
学术   2024-10-13 00:01   安徽  

2024年10月14日,美国化学会出版部将与复旦大学共同举办ACS-Fudan University Macro Summit。本次会议邀请到 Macromolecules, ACS Macro Letters, Biomacromolecules 期刊主编与多位副主编,连同国内外的高分子领域学者,共同探讨高分子科学领域的前沿动态与未来发展方向。会议的主要议题包括但不限于:
  • Sustainable polymers and advanced polymerization methods
  • Supramolecular assembly and stimuli-responsive polymers
  • Bioinspired materials and therapeutic nanotechnologies
  • Electronic fibers and polymer for energy and environment
  • State-of-the-art characterizations and properties of functional polymers



陈国颂 教授

ACS Macro Letters 副主编 复旦大学高分子系

Marc A. Hillmyer 教授

Macromolecules 主编,University of Minnesota

Stuart J. Rowan 教授

ACS Macro Letters 主编,The University of Chicago 

Sébastien Lecommandoux 教授

Biomacromolecules 主编,University of Bordeaux 



Marc A. Hillmyer


University of Minnesota

Macromolecules 主编

Marc Hillmyer received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Florida in 1989 and his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology in 1994. After completing a postdoctoral research position in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science he joined the Chemistry faculty at Minnesota in 1997. He is currently the McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Chemistry and leads a research group focused on the synthesis and self-assembly of multifunctional polymers. In addition to his teaching and research responsibilities, Marc served as an associate editor for the ACS journal Macromolecules from 2008-2017 and is currently the editor-in-chief of Macromolecules. He is also the director of the Center for Sustainable Polymers headquartered at the University of Minnesota, a National Science Foundation Center for Chemical Innovation.


Stuart J. Rowan 教授

The University of Chicago

 ACS Macro Letters 主编

StuartJ. Rowan is the Barry L. MacLean Professor of Molecular Engineering and Professorof Chemistry at the University of Chicago. He is the Director of the Universityof Chicago’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) and hasa staff appointment at Argonne National Labs. Stuart was born in Edinburgh,Scotland and grew up in Troon on Scotland’s west coast.  He received hisB.Sc. (Hons.) (in 1991) and PhD (with D.D. MacNicol in 1995) from theUniversity of Glasgow. He moved to the Chemistry Department at the Universityof Cambridge to work with Jeremy K. M. Sanders. He continued his postdoctoralstudies with Sir J. Fraser Stoddart at the University of California, LosAngeles in 1998. In 1999 he was appointed as an Assistant Professor in theDepartment of Macromolecular Science and Engineering at Case Western ReserveUniversity in Cleveland, Ohio. In 2009 he was named the Kent H. Smith Professorof Engineering and in 2016 he moved to the University of Chicago. Heis a NSF CAREER and NSF Special Creativity awardee, received the Morley Medal(ACS) in 2013, the CWRU Distinguished University Award in 2015, and the HermanMark Scholar Award (ACS) in 2015. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), anACS Fellow, an ACS POLY Fellow, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and iscurrently the Editor-in-Chief of ACSMacro Letters.His group works on supramolecular polymers, dynamic covalent polymers,self-healing materials, responsive adhesives, sustainable plastics,nanocellulose, polymers for battery applications, biomaterials and developingnew synthetic methods for the construction of complex polymeric architectures. 


Sébastien Lecommandoux教授

University of Bordeaux

Biomacromolecules 主编

Sébastien Lecommandoux received his Ph.D. (1996) in Physical Chemistry from the University of Bordeaux. After a postdoctoral experience at the University of Illinois (UIUC, USA) in the group of Prof. Samuel I. Stupp, he started his academic career at the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques as Associate Professor in 1998 and was promoted to Full Professor at Bordeaux INP in 2005. He is currently Director of the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO-CNRS) and is leading the group “Polymers Self-Assembly and Life Sciences”. His research interests include the design of bio-inspired polymers for biomaterials and pharmaceutical develoment, especially based on polypeptide, proteins and polysaccharide-based block copolymers self-assembly, the design of polymersomes for drug-delivery and theranostic, as well as biomimetic approaches toward design of synthetic viruses and artificial cells. He published over 220 publications in international journal, 6 book chapters and 12 patents (3 being licenced), with over 18000 citations (h-factor 67, Google Scholar). He is also co-director of the joint laboratory LCPO-L'OREAL. Sébastien Lecommandoux is recipient of the CNRS bronze medal (2004), Institut Universitaire de France Junior Chair (IUF 2007), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry RSC (2017), Seqens Award of the French Academy of Science (2019), Member of the Academia Europaea (2020), XingDa Lectureship Award from Peking University (2021). He has been Editor-in-Chief of Biomacromolecules (ACS) since 2020 after serving as Associate Editor since 2013. He is also in the Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals, including Bioconjugate Chemistry (ACS), Polymer Chemistry (RSC) and Biomaterials Science (RSC).


