FROM RIO BENSON, RIO BENSON CONSULTING, ON THE PREPARATION OF THESE DOCUMENTSTo qualify my efforts in the development of this drawing package: As a Machine and Mechanical Designer, I've been preparing drawings to DOD-100/1000 and ASME/ANSI Y14 standards, for a living, for more than a half century. RIO BENSON, RIO BENSON咨询公司,关于这些文件的准备为了证明我在开发这个图纸包方面的努力:作为一名机器和机械设计师,我一直在准备DOD-100/1000和ASME/ANSI Y14标准的图纸,以谋生,半个多世纪了。I am a shooter and a firearms enthusiast with sporting experience since my mid-teens and significant military firearms experience from my late teens to my late-twenties. 我是一名射手,也是一名火器爱好者,从我十几岁开始就有运动经验,从我十几岁到二十多岁都有重要的军事火器经验。I am also an avid fan of John M. Browning and the "original" M1911.我也是约翰·m·勃朗宁和“原版”M1911的狂热粉丝。Historically, when the drawings for John M. Browning's Colt M1911 were first created, there was little in the way of 'consensus' standards to guide the designers and manufacturers of the day in either drawing format or in DoD documentation of materials and finishes. 从历史上看,当约翰·m·勃朗宁的柯尔特M1911的图纸首次创建时,几乎没有“共识”的标准来指导当时的设计师和制造商,无论是图纸格式还是国防部的材料和完成文件。For the most part, these were added, hit or miss, in later drawing revisions. 在大多数情况下,这些都是在后来的图纸修订中添加的。Furthermore, due to the original design's flawless practicality and it's amazing longevity, the government's involvement, and the fact that in the ensuing 100-plus years of production the M1911 design has been officially fabricated by several different manufacturers, the drawings have gone through many, many revisions and redraws in order to accommodate all these various interests. 此外,由于原始设计的完美实用性和惊人的寿命,政府的参与,以及在随后的100多年的生产中,M1911的设计已经由几个不同的制造商正式制造,图纸经过了许多次修改和重新绘制,以适应所有这些不同的利益。These 'mandated by committee' redraws and revisions were not always made by the most competent of designers, and strict document control was virtually non-existent at the time. 这些“由委员会授权”的重新绘制和修改并不总是由最有能力的设计师完成,而且严格的文件控制在当时几乎是不存在的。All of this has led to an exceedingly sad state of credibility, legibility, and even the availability of legitimate M1911 drawings today.所有这一切都导致了可信度,可读性,甚至今天合法的M1911图纸的可用性非常可悲的状态。Granted, the M1911 is still being produced by a multitude of manufacturers, but obviously not to the original drawings. 诚然,M1911仍在由众多制造商生产,但显然不是原来的图纸。The current manufacturers have their own documentation, including their own modifications and production improvements. 目前的制造商有他们自己的文件,包括他们自己的修改和生产改进。Because of their competitiveness, there is little chance any of these current manufacturers will publish or furnish any part of their documentation, since they might be giving away some of their trade secrets. 由于它们的竞争力,这些现有的制造商几乎不可能公布或提供其文件的任何部分,因为它们可能会泄露一些商业秘密。Of course, we must assume that none of these manufacturers have ever heard of "reverse engineering" [LoL].当然,我们必须假设这些制造商都没有听说过“逆向工程”[LoL]。With that being said, I have noticed numerous requests for M1911 drawings over the years, and now having the time, the knowledge, and the means, I decided to model the M1911 in 3D, using SolidWorks 2012, and then create updated drawings from those models. 话虽如此,我注意到多年来对M1911图纸的许多要求,现在有时间,知识和手段,我决定在3D中对M1911进行建模,使用SolidWorks 2012,然后从这些模型中创建更新的图纸。My source for the original[?] drawings came, free of charge, from the internet. As a drawing set for the M1911 these were better than nothing, but they were full of misinterpretations, errors, omissions, in addition to being very difficult to read. 作为M1911的绘图集,这些总比没有好,但它们充满了误解,错误,遗漏,而且非常难以阅读。Unfortunately, that was all that was available.Due to the poor legibility of the reduced drawing sizes, original drafting quality, and reproducibility of the source documents, and also of the collective questionable veracity of revision status, a number of assumptions and even interpolations had to be made in the creation of the subject documentation package. 由于缩小的图纸尺寸、原始起草质量和源文件的可重复性较差,以及修订状况的集体准确性值得怀疑,在编制主题文件包时必须作出一些假设,甚至进行内插。While every attempt was made regarding the maintenance of technical correctness and completeness, I (Rio Benson), or Rio Benson Consulting, cannot warrant or guarantee the package's accuracy or suitability for manufacture, and recommend its use be limited to only that of a source of interesting and historical information. 在尽一切努力维护技术正确性和完整性的同时,我(Rio Benson)或Rio Benson咨询公司不能保证或保证包的准确性或制造的适用性,并建议其使用仅限于有趣和历史信息的来源。This package is furnished free of charge, and the user must assume any and all liability in any connection with its use. 此包是免费提供的,用户必须承担与使用有关的任何及所有责任。The laws regarding intellectual property apply here. This documentation may be published and distributed freely as a complete package, without charge, provided nothing is altered in any way. 本文档可以作为一个完整的软件包免费发布和分发,前提是不以任何方式改变任何内容。Furthermore, this writing is an integral part of the package and must accompany it in any of its published forms. 此外,这篇文章是包的一个组成部分,必须伴随它的任何出版形式。By the way, this package prints best on a tabloid (11 x 17 inch) printer, color or no. 顺便说一下,这个包装在小报(11 x 17英寸)打印机上打印效果最好,彩色或无色。Only two sizes of drawing format were used, B (11 x 17) and D (22 x 34). 仅使用两种尺寸的绘图格式,B (11 x 17)和D (22 x 34)。The advantage of the D size is less format per drawing area. TheD size printed on a tabloid sheet results in a half-size reproduction (half-size is not half a sheet; 印刷在小报上的尺寸是半尺寸的复制品(半尺寸不是半张纸;do your math) that is still quite legible for all but the legally blind.