
学术   2024-10-11 00:01   安徽  


2024年10月11日 9:30






面对环境问题的日益复杂性与多维性,本届论坛以“环境经济学 + X”为主题,致力于通过跨界研究,将不同领域的工具与方法应用于环境经济学,打破学科壁垒,以期带来新的视角和解决方案。此次论坛的主题涵盖多个交叉领域,包括环境经济学与机器学习、国际贸易、公共资源管理、碳普惠与碳抵消等多个前沿领域的结合,探索科技与策略在环境保护与可持续发展中的重要作用。





October 11, 2024 (Friday)

9:00-9:30 会议签到 Sign In

9:30-9:40 致欢迎辞 Welcome Address

发言人:朱俊明 清华大学公共管理学院副院长、副教授;CIDEG兼职研究员

Speaker:Junming ZHU Associate Professor, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University;CIDEG Part-time Research Fellow

发言人:何国俊 香港大学经济学教授,香港大学赛马会环球企业可持续发展研究所所长,香港大学中国经济研究所副所长

Speaker:Guojun HE Professor in Economics; Director, HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute; Associate Director, Institute of China Economy, The University of Hong Kong


Morning Session  

主持人:何国俊 香港大学经济学教授,香港大学赛马会环球企业可持续发展研究所所长,香港大学中国经济研究所副所长

Host: Guojun HE Professor in Economics; Director, HKU Jockey Club Enterprise Sustainability Global Research Institute; Associate Director, Institute of China Economy, The University of Hong Kong

主讲发言Keynote Speech


Water Woes in a Woven World: The Economic and Trade Impacts of Water Stress

发言人:饶德宇 香港科技大学经济系助理教授

Speaker:Deyu RAO Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology



Our study examines the intricate effects of climate change, trade dynamics, and water resources on global economic outcomes. Leveraging high-resolution satellite data, we create a detailed mapping from local climate shocks to country-level agricultural productivity. We then employ a structural trade model following Eaton and Kortum (2002) and explore the welfare implications of precipitation shocks across various scenarios through their impact on the agricultural sector. Our findings highlight significant heterogeneity in local productivity responses to precipitation, and the impact of precipitations can propagate via trade networks and production linkages. We demonstrate that trade and production networks can mitigate the impact of local precipitation shocks, though these effects may spill over into other sectors and regions through market interactions.


The Dynamic Effects of Renewable Subsidies in the Green Energy Transition

发言人:慕天实 清华大学经济管理学院经济系助理教授

Speaker:Tianshi MU Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University



The speed at which electricity generation can transition to green energy sources depends in part on the incentives of coal and natural gas plants to enter or exit. I examine how the design of government subsidies and the costs of renewables shape those strategies. To do so, I formulate a nonstationary dynamic model of generator entry and exit that incorporates heterogeneity in entry costs and nests it within a dynamic, hourly model of competition in the wholesale electricity market. I estimate the model using data from Texas. I find that renewable subsidies in place in 2005--20 reduce cumulative CO2 emissions by 1.71 billion tons through 2060, largely because of a dynamic mechanism: they shift expectations about future competition and thereby reduce the entry of new coal plants very early in the transition. I further show that, by leveraging the dynamic mechanism, a short-horizon subsidy can more effectively reduce carbon emissions with less tax burden by bunching more wind investment and intensifying competition earlier for coal power plants.


An efficient mechanism to mitigate stock externalities in rights-based common-pool resource management: Theory and experiments

发言人:赵  浩 中国人民大学生态环境学院助理教授

Speaker:Hao ZHAO Assistant Professor, School of Ecology & Environment, Renmin University of China



The inter-temporal resource allocation efficiency of a rights-based common-pool resource management system is threatened by a stock externality when one user’s extraction lowers the resource stock and raises the extraction cost for others. This paper proposes a novel decentralized rights-based allocation mechanism (DRAM) to restore the efficiency loss. DRAM includes two stages. In a voting stage, agents collectively determine a binding extraction target for each period via weighted majority voting; in a market stage, agents trade extraction rights assigned to them within each period. We build a theoretical model to illustrate the efficiency loss from a standard property rights market and demonstrate that DRAM can implement the socially optimal allocation under mild conditions. Laboratory experiments confirm that DRAM outperforms the standard property rights market in aggregate economic efficiency.


