写作说难也难,说简单也简单,但最重要的一个诀窍就是背。但是只要你背下来了各种作文题型的框架结构和可能会用到的词,你在考试时要做的就只是根据情景把数据和其他元素添加到你的这个框架中。 老实说,要是让我真正的当堂写一个作文出来,我估计也就5.5的水平,作文这个东西想要短期提升很难,但是如果你使用“背”这个技巧,你的提升真的会非常快。 以【流程图类作文】举例,下面就是流程图这类作文中能用到的所有句型: Introduction: 流程图开图段句型 1.The diagram explains the process of doing sth. There are 数字 stages in total, each of which will be described below.2.The diagram shows the various stages in the process of doing sth.3.The diagram shows the various stages in the process of making/producing sth.4.The flow chart shows how sth is manufactured.
Overview: 流程图结尾段 1.Overall, the diagram shows how sth can be done in just a few simple steps2.There are 数字 steps in the process of doing sth, beginning with A and ending with B3.The production of sth involves a series of steps, ranging from A to B4.The process is comprised of 数字 steps in total, where details such as A and B are provided as well.