周六12月28日 - Sam Tbd aka DJ Mau Mau (Medusa/Elevator上海) @ Dada北京

文摘   2024-12-25 15:21   上海  

Sam Tbd aka DJ Mau Mau

(Medusa / Elevator Shanghai)


12月28日 星期六

December 28, Saturday


Sam Tbd aka DJ Mau Mau


Feel Good House & Techno 


11点前/Before 11pm: 30 rmb

11点后/After 11pm: 60 rmb

Sam Tbd aka DJ Mau Mau Performances

DJ Mau Mau

Sam Tbd(又名 Mau Mau)追寻那些能引发他舞动的节奏,将其细腻地交织,借由音符与肢体的共振与他人产生无言的连接。在每一场演出开始之前,他并不知晓自己将要创造何种氛围——这份未知,正是他与每一位观众共同探索的契机。

Sam Tbd – formerly Mau Mau - tracks down and blends up grooves he wants to dance to, connecting with others through movement and music. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do before his set starts—he gets to discover it with you.

Sam Tbd 的音乐灵感汲取了芝加哥和纽约的 house 先锋精神,同时也深受底特律、英国及世界各地空灵迷幻的 dub 音色的影响。历经无数个上海舞池的深夜与清晨,浸润在音乐与汗水中,他逐渐磨砺出独特的声音。他心怀感激,有机会为本地及区域的音乐场景贡献力量,更感恩能与自己心中的英雄们共同分享同一舞台——如 Eris Drew、Octo Octa、Ben Ufo、Hunee、Solar、Efdemin 以及 Move D。

Sam Tbd is inspired by house pioneers of Chicago and New York and by spacey, dubby sounds from Detroit, the UK and all over the world. His training was late nights and early mornings immersed in music (and sweat) on Shanghai dancefloors. He’s grateful to have had chances to contribute to local and regional scenes, and feels lucky to have shared the decks with some of his heroes: Eris Drew and Octo Octa, Ben Ufo, Hunee, Solar, Efdemin and Move D.

在 2016 至 2023 年间,Sam Tbd 担任 Elevator 的合伙人及音乐总监,致力于为世界级艺术家与本地新兴力量提供碰撞与融合的空间,使其成为孕育众多音乐厂牌与奇思妙想的摇篮,而舞池,则成为不同个体自由共舞的避风港。

Sam Tbd was managing partner and music director of Elevator (2016-2023), creating a place where world-class artists mixed with emerging local and regional talent, labels and strange concepts were born, and a safe space was held for every kind of raver to get lost on the dancefloor together.

Sam Tbd 对舞曲音乐的过去、现在与未来的热爱,透过他称之为家的派对/厂牌 MEDUSA 所展现得淋漓尽致。MEDUSA 与上海的顶尖 DJ 和 Queens 跨越中国及亚洲巡演,以坚实的社区根基为依托,创造了无数个极致而狂热的夜晚。

Sam Tbd’s love for the past, present and future of dance music shines through MEDUSA, the party/label he calls home. MEDUSA tours across China and Asia with some of Shanghai’s fiercest DJs and queens, building over-the-top nightlife experiences on a community foundation



Shy People Mix


NTS Radio Set


CDCR Radio Vinyl Set


Baihui Radio Set



Q & A


Sam Tbd


⬇️ Full English Interview at the bottom ⬇️




我叫Sam Tbd,来自美国缅因州的一个小镇,算是美国的“东北”吧。我大部分成年生活都在上海度过。以前做DJ叫Mau Mau,现在是Sam Tbd,大家好!


我青少年时期听的hip hop对我影响特别大,那时候还在学校派对上当DJ。Missy Elliott、Busta Rhymes,还有Timbaland和The Neptunes的制作,现在我依然超级喜欢。


比如Baijiu Robot?

2008年我搬回上海,开始时并没有打算做DJ,但后来遇到了Heatwolves,我们一起办了个叫“Baijiu Robot”的派对。那时在C’s酒吧和Logo办的派对特别有趣,乱中有趣。我渐渐开始迷上了挖掘音乐(那个时候mp3博客简直是黄金时代)、办派对和DJ。

那时上海的圈子很小,但很友好且包容,是个很适合尝试的地方。后来我又组织了很多其他派对(比如Kinetik、Jackpot、Ice Cream Truck、Comotion),还做了一些音乐节的工作,就这样一直干到2016年...






哦哟,这个得另外再开一场采访了!Medusa派对已经活力满满地持续了七年。和我一起开始这个派对的Michael Cignarale现在住在纽约,已经是个谜一样的世界女人(也是超级有才的制作人)。

Bao Pi 和 Enema Stone是这支梦幻队伍的核心,一直保持着这个神奇派对的成长和演变。我真的超开心能参与其中!