Afternoon Session

主持人:朱俊明 清华大学公共管理学院副院长、副教授; CIDEG兼职研究员

Host: Junming ZHU Associate Professor, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy and

Management, Tsinghua University;CIDEG Part-time Research Fellow

主讲发言Keynote Speech


Better Targeting through Machine Learning in Environmental Enforcement

发言人:刘梦迪 对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院副教授

Speaker:Mengdi LIU Associate Professor, School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics



Enforcement agencies often struggle with limited resources and inefficient allocation, leading to low detection rates of violations. This study develops and validates a machine learning model using nearly 300,000 environmental inspection records and diverse data sources from Jiangsu, China, to predict environmental violations. Our results show that the machine learning model enhances the detection of violators by 67% without requiring additional resources, or reduces inspection resources by approximately 40% while maintaining the same level of violator identification. Additionally, we propose an innovative enforcement scheme incorporating a “whitelist” to filter out likely compliant facilities and demonstrate its superiority over existing strategies through simulation. These findings illustrate the potential of machine learning and big data to optimize regulatory practices on a broader scale.


An integrity assessment of global forest carbon offset projects

发言人:张  达 清华大学能源环境经济研究所副教授,清华三峡气候与低碳中心副主任

Speaker:Da ZHANG Associate Professor, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy; Deputy Director of Tsinghua-CTG Joint Center for Climate Governance and Low-carbon Transformation, Tsinghua University



Forest carbon offset projects are important sources of carbon removal, yet their integrity has been challenged, as some major carbon-crediting programs have been exposed to over-crediting critics. In this study, we aim to evaluate the integrity of afforestation and reforestation (AR) and improved forest management (IFM) projects under six mainstream carbon-crediting programs, namely, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard (GS), American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), and Chinese Certificated Emissions Reduction (CCER) programs, by comparing estimated emissions reductions based on remote sensing data to those claimed by project developers. While we initially identified 682 projects, the availability of public project information limited our evaluation to 214 projects under CDM, VCS, ACR, and CAR programs, spanning 35 countries. Overall, we find risks of over-crediting: on average, claimed credits are significantly greater than satellite-based estimates of emissions reductions. Among the four programs, the IFM projects under the CAR program have the least biases. We find that adopting methodologies for large-scale projects, hiring verifiers with a narrower methodology or program coverage, more developed host countries, and favourable business environments are correlated with less overestimation. Our evaluation calls for more efforts to track and improve the integrity of forest carbon offset projects, thus enhancing the confidence of investment in natural carbon removal solutions.


The Ratchet Effect and Its Amendments in Threshold Public Goods Provision: An Experimental Investigation

发言人:李  智  厦门大学经济学院/王亚南经济研究院副教授,厦门大学经济学院财政系副主任

Speaker:Zhi LI Associate Professor, School of Economics &The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University



The Paris Agreement includes a ratchet-up mechanism designed to accelerate the progress towards long-term climate goals by prescribing that parties' commitments to climate change cannot decrease over time. However, this mechanism often leads to reduced early contributions to avoid high obligations later on, known as the ratchet effect. We experimentally investigate this effect in a threshold public goods game and test two amendments: the strong ratchet-up mechanism (SR) and the collective minimum contribution mechanism (CMC), with the former requiring strictly increasing contributions and the latter a collectively chosen minimum. Our experiment supports a significant ratchet effect in the weak ratchet-up mechanism. Subjects reduce their contributions initially, but the increasing contributions over the course of the game are insufficient to offset the early drop, leading to a lower provision rate. The SR mechanism also suffers initial low contributions but recovers faster, effectively compensating the initial drop. The CMC mechanism mitigates the ratchet effect by boosting contributions at the beginning of the game, especially when the minimum contributions are binding. However, both the SR and CMC mechanisms lower individual willingness to contribute. Balancing these conflicting incentives is crucial for an effective climate policy design.


Heterogeneous Cleaners: Firm Exports and Carbon Emissions in China

发言人:张鹏龙 清华大学公共管理学院副教授

Speaker: Penglong ZHANG Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University



Firms adopt different production modes to manufacture products for domestic and foreign markets, resulting in different carbon emission behaviors for the two production lines. In addition to the reduction effect of technology adoption, we propose the increment effect of higher safety standard compliance on exporting firms' emissions. We develop a simple theoretical model that allows exporting firms to endogenously choose the optimal production mode given foreign consumers' preferences. We investigate the empirical behavior of firm exports and carbon emission based on Chinese exporting firms' data over 2007--2015, using a semiparametric varying coefficient model to allow for the heterogeneous estimation results. We find that the impact of the export share on carbon emission intensity is positive for both the smallest firms and the largest firms, while negative for those in between. The mechanism checks show that the emission elasticity estimates drop down with firm productivity while raising up with capital intensity. Our empirical analysis found strong evidence of carbon heterogeneity. The empirical results explain the reasons for the contradictory conclusions on firm exports and emissions in the literature. Our policy counterfactuals suggest subsidizing small firms while taxing large firms to improve energy efficiency and protect the environment.


