气候动力:Postdoc at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

学术   2024-09-10 18:55   荷兰  
The Climate Dynamics group at ETH Zurich is recruiting a postdoc to work on a project addressing any a broad range of topics in climate dynamics, such as the response of the tropical atmosphere and ocean to climatically relevant forcing on various timescales, mechanistic understanding of climate model biases, or the upscale influence of mesoscale and convective-scale processes on climate and climate change. There is a lot of room for the candidate to bring their own ideas building on their expertise and interests, but the project should complement ongoing research in the climate dynamics group (https://iac.ethz.ch/group/climate-dynamics/research.html). Overarching goals of our research include improving climate models and understanding the physical mechanisms of atmospheric circulation changes. 

Details on the position and application (application deadline 21st October): 
