Welcome to Week #10, #11 of the OCG 2024.10 format.
This report tabulates 147 top-performing decks from 33 tournaments that were held in Japan, China Mainland, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea and Vietnam during 7 – 19 December 2024.
欢迎来到 OCG 2024.10 环境的第 10 和第 11 周报告。
本报告统计了 2024 年 12 月 7 日至 19 日期间,在日本、中国大陆、印度尼西亚、菲律宾、台湾、泰国、韩国和越南举行的 33 场比赛中表现优异的 147 副卡组数据。
Metagame Breakdown
49 Ryzeal
19 Maliss (14 Maliss, 2 Grass Maliss, 1 Grass Bystial Maliss, 1 Grass Horus Bystial Maliss, 1 Fiendsmith Bystial Maliss)
15 Primite Blue-Eyes
9 Memento
7 Gem-Knight (4 Gem-Knight, 3 Fiendsmith Gem-Knight)
5 Fiendsmith Azamina White Forest
4 Branded (3 Grass Branded, 1 Branded)
4 Crystron (3 Crystron, 1 Fiendsmith Crystron)
3 Atlantean
3 Centur-Ion (1 Centur-Ion, 1 Fiendsmith Centur-Ion, 1 Horus Centur-Ion)
3 Fiendsmith Yubel
3 Jurrac
3 Snake-Eye (2 Fiendsmith White Forest Azamina Snake-Eye, 1 White Forest Azamina Snake-Eye)
2 Fiendsmith Goblin Biker
2 Tenpai Dragon (1 Tenpai Dragon, 1 Fiendsmith Tenpai Dragon)
1 Branded Bystial Buster Blader
1 Fiendsmith Unchained
1 Fire King
1 Gimmick Puppet
1 Gladiator Beast
1 Grass Tearlaments Shaddoll Branded
1 Horus Fiendsmith Azamina Scareclaw
1 Horus SPYRAL
1 Millennium Crystal Beast
1 Nekroz
1 Primite Fiendsmith
1 Superheavy Samurai Cyber Dragon
1 Supreme King Z-ARC Magician
1 Therion Ragnaraika Aroma Sunavalon Rikka
1 Voiceless Voice
Sonoda shared in his tweet (@roll_sv) his opinion on playing against Mulcharmy Fuwalos or Mulcharmy Purulia as a Ryzeal player.
When making a Rank 4 Monster would give the opponent 2 draws, then he would still go for a Ryzeal Duo Drive and follow up with Ryzeal Detonator, giving the opponent a total of 3 draws. Getting the full setup of Ryzeal Detonator, Ryzeal Cross and Ryzeal Plugin is far more advantageous than the additional 1 draw given to the opponent.
If making a Rank 4 Monster would only give the opponent 1 draw, then he would consider making just Ryzeal Detonator and stop. But if it is a Ryzeal mirror match, then he would still go all out for the full Ryzeal Duo Drive into Ryzeal Detonator setup. Especially if he opened with Dimensional Barrier in hand for the mirror match.
This is an interesting discussion among the players. They brought up that for most match-ups except Ryzeal, a single Ryzeal Detonator is enough to disrupt the opponent and there is no need to risk giving the opponent more cards. However, in the Ryzeal mirror match, a lone Ryzeal Detonator setup would be easily dismantled by Ext Ryzeal sending Mereologic Aggregator, so they would have to take the risk of giving more draws but setup a stronger board.
Retaliating “C” was seeing some play in the Side Deck against Fusion decks, namely against Snake-Eye and White Forest which uses the Azamina package and Memento. Now Retaliating “C” could be played in another relevant match-up against Gem-Knight.
Sonoda (そのだ) went 8-0 (excluding 1 bye) and finished 1st in “45th RAM Cup Individual Tournament” which had 77 participants.
Sonoda 在推文(@roll_sv)中分享了他作为 Ryzeal 玩家对抗 Mulcharmy Fuwalos 或 Mulcharmy Purulia 的看法。
如果制作一个 4 阶怪兽会让对手抽两张牌,他仍然会选择完成 Ryzeal 双驱操作并跟进 Ryzeal 起爆器,总共让对手抽三张牌。相比于让对手额外抽一张牌,完整设置 Ryzeal 起爆器、Ryzeal 十字架和 Ryzeal 插件的优势更大。
如果制作一个 4 阶怪兽只会让对手抽一张牌,他可能只会选择制作 Ryzeal 起爆器并停止操作。但如果是 Ryzeal 内战,他仍然会全力以赴完成 Ryzeal 双驱到 Ryzeal 起爆器的完整设置,尤其是在手牌中有次元屏障的情况下。
这是一个引发玩家讨论的有趣话题。他们提到,除了对抗 Ryzeal 外,大多数对局中单独的 Ryzeal 起爆器就足以干扰对手,没必要冒险让对手抽更多卡。但在 Ryzeal 内战中,单独的 Ryzeal 起爆器很容易被通过 Ext Ryzeal 发送 Mereologic Aggregator 所破解,因此需要冒险让对手多抽牌,以设置更强的场面。
副卡组中开始看到 Retaliating “C” 的使用,主要是针对融合卡组,尤其是使用 Azamina 套件的 Snake-Eye 和 White Forest,以及 Memento。如今,Retaliating “C” 在另一个相关对局——宝石骑士中也被使用。
Sonoda(そのだ)在“第 45 届 RAM 杯个人赛”中取得 8 胜 0 负(不包括 1 场轮空)的成绩,最终在 77 名参赛者中获得冠军。
The Gryphon build for Maliss continues to perform well in the OCG metagame. Shani (しゃんい), the player featured in the previous metagame report, has written a really good article on Note (【OCG】グリフォン型M∀LICE展開メモ). He covers the pros and cons of the Terahertz build and Gryphon build, his deck build and card choices, as well as combos for the Gryphon build.
