2024年11月29日,全国分层分类社会救助工作推进会在西安召开,会议聚焦社会救助体系建设,推动社会保障制度的全面提升。会议由民政部副部长胡海峰主持,民政部党组书记、部长陆治原出席并发表讲话,陕西省省长赵刚致辞,陕西省副省长徐明非出席。在会议的交流环节,来自陕西、山东、甘肃、浙江、安徽、江苏等省的民政部门负责人分别进行了发言,分享了各自省份在社会救助体系建设方面的创新举措与经验。这些经验不仅展示了各地在分层分类救助制度落实中的具体做法,还体现了各省在推动高质量社会救助体系建设中的努力成果。与会代表纷纷表示,要在未来的工作中,加强社会救助与社会福利、社会治理等方面的有机衔接,推进社会各项事业协同发展,提升社会管理效能,确保社会救助制度的普惠性和公平性。此次会议的召开,为全国社会救助工作提供了一个重要的交流平台,标志着社会救助工作进入新阶段。各级民政部门将深入落实会议精神,积极推进社会救助制度的创新与完善,确保每一位困难群众都能享受到国家和社会的关爱与帮助。同时,通过更为精细化的分层分类政策设计,社会救助工作将进一步彰显其保障民生、促进社会公平与稳定的积极作用。未来,随着社会救助体系的不断完善与创新,全国范围内的民生保障将更加坚实,社会稳定与公平正义将得到更有力的维护,社会主义制度的优越性也将得到更加全面的体现。On November 29, 2024, the National Conference on the Advancement of Tiered and Classified Social Assistance was held in Xi'an. The conference focused on the development of the social assistance system and the comprehensive enhancement of the social security system. The meeting was hosted by Hu Haifeng, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, with Lu Zhiyuan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, attending and delivering a speech. Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, delivered a speech, and Xu Mingfei, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province, also attended the meeting. On November 29, 2024, the National Conference on the Advancement of Tiered and Classified Social Assistance was held in Xi'an. The conference focused on the development of the social assistance system and the comprehensive enhancement of the social security system. The meeting was hosted by Hu Haifeng, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, with Lu Zhiyuan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, attending and delivering a speech. Zhao Gang, Governor of Shaanxi Province, delivered a speech, and Xu Mingfei, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province, also attended the meeting.