
创业   2024-12-10 16:57   北京  

印度青年领袖联合会主席希马德里什·苏万(Himadrish Suwan)强调了印度2023年《数字个人数据保护法案》(DPDP)的重要性。 该法案的核心目标是建立互联网使用规范和伦理,特别是针对年轻人群体,因为他们是社交媒体平台上最活跃的用户。 苏万指出了几个关键条款,包括未满18岁的未成年人在注册社交媒体时必须获得父母同意并进行身份验证。这些措施旨在防止数据泄露到全球市场,并确保技术能够促进年轻人积极的心态和进步的思维,保护他们免受数字空间中潜在的危害。

Himadrish Suwan, Chairman of the Confederation of Young Leaders of India, emphasized the significance of India’s 2023 Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDP). The bill focuses on establishing ethical internet practices, particularly for young people, who are the most active users of social media platforms. Suwan highlighted key provisions, including mandatory parental consent and identity verification for minors under the age of 18 when registering on social media. These measures aim to prevent data leaks into the global marketplace and to ensure that technology fosters positive attitudes and progressive thinking among the youth, safeguarding them from potential harms in the digital space.


作者:中青报·中青网记者 梁艳 王骏扬 见习记者 刘佳佳
