhao (4Paradigm Inc.) et al.


17. Explicit and Implicit Modeling via Dual-Path Transformer for Behavior Set-informed Sequential Recommendation
Ming Chen (College of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Shenzhen University) et al.

18. Probabilistic Attention for Sequential Recommendation
Yuli Liu (Qinghai University, Qinghai Provincial Key Laboratory of Media Integration Technology and Communication) et al.

19. Dataset Regeneration for Sequential Recommendation
Mingjia Yin (University of Science and Technology of China & State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence) et al.

20. Disentangled Multi-interest Representation Learning for Sequential Recommendation
Yingpeng Du (Nanyang Technological University) et al.

21. Pre-Training with Transferable Attention for Addressing Market Shifts in Cross-Market Sequential Recommendation
Chen Wang (University of Illinois Chicago) et al.

22. ROTAN: A Rotation-based Temporal Attention Network for Time-Specific Next POI Recommendation
Shanshan Feng (Centre for Frontier AI Research, ASTAR, Institute of High Performance Computing, ASTAR) et al.

23. Diffusion-Based Cloud-Edge-Device Collaborative Learning for Next POI Recommendations
Jing Long (The University of Queensland) et al.

24. Going Where, by Whom, and at What Time: Next Location Prediction Considering User Preference and Temporal Regularity
Tianao Sun (School of Software, Shandong University) et al.

25. DIET: Customized Slimming for Incompatible Networks in Sequential Recommendation
Kairui Fu (Zhejiang University) et al.


26. Where Have You Been? A Study of Privacy Risk for Point-of-Interest Recommendation
Kunlin Cai (University of California, Los Angeles) et al.

27. Performative Debias with Fair-exposure Optimization Driven by Strategic Agents in Recommender Systems
Zhichen Xiang (College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Laboratory of Computation and Analytics of Complex Management Systems (CACMS), Tianjin University) et al.

28. Unveiling Vulnerabilities of Contrastive Recommender Systems to Poisoning Attacks
Zongwei Wang (Chongqing University) et al.

29. Debiased Recommendation with Noisy Feedback
Haoxuan Li (Peking University) et al.

30. A Hierarchical and Disentangling Interest Learning Framework for Unbiased and True News Recommendation
Shoujin Wang (University of Technology Sydney) et al.

31. Harm Mitigation in Recommender Systems under User Preference Dynamics
Jerry Chee (Cornell University) et al.

32. Counteracting Duration Bias in Video Recommendation via Counterfactual Watch Time
Haiyuan Zhao (School of Information, Renmin University of China) et al.


33. Robust Auto-Bidding Strategies for Online Advertising
Qilong Lin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) et al.

34. InLN: Knowledge-aware Incremental Leveling Network for Dynamic Advertising
Xujia Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) et al.

35. Joint Auction in the Online Advertising Market
Zhen Zhang (Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China) et al.

36. Auctions with LLM Summaries
Avinava Dubey (Google Research) et al.

37. Bi-Objective Contract Allocation for Guaranteed Delivery Advertising
Yan Li (Key Laboratory of System Software (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) et al.

38. Optimized Cost Per Click in Online Advertising: A Theoretical Analysis
Kaichen Zhang (Thrust of Artificial Intelligence, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)) et al.

39. Truthful Bandit Mechanisms for Repeated Two-stage Ad Auctions
Haoming Li (Shanghai Jiaotong University) et al.

40. An Efficient Local Search Algorithm for Large GD Advertising Inventory Allocation with Multilinear Constraints
Xiang He (Key Laboratory of System Software (Chinese Academy of Sciences) and State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) et al.


41. Self-Supervised Denoising through Independent Cascade Graph Augmentation for Robust Social Recommendation
Youchen Sun (Nanyang Technological University) et al.

42. Double Correction Framework for Denoising Recommendation
Zhuangzhuang He (Hefei University of Technology) et al.

43. Improving Multi-modal Recommender Systems by Denoising and Aligning Multi-modal Content and User Feedback
Guipeng Xv (School of Informatics, Xiamen University) et al.

44. Popularity-Aware Alignment and Contrast for Mitigating Popularity Bias
Miaomiao Cai (Hefei University of Technology) et al.


45. Privileged Knowledge State Distillation for Reinforcement Learning-based Educational Path Recommendation
Qingyao Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) et al.

46. On (Normalised) Discounted Cumulative Gain as an Off-Policy Evaluation Metric for Top- Recommendation
Olivier Jeunen (ShareChat) et al.

47. Maximum-Entropy Regularized Decision Transformer with Reward Relabelling for Dynamic Recommendation
Xiaocong Chen (Data 61, CSIRO) et al.

48. Conversational Dueling Bandits in Generalized Linear Models
Shuhua Yang (University of Science and Technology of China) et al.


49. Natural Language Explainable Recommendation with Robustness Enhancement
Jingsen Zhang (Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China) et al.

50. Rotative Factorization Machines
Zhen Tian (Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China, Beijing Key Laboratory of Big Data Management and Analysis Methods) et al.

51. Mitigating Negative Transfer in Cross-Domain Recommendation via Knowledge Transferability Enhancement
Zijian Song (School of CS, Peking University, National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data Analysis and Applications, Peking University) et al.

52. Revisiting Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Metrics, Formulation, and Method
Chen Yang (Nanbeige Lab, BOSS Zhipin, Gaoling School of Artificial Intelligence, Renmin University of China) et al.

53. Warming Up Cold-Start CTR Prediction by Learning Item-Specific Feature Interactions
Yaqing Wang (Baidu Research, Baidu Inc.) et al.

54. Automatic Multi-Task Learning Framework with Neural Architecture Search in Recommendations
Shen Jiang (State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Nanjing University) et al.

55. Continual Collaborative Distillation for Recommender System
Gyuseok Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology) et al.

56. Relevance Meets Diversity: A User-Centric Framework for Knowledge Exploration Through Recommendations
Erica Coppolillo (Department of Computer Science, University of Calabria, ICAR-CNR) et al.

57. Shopping Trajectory Representation Learning with Pre-training for E-commerce Customer Understanding and Recommendation
Yankai Chen (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) et al.

58. Item-Difficulty-Aware Learning Path Recommendation: From a Real Walking Perspective
Haotian Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Intelligence, University of Science and Technology of China) et al.

59. User Welfare Optimization in Recommender Systems with Competing Content Creators
Fan Yao (University of Virginia) et al.

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