News|Poltrona Frau X OUTIN 正反设计:构建多元导向的创意据点

文摘   文化   2024-08-06 18:00   浙江  

从意大利的托伦蒂诺到中国的上海,一段设计的缘分再度续写。作为“意大利制造”的杰出代表,走过112年的Poltrona Frau,被誉为“意大利家具行业风向标”具有极高的收藏价值,它表现的是一种隽永并无可取代的价值。

From Tolentino, Italy to Shanghai, China, a relationship of design is renewed. As the outstanding representative of "Made in Italy", Poltrona Frau, which has gone through 112 years, is regarded as the "wind vane of the Italian furniture industry" and has a very high collector's value, which expresses a timeless and irreplaceable value.


龙盛·福新汇系龙盛·福新里配套商业办公项目,LEED金级认证,汇集Poltrona Frau Sothebys 苏富比、法拉利意特等创立于不同时代一线品牌,齐集百年来大师之作,也实时更新着对当下生活方式的洞察。

Lonsen Millhouse is a commercial and office project paired with Millhouse Residences, certified with LEED Gold. It brings together top brands from different eras, such as Poltrona Frau, Sotheby's, and Ferrari, showcasing masterpieces created over the past century and continuously updating insights into contemporary lifestyles.

而今,OUTIN正反将以全域的策划和策展身份与Poltrona Frau和福新汇携手,在综合体的B1区域不断拓展多元文化与流动的生活形态。


Now, OUTIN.Design will join hands with Poltrona Frau and Millhouse as an all-encompassing planner and curator, to create an ever-expanding multicultural and mobile life form in the B1 area of the complex.
Using the installation as a carrier and community integration as a nucleus, we will create a creative base with a diversified orientation - humanistic possibilities, fashion possibilities, health possibilities, artistic possibilities, life possibilities, community connections, and creative inspirations will all gather here to create a rich and diverse unique experience.

Poltrona Frau Museum Icon

回溯Poltrona Frau的三重灵魂(RESIDENTIAL LIVING、CUSTOM INTERIORS、INTERIORS IN MOTION),其自持的“想象力”和“生命力”始终在变革的时代中不断对话、不断更新,如同大自然般存储着无穷变化的可能、包裹着多元世代的文化、见证着超越时间的艺术存在。

Enter the world of Poltrona Frau(RESIDENTIAL LIVING、CUSTOM INTERIORS、INTERIORS IN MOTION),its unique "imagination" and "vitality" have always been in constant dialogue and renewal in times of change. Its "imagination" and "vitality" have always been in constant dialog and renewal in the era of change, like nature, storing infinite possibilities of change, wrapping up the cultures of multiple generations, and witnessing the existence of art that transcends time.




We propose the core concept of " A Vessel of Loop " to connect the space to accommodate unlimited activities and behaviors in the future. Boundless nature is translated as a boundless container, and the jungle, the distributed form of nature, guides us to think about the core experience of the space of the "Loop".



自然生长的树木之间,存在无数种行进可能。我们以建筑的手法置入一系列柱体连廊装置。在后期使用上,这些柱体连廊不仅可以对人的体验动线进行适当引导,也将与特定活动的临时装置进行对话。同时,我们还分析了6种“环路” 的可能类型,极大的丰富了参观者的体验动线,并为多种活动预留出更多布景的可能性。

There are countless possibilities of traveling between the naturally growing trees. A series of columns and corridors are placed by architectural means. In later use, these columnar corridors will not only guide the movement of human experience, but will also talk to the temporary installations of specific activities. At the same time, we analyzed six possible types of "Loops", which greatly enriches the visitor's experience and leaves more possibilities for the set-up of multiple activities.


Poltrona Frau
OUTIN.Design 正反设计
JEDI 404

B1F, L onsen Millhouse, No.69 Hengtong Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai, China.

Commissioned by:

Poltrona Frau

Design Team:

Curatorial & Installation Design:
JEDI 404

  • About OUTIN.Design 

OUTIN.Design 正反设计由王琛先生和蒋沙君女士创立于2014 年,是一家立足于中国的多元化设计公司,在国际上屡获殊荣。OUTIN.Design 的创作过程从观察自己和日常生活、自然、人、艺术、世界本身开始,试图收集、转译印象并通过实验性、实用性、前瞻性的设计语言反映思想、物体和时刻。

我们拥有四个跨学科设计团队,R.E.C | 位面体WMT | 四般SIBAN 
| JEDI 404,既独立又相互跨界合作。其探索的设计纬度涵盖了建筑、社会社区交互、新型零售空间、展览展陈、共享办公、商业综合体、创意酒店、住宅和生活周边、软装设计和陈列落地、产品设计和道具研发等全范围领域。


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