首发 | 已岸设计 曹海龙 • 清水湾汤泉足道馆

文摘   2024-05-21 20:05   江苏  



“Half of space depends on design  the other half is derived from presence and spirit.” 

——安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando) 



Qingshuiwan has been a local bathing brand in Zaoyang, Hubei for many years, and was relocated to the Han Palace Cultural City in 2023. Upgraded in hot springs, footpaths, and leisure functions, and integrated with the long-standing Chinese culture.

Qushui surrounds the palace city
Cities are containers of culture, and buildings carry memories of history and culture. All the exterior of the buildings in the Han Palace Cultural City are not allowed to be altered by merchants. Therefore, a metal mesh effect is chosen, which naturally and artificially introduces the inspiration of light, showcasing the elegance of the East, feeling the power of space, and making people resonate with the spirit.


The curved bridge on the water surface in front of the door and warm colored lighting fill the space with a natural atmosphere. The constant sound of water, when touched by sunlight, shines like pearls and jade. Walking through it, it feels like embarking on a hazy and authentic journey through time.


Bright light reflects Hanwa,
light and shadow complement Feiliang

The reception hall has treated the ancient suspended beams with lines and blocks, creating a concrete and abstract atmosphere. The contours outlined by light create a spatial order in the atmosphere of communication, bringing visual fit.

The use of platform lighting as a backdrop expresses the famous phrase of Qin bricks and Han tiles.
Rammed earth, green plants, copper galloping horses combined with stainless steel, glass and modern materials, connect the changing and bathing areas, making the space neat and clean, while also bringing cultural and historical warmth. The incorporation of natural elements and artistic design undoubtedly adds a warm and bright color to the space. The application of gold foil ancient paintings also adds a noble and classical rhythm to the space.

Wandering in the Han Palace on

a Bright Moon Night


The footpath and SPA space on the second floor are important business options in the local spring and summer. The circular walkway is guided and represented by lanterns, and the spatial sequence brought by the array runs through the entire area. The intervention of glass elucidates the fun and mystery of space, the interaction between individuals, and presents a blurry and fused picture.

Various types of private rooms have also undergone varying degrees of refinement of Chinese culture. Strolling through it, it feels like a melody of the bright moon in the Han Palace, stirring the strings of one's heart. The contrasting light creates a unique and charming atmosphere, giving a spatial and emotional representation of Han Palace culture.
The Modern Manifestation of Water
Virtue to Fire Virtue
In the early Han Dynasty, the water virtue of the pre Qin period was used to promote black color, while in the middle and later periods, fire virtue was revered and red color was favored. Therefore, the three story leisure area is mainly decorated with red hanging landscapes for functional placement. Construct an atmosphere with black, red, and gray to enhance the texture and hierarchy of the space. The overall integration of modern aesthetic concepts permeates the space with an Eastern classical charm.


设计团队:孙媛媛 黄威 李小嫚 刘富琦
品牌策划: L&L Branding 黎利设计


沈阳已岸设计机构 创始人

沈阳已岸 在商业设计中,将装饰与人文、情怀、景观等方面,进行了融合和探索的研究。通过对市场的分析和消费群的把握,让功能和美学紧密切合的同时,运用精炼协调的设计语言,赋予项目以明确的个性和主题。已岸设计不懈追求的目标是,放弃炫技,向高级探索。进而不断为市场推出叫好又叫座的作品。


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内容策划 / PRESENT

策划 Producer :Mei Ji File
撰文 Writer:MATILIAN  排版 Editor:W/fei
图片版权 Copyright :已岸设计




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