
文摘   2024-10-08 10:37   美国  

“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

以下内容英文版来源于定点集团首席律师, Mike Mills。中文版由王一根据Mike的法律分析翻译校对。


最近关于加利福尼亚州禁止在本科录取时考虑捐款或是否是校友子女的报道很多,其中不乏西方媒体的渲染,当然也有不少中文媒体跟风报道。似乎一夜之间,某些群体一直享有的特权,至少在加州就被这么一纸公文给解除了。幸福似乎来得很突然。但可是,可但是,这些报道几乎都误解了新法律,并夸大了其会带来的变化。“勋贵录取”(legacy and donation)是指大学给那些其家庭曾就读于该校或捐赠了大量资金的学生提供更好的录取机会。

加利福尼亚的新法律只是要求该州的大学向政府提供年度报告,内容包括:(a) 它们是否使用勋贵录取, (b) 如果使用,勋贵学生的人数及其相关统计数据。加利福尼亚州政府随后将发布一份报告,公开披露那些使用勋贵录取的学校名单。大学需要在2026年6月前披露相关信息,而州政府的第一份报告将在2027年6月前发布。




There have been many stories about how California has banned legacy admissions. These stories misunderstand the new law and overhype the changes. Legacy admissions are where a university gives a better chance of admission to a student whose family attended the school or donated a lot of money to the school.

The new California law requires universities in California to provide an annual report to the government on (a) whether they use legacy admissions and (b) if they do, then the statistics on of how many students were legacy and their demographics. The California government will then publish a list of each school who reported that they do legacy admissions. The first university report is due in June 2026, and the State’s first report is to be published by June 2027.

This is thus not a ban on the process, but an indirect way to shame universities. The idea behind the law is that in the next few years, journalists will write stories about the list, creating social pressure for universities to change. In the long run, California might use the statistics to write stronger laws, but only after a few years of collecting statistics to justify more regulation.

This law only applies if a university accepts students who receive financial aid from the state. The easiest way out of this law is to replace state financial aid with more aid from the endowment. California gives about 1200 scholarships a year to students attending private universities, at a maximum of about $10k. That’s $12 million in tuition aid across all private schools. Wealthy universities like Stanford and USC can easily replace this with donations. Smaller private schools will have a more difficult time replacing state money.

The result is that we will not see any changes for at least another five years, and when we do, the changes will mostly impact smaller schools, while wealthy schools easily evade the law.
