
文摘   2024-08-27 13:27   土耳其  






















Modern Agriculture in Turkey | The Joyful Life of Olive and Fig Farmers in the Aydin Mountains

At the end of August in the Aydin Mountains, the sunshine is bright, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of ripening fruit. I boarded a small van with the Aydin agricultural product manager, starting today’s journey to purchase dried figs. The Fiat van smoothly navigates the winding mountain roads, expertly handled by the manager, as we traverse the winding turns. Outside the window, the mountain scenery is enchanting, with olive and fig trees swaying gently in the breeze, as if greeting us.

The Tranquil Beauty of Mountain Roads and Fruit Trees

After traveling for about ten kilometers, we finally arrive at a quiet mountain village. The village is small but well-connected with roads, surrounded by layers of small hills. Despite the moderate altitude, the natural atmosphere is pure and refreshing. Under the guidance of a local agent, we stopped at the village square, a place where farmers gather, socialize, and trade agricultural products. On the small square, a few villagers are waiting, dressed simply and radiating natural warmth and friendliness.

After getting out of the van, we followed the agricultural product manager into a local farm. The courtyard is spacious, with the ground floor serving as a temporary storage and sorting area for agricultural products. Several baskets of freshly sorted dried figs are neatly stacked. Intrigued by the mountain landscape, I took the opportunity to explore the village on my own while the product manager and the farmers discussed inside.

On the hillside, olive and fig trees stand side by side, their boundaries indistinguishable, like old friends relying on each other. The leaves of the olive trees shimmer in the sunlight, and the soil beneath shows clear signs of tilling, indicating that it has been worked by a tractor. Although most of the figs have been harvested, some unripe fruit still hangs on the branches, waiting for the final nourishment from the sun.

The landscape is full of vitality, with the joint cultivation of olives and figs making the agricultural layout orderly. The management of the orchards is clearly highly mechanized. Almost every household has a large tractor with various attachments such as a rotary tiller, sprayer, and bucket, making it easier to manage soil, fertilize, and control pests in the mountainous terrain. The use of tractors significantly reduces the physical labor required, and the villagers talk about them with pride and satisfaction.

Experiencing Agricultural Life Firsthand

When I returned to the farmyard, the discussion between the product manager and the farmers was nearing its end. I followed him into the house, where the aroma of dried fruits was pervasive. In the turnover bins, neatly sorted dried figs with a golden hue and plump fruit exuded the natural sweetness of ripeness. The product manager carefully inspected the quality of some figs, while the farmers smiled and explained that these were the fruits of their hard work that week.

We visited their storage area, a cool warehouse with neatly stacked dried figs and olive oil cans. The farmers explained that summer is the harvest season for figs, and soon it will be time for the olive harvest. These olives will be pressed into oil in the autumn, becoming an important source of income for every family in the village.

Leaving the farm, I walked to the back of the yard, where there was a small enclosure with a few sheep peacefully resting in their shelter. Contrary to my expectation of pasture grazing, the villagers here use an enclosed grazing method. Although not every family has livestock, it remains an important source of income for those who do. The villagers use manure as natural fertilizer for their fig and olive trees, a form of organic circular agriculture that not only reduces chemical fertilizer use but also enhances soil fertility and health, helping maintain the ecological balance of the land.

The Agricultural Ecosystem of the Aydin Mountains

Farmers in the Aydin Mountains are not just agricultural producers but also guardians of the land. Here, natural conditions combine with modern technology to create a highly sustainable agricultural ecosystem. The interdependent planting of olive and fig trees is the core of this ecosystem. Olive trees are drought-resistant, while figs can tolerate less water, allowing them to coexist on the mountain and slopes, making the most of the limited land resources.

With the development of agricultural mechanization, farmers can manage their orchards more efficiently. By using modern tractors and sprayers, they can quickly complete tasks such as tilling, soil preparation, and pest control, reducing physical labor and production costs. Moreover, mechanized equipment allows for precise orchard management, increasing crop yields and ensuring the healthy growth of fruit trees. In this mountainous region, mechanization has significantly improved agricultural production efficiency, allowing farmers to maintain stable yields even with unpredictable weather. These modern technologies have enabled substantial progress in traditional agriculture while preserving the sustainable use of land.

Mediterranean Diet and Global Market Connections

The dried figs we are purchasing will soon be processed at the product manager’s factory and then shipped to a port in Turkey. There, these high-quality dried figs will board the China-Europe Railway Express, crossing the Eurasian continent and eventually arriving at supply chain warehouses in China. Through a well-established logistics system and supply chain network, these dried figs will quickly enter online sales platforms, reaching households across China and allowing more consumers to enjoy the delicious and healthy offerings from the Aydin Mountains.

The farmers are proud that their labor is appreciated by global consumers. They are hopeful about exports, knowing that their figs and olive oil are recognized and enjoyed by people both along the Mediterranean coast and across the ocean. This international market demand not only increases their income but also brings more opportunities and development to the village.

Integration of Rural and Modern Life

In the Aydin Mountains, the integration of rural life with modern agricultural technology creates a unique sense of happiness. In the village, while young people may aspire to city life, the elderly remain committed to their homeland, cultivating olives and figs to sustain their families. During harvest seasons, the entire village is vibrant with energy, and the joy of harvest is reflected on everyone’s face. Children run along the village paths, enjoying carefree childhood moments, while the elderly chat under the shade of trees, sipping tea and savoring the tranquility of rural life.

The happiness on this land comes not only from the bountiful harvest but also from the villagers’ close relationship with nature. Olive and fig trees are not only their economic resources but also symbols of their daily lives. Every drop of olive oil and every dried fig embodies their love for the land and dedication to their lives.


This experience allowed me to deeply appreciate that the farmers in the Aydin Mountains are not only dancing with nature but also moving towards a brighter future with the help of modern agricultural technology. Their happy life is not out of reach but quietly blooming amidst the shadows of olive and fig trees, intertwined with the efforts and joys of harvest. Every orchard, every mountain landscape in Aydin is a testament to their labor and wisdom, forming the foundation of their happy lives. In Aydin, agriculture and life, modern and traditional, together weave a harmonious and beautiful tapestry.
