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在社交网站上,美国当选总统特朗普的二儿子埃里克·特朗普(Eric Trump)发布了一张恶搞图,特朗普已经把加拿大、格陵兰岛和巴拿马运河加入“购物车”,并配文:“我们回来了!”
Eric Trump posted on social media Monday night, in an apparent joke about the United States being able to buy territories on Amazon, after his father, President-elect Donald Trump said he would take back the Panama Canal and buy Greenland.
The post on X, formerly Twitter, received over 7,000 replies, with some calling the mock-up of an online shopping cart "disrespectful" and "disturbing", while others backed Trump's caption of: "We are so back!!!"
President-elect Donald Trump shared his renewed interest Sunday in the US controlling the autonomous territory of Greenland, which is owned by Denmark.
"For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity," Trump wrote in a statement announcing that he had chosen Ken Howery to serve as ambassador to Denmark.
▷北京大学区域经济发展与大健康产业高级研修班 ▷北京大学医疗产业投融资领军人才研修班
The Danish government has announced a huge boost in defence spending for Greenland, hours after US President-elect Donald Trump repeated his desire to purchase the Arctic territory. Danish Defence Minister Troels Lund Poulsen said the package was a "double digit billion amount" in krone, or at least $1.5bn (£1.2bn). He described the timing of the announcement as an "irony of fate". On Monday Trump said ownership and control of the huge island was an "absolute necessity" for the US. krone n. 克朗(丹麦,挪威的货币单位) irony of fate 命运的讽刺
With Trump, the differences between serious policy proposals and rhetorical flourishes intended to stoke media attention or energize his base are not always clear. At other times, his provocations have appeared to be the opening salvos in his attempts at dealmaking. stoke v. 煽动;激起 opening salvos 开场白:指在一场辩论、战争或竞赛中的开场发言或行动
But there are also suspicions that billionaire tycoon Trump is looking for leverage as part of the "art of the deal" -- and that the former reality television star is grabbing headlines to look strong at home and abroad. "It's hard to tell how much of this he really wants, and how much is the latest soundbite that will be heard around the world," said Frank Sesno, a professor at George Washington University and former White House correspondent.
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