大气遥感:PhD at KIT, Germany
2025-01-10 19:00
Ground-based remote sensing of low-level clouds and fog
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jan Cermak (IMKASF and IPF)
Water vapor and clouds play an essential role in the climate system, as clouds reflect solar radiation on the one hand and both retain thermal radiation in the earth-atmosphere system on the other. In addition, they are directly related to each other, as air saturated with water vapor, usually in the presence of aerosol particles, can turn into clouds and vice versa. Furthermore, they directly impact ecosystems by their radiation impacts and potential water provision.The aim of this research topic is the analysis of fog and low cloud life cycle stages and how they link the biosphere and the climate system by using ground-based remote sensing measurements. With the instruments of the Karlsruhe Low-Cloud Exploratory Platform (KLOCX) as part of the European network Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS), cloud properties are recorded (ceilometer, cloud radar), vertical profiles of temperature and humidity and the liquid water path are measured (microwave radiometer), the atmospheric aerosol load is detected (solar photometer), long- and shortwave radiation components are measured (pyrano- and pyrgeometer), and the droplet size and liquid water distribution in clouds are quantified (cloud radar, GFAS). These measurements can be used for the identification of life cycle stages of fog and low clouds, an in-depth analysis of water vapor and radiation impacts on the individual life cycle stages, and a quantification of water available to ecosystems.
The selected candidate will be part of the ACTRIS team within the Satellite Climatology group at the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Trace Gases and Remote Sensing (IMKASF) at KIT.
Further information about the application process can be found here: https://www.grace.kit.edu/2157.php