会议征稿 | “全球视野下中国的跨国媒体” 9月16日截止

文摘   2024-09-14 12:01   北京  

Call for Abstracts
Transnational Media in China: A Global Perspective
Global China Research Centre
Autumn Term 2024-2025 Seminar Series
The University of Exeter's Global china Research Centre invites proposals for our graduate and earlycareer researcher seminar series for the Autumn Term 2024-2025, titled"Transnational Mediain china:A Global Perspective"
As China's influence grows on the global stage, understanding the interplay between domestic andinternational media has become increasingly vital. This seminar series seeks to explore the roles andimpacts of transnational media in shaping public discourse, cultural exchange, soft power dynamics, andglobal perceptions of China. We encourage graduate students and early-career researchers to submitproposals for presentations related to this topic, Researchers from any discipline, including but not limitecto area studies, literature, translation studies, history, art history, media studies, politics andinternational relations, are welcome to contribute their insights and engage in these discussions.
The seminar series is open to students and staff from any affiliation. Organized by current graduatestudents and early-career researchers, the series aims to provide a supportive environment for presentingresearch at any stage of completion to a peer audience. Each seminar will feature 2 to 3 presenters and 1discussant. Presenters are encouraged to share their work with the discussant prior to the seminarPresentations should last between 15 and 20 minutes, followed by a discussion and 0&A session. Theseminars will be held in person and/or online, depending on presenter availability, during the University of Exeter's autumn term, from 23 September to 13 December 2024.
To propose a presentation, please send a provisional title, an abstract of no more than 300 words, anda shor't biographical note to exgcrc-seminar@outlook.com by 16 September 2024. Applications will bereviewed by the convenor committee, and results will be communicated via email by 27 September. Forany queries,please contact us at the same address.
Global China Research Centre Graduate and ECR Seminar Series Convenors:
