文章1: Coffee lowers risk of heart problems and early death, study says, especially ground and caffeinated
- **研究结果**:每天喝两到三杯大多数类型的咖啡可能有助于预防心血管疾病和早逝。
- **咖啡类型**:研究发现,无论是研磨咖啡、速溶咖啡还是脱咖啡因咖啡,都能显著降低冠心病、充血性心力衰竭和中风的风险。但只有含咖啡因的研磨和速溶咖啡能降低心律失常的风险。
- **健康生活方式**:研究作者Peter Kistler建议,适度摄入研磨、速溶和脱咖啡因咖啡应被视为健康生活方式的一部分。
- **研究限制**:数据的准确性有限,因为参与者自我报告了他们的咖啡消费情况,可能受到个人偏见的影响。
文章2: Your morning cups of coffee and tea could be associated with lower risk of stroke and dementia
- **研究结果**:早晨饮用咖啡和茶可能与降低中风和痴呆的风险相关。
- **参与者**:超过360,000名参与者在10至14年的研究期间,每天喝2至3杯咖啡、3至5杯茶或合计4至6杯的人中风和痴呆风险最低。
- **健康益处**:单独饮用咖啡或茶也与较低的风险相关,但同时饮用2至3杯咖啡和2至3杯茶的人风险最低,比不饮用的人痴呆风险低28%,中风风险低32%。
- **研究限制**:研究是观察性的,不能证明直接的因果关系。
文章3: If you drink these types of coffee, you could have a lower death risk
- **研究结果**:饮用含糖或不含糖咖啡与不喝咖啡相比,与较低的死亡风险相关。
- **参与者**:171,616名英国参与者在一年内被调查了多达五次,包括他们的咖啡饮用习惯。平均七年后,科学家查看了死亡证明。
- **咖啡益处**:适度饮用咖啡(每天1.5至3.5杯)的人,加糖咖啡饮用者的死亡风险比不喝咖啡的人低约30%。不加糖的咖啡饮用者死亡风险比不喝咖啡的人低16%至29%。
- **健康建议**:研究建议,大多数咖啡饮用者无需从饮食中排除咖啡,但应谨慎对待高热量特色咖啡。
Prior studies have also found moderate amounts of black coffee — between 3 and 5 cups daily — has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, as well as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, liver disease and prostate cancer.
The fact that both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee was beneficial “might suggest that it is not simply the caffeine which could potentially explain any associated reduction in risk
Several studies have also shown that three cups of coffee a day can decrease the risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.
People drinking more than 6 cups a day were at an increased risk of dementia and smaller total brain volumes, according to a study published in June in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience.
...those who sweetened their coffee had about a 30% lower death risk compared with non-coffee drinkers.
Unsweetened coffee drinkers had between 16% and 29% lower death risk compared with non-coffee drinkers
The two most common coffee species are arabica and robusta, and research shows robusta coffee has a higher phenolic content than arabica coffee.