A monster known among the commission as the White Wraith, described as having unique chain-like appendages extending from its wings. A species long thought to have been extinct, its ecology remains shrouded in mystery.
根据纳塔的描述,公会组建了由“猎人、编辑者、武器防具加工商、随从艾露猫”这3人1猫组成的几个小队,踏上这片未知的土地。会与神秘少年纳塔一起调查被称为“白色孤影”的怪物。ギルドはナタの言葉を手がかりに「ハンター、編纂者、武器防具の加工屋、オトモアイルー」の3人と1匹で編成されるいくつかの小隊を結成し、未踏の土地に足を踏み入れることとなる。謎の少年ナタとともに"白の孤影"と呼ばれるモンスターの調査を行う。The setting of our story: The Forbidden Lands.Based on Nata's account, the Guild has organized the expedition into several small units—each with its own hunter, handler, smithy, and Palico.The Hunter—protagonist of our story—belongs to the Avis Unit.The unit tasked with investigating the monster known as the White Wraith and looking after the mysterious boy, Nata.