Freaklub:Logo的周三派对,现场有超棒的爵士乐手在奇怪的minimal house上即兴演奏。

Basement 6的漆黑派对:一小时的完全黑暗空间里大家疯狂跳舞,略微危险,但超级有趣。

Kuaile Dawang 快乐大王:这场活动从Elevator派对中发展出来,气氛超极温馨。对了,快乐大王三周年庆典将在12月28日,上海seeulater举办,欢迎来玩!


为什么不呢?但说真的,我非常开心能在Dada办派对——很多我在上海最喜欢的音乐和舞蹈体验都发生在那儿。那里的音乐风格和人群的多样性真的很不一样。能贡献自己的力量(尤其是和朋友们一起打超长的back-to-back set)对我来说完全像是在做梦!不对应该是梦想成真了!






以及3位你在家听, 但不敢在俱乐部放的音乐人

😁 喜欢在派对上放的:

Michael Cignarale - Out of Control

MD III - The Pressure Cooker

Chris Sattinger - Butterfly Skull

😜 在家偷偷听的:

Mystikal, Maurizio

The Fiery Furnaces. Jonathan Fitoussi

Introduce yourself, where are you from exactly, and how has that affected your taste in music and being a DJ... What were some of your favorite music as a teenager...

I’m Sam Tbd and I’m from a small town in Maine, in America’s Dongbei. I have lived most of my adult life in Shanghai. I used to DJ as Mau Mau, now I’m Sam Tbd. Hi! 

I started listening to electronic music after studying in Shanghai in 2006. (There were no clubs or places to hear dance stuff where I grew up.)  It was amazing for me as I felt like I was discovering new kinds of music every night out. 

The hip hop I listened to as a teenager (then started DJing at school parties) shaped my tastes a lot. Songs from Missy Elliott and Busta Rhymes, productions from Timbaland and the Neptunes, still love them today.  

How did you get started in the Shanghai scene ?  Baijiu robot, etc 

I moved back to Shanghai in 2008. Didn’t have plans to DJ, but then I met Heatwolves and we started a party called Baijiu Robot. Fun messy parties in C’s bar and Logo. I became hooked on  digging for music (it was a golden era for mp3 blogs), organizing parties and DJing. 

The scene felt small, friendly and inclusive, and a great place to experiment. I ended up organizing a bunch of other parties (Kinetik, the Jackpot, The Ice Cream Truck, Comotion), working for some festivals, and then in 2016…. 

Elevator. Tell us the story. 

How did it start and evolve?

It started with three friends at an afterparty joking about a dance club with ping pong tables. Then, suddenly, it was happening! Still crazy to me. Over time, there was more and more dancing, and less and less ping pong. But we did still have ping pong nights until the end! 

One big evolution was our move from the original cozy Xinle lu space to the much clubbier Nandan lu venue with a bigger dancefloor and banging sound. The nicest evolutions were the artists and parties who got started at the venue growing and connecting with more and more people!


Oh dear, that's a whole other interview!  She is alive and kicking seven years later. Michael Cignarale, who I started the party with, is now based in New York and quickly becoming an international woman of mystery (and fierce producer). 

Bao Pi and Enema Stone are the dream team that’s kept this magical thing growing and evolving over time. Really glad to be a part of it!

What were 3 of your favorite / quirky nights ... In Shanghai, or China... 

Freaklub - a Logo Wednesday night weekly party that had amazing jazz musicians jamming over weird minimal house music. 

Basement 6's pitch dark party - one hour of people dancing as hard as they could in a purely dark space, slightly dangerous, amazingly fun. 

Kuaile Dawang - one of the sweetest vibes of the events that grew out of Elevator, their three year anniversary is the 28th at seeulater in Shanghai, you should go if you’re there!

You had a monthly party at the old Dada Shanghai.  Why?

Why not? But seriously, I was so happy to be able to host a night at Dada—many of my favorite music and dancing experiences in Shanghai happened there, the mix of people and music styles was something really special. So to be able to contribute with that (and play extra-long back to back sets with friends) was a dream come true!

What's your 3 most favorite foods? 

Blueberry pancakes, Tom Yum soup, jianbing (shandong style, egg on the inside, crispy bing).

What's your favorite sport?


Name 3 songs you like to play at a party, and 3 artists that you listen to at home, but are too chicken to play at the club.

😁 To play at a party: 

Michael Cignarale - Out of Control 

MD III - The Pressure Cooker 

Chris Sattinger - Butterfly Skull 

😜 At home chicken picks: 

Mystikal, Maurizio, 

The Fiery Furnaces, Jonathan Fitoussi


See u on



Winter Best Deal



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对