Hiroaki commented on his tweet (@miriny_forever) that he barely faced any Maliss mirror match in the “45th RAM Cup” and was able to get by without Artifact Lancea and Dominus Impulse. He came to the realization that he was underprepared for the Maliss mirror match when he was knocked out by Maliss in the “Duelist King Cup” on the next day. Now he gave proper thoughts to it calmly, he reasoned that he was already running Artifact Sanctum so adding Artifact Lancea would complement his Side Deck.
This is a common sentiment that many top players would had experienced. They could have topped or even won a tournament, but there could still be room for improvement in the deck build. Sometimes they just have a very lucky tournament run, and the weakness or flaws in the deck build are only revealed in another tournament run.
Hiroaki (ひろあき) went 6-1 (excluding 1 bye) and finished 3 – 4th in “45th RAM Cup Individual Tournament” which had 77 participants.
Maliss 在 OCG 游戏中持续表现优异。Shani(しゃんい),在前一份游戏报告中提到的玩家,在 Note 上撰写了一篇优质文章(【OCG】グリフォン型M∀LICE展開メモ),详细分析了 Terahertz 型与 Gryphon 型的优缺点、卡组构筑与选卡思路,以及 Gryphon 型的连招。
Hiroaki 在推文(@miriny_forever)中提到,他在“第 45 届 RAM 杯”中几乎没有遇到 Maliss 内战,因此在未使用神器长枪和 Dominus Impulse 的情况下取得了不错的成绩。然而,他在次日的“决斗者王杯”中被 Maliss 淘汰后意识到自己在面对 Maliss 内战时准备不足。经过冷静的思考,他认为既然自己已经在主卡组中投入了神器的神智,那么将神器长枪加入副卡组将会是一个不错的补充。
Hiroaki(ひろあき)在“第 45 届 RAM 杯个人赛”中取得了 6 胜 1 负(不包括 1 场轮空)的成绩,最终在 77 名参赛者中获得第 3 至 4 名。
Dongling went 7-3 and finished 17 – 32nd in “China City Tournament 2024 Chengdu” which had 506 participants. Using the exact same deck list, he finished 2nd in “Top Deck Vis Ranking Tournament” which had 42 participants, proving that he has pretty good deck build with replicable results.
He opted not to run Crimson Dragon in the Extra Deck. He explained in the comment (吃行合一z) that he felt Crimson Dragon is a win-more card. Setting up the Crimson Dragon play would require making 2 Level 9 Synchro Monsters, which is only possible when there are no disruptions from the opponent.
This is also a reflection of his understanding of the current OCG metagame. Many decks are now largely running a heavy ‘hand trap’ build, including Nibiru, the Primal Being and Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit in the Main Deck. As such, many games would boil down to a game of attrition and thus he chose to build his deck to have a stronger floor that could play well under disruptions.
Dongling 在“2024 成都中国城市赛”中取得了 7 胜 3 负的成绩,最终排名第 17 至 32 名(共 506 名参赛者)。随后,他使用完全相同的卡组,在另一场有 42 名参赛者的“Top Deck Vis 排名赛”中获得亚军,证明了其卡组构筑具有较高的稳定性和可复制性。
他选择不在额外卡组中加入深红龙,并在评论(吃行合一z)中解释了原因。他认为深红龙是一张“锦上添花”的卡牌,其登场需要制作两个 9 星同调怪兽,而这只有在对手没有任何干扰时才能实现。
这一选择也反映了他对当前 OCG 元游戏环境的理解。目前,许多卡组在主卡组中都投入了大量手坑,包括原始生命态尼比鲁和幽鬼兔。因此,许多对局会演变成消耗战,他选择通过构筑让卡组拥有更高的下限,以便在受干扰的情况下也能有良好的表现。
We have come to the end of the OCG 2024.10 format with Ryzeal in the lead, followed by Maliss and Primite Blue-Eyes trailing behind.
OCG 2024.10 已接近尾声,Ryzeal 领跑整体环境,Maliss 和 Primite 青眼白龙紧随其后。