彭慧胜 院士 教授


Professor Huisheng Peng received his B.E. in Polymer Materials at Donghua University in China in 1999, M.S. in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics at Fudan University in China in 2003 and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at Tulane University in USA in 2006. He then worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory before joining Fudan University in 2008. He centers on smart fiber materials and electronics. Professor Peng has published over 380 peer-reviewed papers and 4 books, and obtains 100 licensed patents with 47 royally transferred to the industry. His technologies have initiated three companies with three series of products available in the world market. He receives over 30 national and international awards, makes editorial services for over 20 journals, and serves for over 20 professional organizations.


俞燕蕾 教授


Editorial Advisory Board, ACS Macro Letters

Yanlei Yu is Professor and Dean of the Department of Materials Science at Fudan University. She graduated from Anhui University in 1993 and obtained her Master’s degree from the University of Science and Technology of China. She joined Fudan University in 1996 and was promoted to Full Professor after she gained the Doctoral degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2004. She obtained Distinguished Young Scholars Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2012), Chang Jiang (Cheung Kong) Scholar Chair Professor (2016), Scientific and Technological Innovation Leading Talents of National "10000 People Plan" (2017), and the first prize of Natural Science Award of Shanghai (2019) etc.. Her research interests focus on the development of photodeformable smart materials and light-controllable interface materials with photosensitive polymers and liquid crystal polymers. Prof. Yu is currently an Editorial Board Member of European Polymer Journal, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, and Journal of Materials Science & Technology, and an Editorial Advisory Board Member of Advanced Optical Materials, and Langmuir.


Megan L. Robertson


University of Houston

Chair, ACS Division of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering 

Macromolecules  副主编

Megan L. Robertson is the Neal R. Amundson Professor and Associate Chair for Faculty Development in the William A. Brookshire Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston. She is the project director for the recently awarded Welch Foundation Catalyst for Discovery Center for Plastic Circularity and the Circularity Lead for the University of Houston Energy Transition Institute. Dr. Robertson earned her PhD at the University of California, Berkeley and conducted post-doctoral research at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests span diverse areas including sustainable polymers derived from renewable resources, biodegradable polymers and polymer end-of-life processes such as recycling and upcycling, advanced resins for polymer composites, structure and dynamics of block copolymer micelles, antifouling polymers and polymer brushes, and thermodynamics of polymer blends. She is a Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), recipient of the ACS Sparks-Thomas Award, current Chair of the ACS Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division, and an Associate Editor for the journal Macromolecules.


李良彬 教授


Macromolecules 副主编

Prof. Liangbin Li received his Ph.D. (2000) in Polymer Material Processing from Sichuan University. From 2000 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral fellow in FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics and Technology University of Delft, The Netherlands. From 2004 to 2006, he worked as a material scientist at the Unilever Food and Health Research Institute. Since 2006, he joined the National Synchrotron Radiation Lab at the University of Science and Technology of China to start the Soft Matter Group and awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China in 2013. His primary research interests are developing in-situ synchrotron radiation X-ray scattering techniques, polymer physics relevant to processing such as flow-induced crystallization, stress-induced deformation and phase transition of polymers. He has served as an Associate Editor for Macromolecules since 2018 


崔冬梅 教授


Macromolecules 副主编

Dongmei Cui received her B.S. and M.S. degrees at Dalian University of Technology (1985,1988) and Ph.D at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC) (2001). She worked as an assistant professor at Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (1988- 1992) and moved to Changchun University of Technology as associate professor (1996) and professor (2002). She was honored JSPS fellowship and worked with Prof. Zhaomin Hou at RIKEN Japan (2002-2004). She was a visiting scholar at Hong Kong Baptist University and a visiting professor at Colorado State University. Since 2005, Prof. Cui has been working at CIAC as a Talent Professor leading the Organometallic and Precisely Controlled Polymerization Lab. She received The Special Government Allowance of the State Council (2012), Zhu Li Yuehua Excellent Teacher Award (2014), CAS-SABIC fellowship (2016) and The First Prize of Nature Science Award of Jinlin province (2020). Her research interests cover developing novel organometallic catalysts to synthesize advanced polyolefins and elastomers from the commonly used large-amount monomers, sustainable polymeric materials from bio-renewable products, and functional macromolecules via coordination copolymerization of polar and nonpolar monomers, and to investigate the relationship between the chain-structures and mechanical properties as well as the mechanisms. Since 2022, she has been an Associate Editor of Macromolecules.


汪勇 教授


Macromolecules 副主编

Yong Wang received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Polymer Science and Engineering from Tiangong University in 1999 and 2002, respectively, and Ph. D. in Chemistry from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. He worked as Research Scientist at P&G (2005-2006) and Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics (2006-2009). Since 2009, he works as a Full Professor in Nanjing Tech University, and presently he also leads a research team in Southeast University. His research is focused on advanced membranes with block copolymers, framework polymers, and atomic layer deposition as the main enablers. He was granted the highly competitive National Basic Research Program of China (2015) and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2018), and received several awards including the Chinese Chemical Society Prize for Young Scientists (2012) and National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology (2019). Starting from 2021, Prof. Wang serves as Associate Editor for Macromolecules.




 美国化学会物理化学峰会 ACS Physical Chemistry Summit




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