CMF研究 |Clement Zheng :雕刻陶瓷电子脉络

学术   2024-02-26 20:24   福建  


Clement Zheng(郑至涵) Hans Tan(韩波)


Designer Clement Zheng has created a collection of conductive ceramics that can heat food, act as interfaces for smart devices and sense moisture.

Zheng, who developed the concept with a team of researchers at the National University of Singapore including designer Hans Tan, said he drew on the idea of computation interacting with daily life to create pieces that would be helpful in everyday situations.

设计师Clement Zheng设计了一系列导电陶瓷,可以加热食物,作为智能设备的接口,还可以感知湿度。

郑先生与包括设计师Hans Tan在内的Singapore国立大学研究团队共同开发了这一概念。他说,他借鉴了计算与日常生活互动的想法,创造出了在日常生活中有帮助的作品。

"We were inspired by the Internet of Things and wanted to investigate how 'smart' objects can be embedded into everyday life," Zheng told Dezeen.

"In this project, rather than develop a separate range of electronic devices for the home, we imagined how common ceramic ware might be transformed into objects that can be interacted with."



The resulting pieces include a salad bowl with a touch slider that means it can be used as an interface for smart home devices such as music systems or lighting.

The team also created a plate with four electrodes that could monitor eating activity and a plate with a heating circuit that could heat the plate up to 100 degrees Celsius and be used to keep food warm during meal service.

Other pieces in the collection include tiles that can sensor heat or temperature changes and could be used to detect a boiling kettle or wet floors, as well as a moisture-sensing plant pot that could help users keep track of plants' moisture levels.




As a kind of material and implement that can be seen everywhere in life, ceramics has a long history of use and unique artistic value. As researchers in the field of human-computer interaction, we believe that this kind of everyday material can provide more diverse forms and richer expressions for intelligent systems in the digital age in the future. Professor Hans Tan's Spotted Nyonya project caught our attention as we thought about how we could carve circuits into ceramics to give them intelligence. The Spotted Nyonya project removes some of the glazing by sandblasting and combining it with a pattern of protective film covering the surface of the porcelain, thus the original colorful surface into a more modern half-point pattern, and then the traditional Niangya porcelain was re-interpreted.

陶瓷作为一种生活中随处可见的材料与器具,有着悠久的使用历史和独有的艺术价值。作为人机交互领域的研究者,我们相信这种日常材料可以为未来的数字时代的智能系统提供更多元化的形态和更丰富的表达。当我们思考如何能在陶瓷上雕刻电路从而赋予其智能的时候,Hans Tan 教授的Spotted Nyonya项目引起了我们的注意。娘惹瓷器是东南亚华侨的传统家居用品,Spotted Nyonya项目通过喷砂工艺结合在瓷器表面覆盖的保护膜图案,可以将部分釉面去除,从而使原本多彩的表面转变为更现代化的半点图案,进而对传统的娘惹瓷器进行了重新诠释。

Zheng then manually brushed silver conductive ink onto the sandblasted traces, which was finally scraped off to leave inlaid conductive traces on the ceramic vessel.

"The conductive traces on the ceramic serve as functional sensors such as temperature and moisture sensors and transducers such as heating elements," he said.



"We connect these traces to an external power supply and microcontroller to send and receive electrical signals," he continued.

"To interface the ceramic vessels with these external components, we used a custom placemat with conductive pads."



Zheng sourced the ceramics used in the project from both local homeware stores, thrift stores and large retailers such as IKEA, and hopes that it could eventually become a commercial collection.

"Commercialising project outcomes is always on our mind," he said. "Currently, we are focused on researching and developing the approach of incorporating functional circuits onto ceramic objects, as well as testing their durability in terms of everyday use," he added.



There also needs to be more infrastructure development for conductive ceramics to become a regular part of everyday life.

"We are also developing the computing and electronics infrastructure that these objects need in order to function within a broader connected system," Zheng said.

"These are important aspects that we need to resolve in order to translate this concept from prototypes into real-world products."




The team is currently also exploring the lifetime of the products, which can be washed by hand as the "recessed conductive traces resist abrasion and wear," Zheng explained.

"We are just starting on the next phase of this research," he added. "In this new phase, we plan to study the effective lifespan of the sensors, as well as explore different conductive inks for their durability. Anecdotally, the objects we have produced are all still working after close to six months."



Zheng's previous projects include a clock radio that was turned into a storytelling device and shown as part of the R for Repair exhibition in Singapore.

London studio Bare Conductive has also experimented with conductive design, turning a sheet of paper into a functioning light, while Mui Lab created a plank of wood that functions as a smart home control.

The photography is by Clement Zheng and Han Bo.


伦敦工作室Bare Conductive也尝试了导电设计,将一张纸变成了一个功能灯,而Mui Lab创造了一块木板,作为智能家居控制器。



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