神探夏洛克编剧莫法特回访母校丨UofG 校友新闻

文摘   Education   2024-04-06 21:49   英国  

近日,格拉斯哥大学知名校友莫法特(Steven Moffat)回访母校,与格大学生交流如何在电视制作行业发展。


史蒂夫·莫法特: 苏格兰人,格拉斯哥大学1983届硕士校友,著名电视编剧和制作人,曾多次获得英国电视学院奖和雨果奖,代表作有《神探夏洛克》、《神秘博士》以及《丁丁历险记:独角兽号的秘密》等。


1. Be persistent.
2. Keep improving.
3. Stumble on some 'freakish luck'.
4. Remember that everyone's story is different.



1. 格拉斯哥大学: 莫法特电视剧生涯的起点

1961年,莫法特出生在格拉斯哥附近的佩斯利 (Paisley)。后来进入格拉斯哥大学,学习英语和哲学,同时参加了格拉斯哥大学学生电视社团 (GUST)。

他表示,GUST影响了他的职业方向,也影响了同届校友——独立电视新闻 (ITN)的前任首席执行官约翰·哈迪 (John Hardie)。

2. 神秘博士:对莫法特影响最大的电视剧

《神秘博士》这部电视剧被吉尼斯世界纪录大全列为 "世界上最长的科幻电视系列剧" ,也被列入有史以来最成功的科幻电视系列剧,而 "博士" 是格拉斯哥大学最有名的虚构校友

莫法特说: "神秘博士一定是你能遇到的最激动人心的人,她可以是一位老人,一位年轻人,一位女性,她拥有时间和空间机器,可以把你带到任何过往的地方。博士是有史以来最有趣的人,这就是为什么这个系列从未停止。


3. 莫法特爱看的电视剧



The TV show that makes me laugh the most

A lot of Ricky Gervais' stuff makes me laugh unreasonably and any of the Alan Partridge shows I think are godlike. But 'Fawlty Towers' is at the head of the line. I remember laughing at it until I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe in. It's aged from the point of view that it looks a bit shoddy and those look like sets, but oh my God, the comedy is brilliant, absolutely brilliant.


The TV show I rewatch time and time again

'The Office' because I think it is a master work. Not in a million years could I ever do anything like that. Something being funny not because it's funny but because it is acute and true is an amazing thing. I remember my seething childish resentment when these two fellows (the writers Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant) came out of nowhere and just showed the rest of us what comedy is. I was splenetic with fury. I've since recanted from my competitive idiocy and now I just say, how can you be that good?


The TV show that gets me through the hard times

'Cheers' always cheers me up. It's sometimes hilarious, often simply quite funny, but it's always adorable. I believe in those characters and I want to be with them and tell them my stories. The theme song invites you in, it's a tremendous statement of what the show's going to be. The episodes would not necessarily be wildly different from each other--how many jokes did Norm do, just coming through that door? But you like it every time. I know a couple of the writers--Phoef Sutton and Ken Levine. Brilliant guys.


A TV show that changed my mind

I grew up with and have retained a deep loathing of Margaret Thatcher. I couldn't stand her voice, I couldn't stand what she stood for, anything. But I did watch the BBC documentary 'Thatcher: A Very British Revolution' and for the first time, I get it. I don't necessarily approve of it all, but I get why it's not all wrong. So, that changed my mind a bit. I still find I shrink in revulsion if I hear her voice, but she was smart and she was right about a number of things, even if she wasn't always very pleasant. I wouldn't exactly vote for her, but, at long last, I understand why other people would. Damn you, BBC.


The TV show I wish I'd written

I think in common with everybody, I wish I'd written the Aaron Sorkin years of 'The West Wing'. It's brilliantly written, in that it has the depth and sincerity of the grandest drama but is by any estimate actually a comedy. You laugh all the time when you're watching it but you go away thinking, what a fine drama series. Comedy or a joke is just insight at speed, so a really well-written drama will often make you laugh.


The TV show that's my guilty pleasure

When you're a 'Doctor Who' fan, there's no guilt in anything. That's the guiltiest pleasure you can have. I'm perfectly happy watching the shows that posh people are not supposed to like. I loved the heyday of 'The X Factor', I thought that was brilliant. Bafflingly, my wife Sue got me watching 'MasterChef', which I'd always disdained because I thought, we can't taste the food, what's the point? Now I'm sitting there watching and saying, oh, that looks good, even if it's full of vegetables, and I don't like those. I've got an immense amount of respect for that kind of reality television.


The TV show I'm currently watching

I've just discovered an American show which has been around for a while called 'This Is Us'. It's not the kind of thing I would normally like. It's quite soapy and warm-hearted but it's rather beautifully written. When things are beautifully written, they're often a bit dark and grim and have a tremendously misanthropic view of human nature, but this one is positive, kind and yet very insightful. It's got a tiny "why me?" element which appeals to me.




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