October 12, 2024 (Saturday)


Morning Session  

主持人:张明昂 中央财经大学财政税务学院副教授

Host:Mingang ZHANG Associate Professor, School of Finance and Taxation, Central University of Finance and Economics

主讲发言Keynote Speech


Redesign China’s Air Pollution Abatement Scheme

发言人:李  硕  香港大学经济及工商管理学院经济学博士后

Speaker: Shuo LI Post-doctoral Fellow, HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong



Addressing air pollution is a pressing issue. Traditional air pollution regulations primarily target areas with the highest pollution levels. However, the regions with the highest pollution levels may not always be the primary contributors to nationwide pollution due to the long-distance travel of air pollutants. This paper employs high-frequency backward trajectory data to investigate the spillover effects of PM2.5 pollution in China from 2015 to 2023. The city-pair regression reveals a statistically significant positive correlation between the pollution levels in source and destination cities. Notably, the geographic distribution of air pollution spillover impact significantly diverges from the pattern of PM2.5 concentration, indicating a discrepancy between local air pollution levels and national air pollution contributions. Further, the study demonstrates that China’s past city-level PM2.5 reduction targets were primarily determined by PM2.5 concentration rather than the contribution of local air pollution to national air pollution, suggesting a potential loss in efficiency. Lastly, the paper proposes an alternative pollution reduction target allocation scheme that considers spillover effects, ensuring that the marginal cost of pollution reduction in any city yields uniform national benefits. The results suggest that China has disproportionately focused on the most polluted cities while under-reacting to many less-polluted cities with significant spillover impacts.


Can Return Migration Reshape Environmental Awareness and Preferences: Evidence from the Great Recession in China

发言人:宋  冉  新加坡国立大学经济系助理教授

Speaker:Ran SONG Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore



The Great Recession in 2008 induced a large number of migrants to return to their home city in China.  This paper studies how return migration reshapes environmental preferences and awareness in migrants’ home regions. We employ a shift-share IV based on exogenous changes in world import demand, which predict return migration in the aftermath of the great recession. We show that the exposure to return migration coming from regions featuring stronger environmental awareness increases local people’s environmental preferences. In particular, local people express higher awareness of local pollution issues, take more environment protection actions, and acquire more environmental knowledge. Nevertheless, the effects are different if return migrants are from regions with lower environmental awareness. The effects of inter-regional diffusion of environmental attitudes are stronger if similar dialects are spoken in these regions.


The Unexpected Impact of Genetically Modified Crops on Global Carbon Emissions

发言人:黄开兴 北京大学现代农学院中国农业政策研究中心研究员

Speaker:Kaixing HUANG Researcher, China Center for Agricultural Policy, Peking University



Agriculture accounts for roughly 30% of global carbon emissions, and genetically modified (GM) crops are expected to help reduce carbon emissions in agriculture by using fewer high-emission inputs. However, when examining the gradual roll-out of GM crops across countries, we find that GM crops have increased total agricultural carbon emissions by 7.3\% and increased the carbon-emission intensity of the cropping sector by 9.86\%. The major reason for this unexpected impact is that GM crops have increased crop yield, increased multiple-cropping, crowded out other crops, reduced tree-cover areas, and extended agriculture to marginal lands, and all these changes have increased fertilizer and energy inputs. A potential way to offset the global carbon-emissions effect of GM crops is to export the additional crop outputs to countries with a higher agricultural carbon-emission intensity. However, data show that a large share of GM crops are used for domestic livestock farming, further increasing global carbon emissions.


Afternoon Session

主持人:何国俊 香港大学经济学教授,香港大学赛马会环球企业可持续发展研究所所长,香港大学中国经济研究所副所长

Host: Guojun HE Professor in Economics; Director, HKU Jockey Club Enterprise;Sustainability Global Research Institute; Associate Director, Institute of China Economy, The University of Hong Kong

主讲发言Keynote Speech


Measuring Sustainable Growth under Limited Substitutability

发言人:季  曦 北京大学经济学院长聘副教授

Speaker:Xi JI Associate Professor  (with tenure), School of Economics, Peking University



This paper introduces a framework for measuring sustainable growth that accounts for the limited substitutability between economic and environmental growth, which is often overlooked by existing measures like GDP and other growth indices. Our framework integrates balance information of growth as- pects with aggregate growth levels. Applying this to China’s provinces and pre- fectures from 1985 to 2018 reveals a widening gap between sustainable growth (SG) and GDP due to increasing imbalances among growth aspects. Economic growth dominates while environmental growth declines. The SG-to-GDP ratio follows an inverted U shape, indicating limited substitutability, especially as the economy expands beyond a certain threshold. Large heterogeneity exists within China. Provinces with a dominant service sector show the largest increase in SG per capita from 1985 to 2018 than other provinces. This paper highlights the importance of structural balances in sustainable development.


The Impacts of Board’s Unexpected Flood Experiences on Corporate ESG Performance

发言人:秦  雨 新加坡国立大学商学院房地产系院长讲席副教授

Speaker:Yu QIN Dean’s Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Real Estate, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore



We investigate how board members’ unexpected flood experiences (during both business and personal trips) affect their firm’s ESG performance. Leveraging anonymized individual-level big data of travel records including business and personal travels from China during 2017--2022, we identify whether board members of publicly listed companies unexpectedly experienced flood events at their destination during their travels. Utilizing a staggered difference-in-differences (DID) method, we find that board flood experiences during business and personal trips increases their firm’s ESG performance 2.43% and 4.03% eight quarters after the flood experiences, respectively, compared to firms whose board members do not experience a flood. The effects are particularly notable when the flood event is extremely severe or the affected board member holds a higher ownership stake in the company. We observe greater effects for larger firms and firms with lower capital costs and default probability. We provide evidence of the “value” mechanism, by showing that this improvement is correlated with business operations and the firm’s exposure to flood shocks. We also provide evidence of the “values” reflecting personal managerial preferences, by showing that the ESG improvement after flood experiences in personal trips is correlated with the inherent personal characteristics of the affected board member.


Dirty Trade War: The Effect of Trade War on Carbon Emissions

发言人:王欢欢 华东师范大学经济与管理学院/法学院教授

Speaker:Huanhuan WANG Professor, School of Economics and Management/Law School, East China Normal University



How trade policy and energy policy interplay in shaping the carbon effect of trade activities is critical to understanding the trade-carbon linkage. Using US-China trade friction as the exogenous shock, we empirically and quantitatively examine the impact of US-China trade friction on carbon emissions, carbon emission intensity, and welfare. With comprehensive firm-level tax survey data, we find that US-China trade friction raises carbon emission intensity at both the city level and firm level. Two mechanisms drive the effects: cities react to the shock by loosening government environmental regulations, which boosts firms usage of coal and then increases subsequent carbon emission intensity; resource reallocation occurs after the shock as former exporters gravitate toward domestic production, which is apparently less clean. Our quantitative analyses further discuss the impact of the trade friction on the welfare of China, the U.S., and the world due to affected production and increased carbon emissions.


Incentivized personal carbon scores lower the carbon intensity of urban mobility and spill over to pro-science climate attitudes

发言人:Alberto Salvo 新加坡国立大学经济系院长讲席副教授

Speaker: Alberto Salvo Dean’s Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore



A key challenge global society faces is how to engage the public on climate risk and educate individuals on their collective responsibility as consumers, workers, investors, and citizens, including rewarding political leaders for taking regulatory action. Here we test the hypothesis that introducing personalized feedback on the environmental impacts of a consumer’s frequent choices in a specific domain—urban mobility—can lower the carbon-intensity of those choices and spill over to pro-environmental beliefs and attitudes more generally. We recruited 330 university students into a semester-long randomized control trial. We tracked urban mobility choices and, for conditions other than a control, we mapped these choices to personal carbon scores and messaged participants on the environmental co-benefits of taking public transport, including reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, and active mobility. Participants who stood to receive rewards for low-carbon scores over reference periods of three weeks shifted their choices the most, away from single-rider car travel. Participants did not object to receiving personal carbon scores, likely due to their exposure to positive and hopeful messaging on the importance of taking climate action. We find evidence that the urban mobility intervention, in its strongest form of offering low-carbon rewards on top of tracking personal carbon scores and environmental messaging, shifted stated climate change beliefs and attitudes more generally, i.e., not only specific to the urban mobility domain. This research paves the way for a scalable fintech solution that integrates personal carbon tracking with real-time transportation choices, empowering climate leaders.

17:00-17:10 会议总结 Summary Address

发言人:陈  玲   清华大学公共管理学院教授, 清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心主任

Speaker: Ling CHEN  Professor, School of Public Policy and Management; Director, Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance, Tsinghua University









