IUPAP可持续地球物理研究委员会研讨会 | CPS2024秋季会议特别专场

学术   2024-10-08 00:01   安徽  










Confirmed Speakers

Giorgio Parisi

Giorgio Parisi is an Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, and complex systems. His best-known contributions are the QCD evolution equations for parton densities, obtained with Guido Altarelli, known as the Altarelli-Parisi or DGLAP equations, the exact solution of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model of spin glasses, the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation describing dynamic scaling of growing interfaces, and the study of whirling flocks of birds. He was awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Klaus Hasselmann and Syukuro Manabe for groundbreaking contributions to the theory of complex systems, in particular "for the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales*.

Ines Camilloni

Ines Camilloni is Professor at the Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires and Senior Researcher of the Center for Atmosphere and Ocean Research (CIMA). She is Vice-Chair of IPCC's Working Group I that examines the physical science underpinning past, present, and future climate change. She is also a member of different committees and panels: World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology of UNESCO, the Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Advisory Board of the American Geophysical Union, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, and the Interim Scientific Steering Group of the WCRP Lighthouse Activity on Climate Intervention Research.

Prof. Jiangang Li

Prof. Jiangang Li is the Director of the Energy Research Institute, Hefei National Science Center, China. He is a Member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. He has worked in the field of fusion research for over 40 years. His main efforts have focused on plasma wave interaction, plasma wall interaction, and reactor design. He joined the EAST project, the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak, in 1998 and has led its construction and experimental program since 2000. He has concentrated on the Chinese fusion engineering DEMO reactor design and R&D during the past few years. He is the project leader of the Comprehensive Research Facility for Fusion Technology.

Jon Samseth

Jon Samseth is a professor of physics at Oslo Metropolitan University, and a research scientist at SINTEF, the largest research institution in Norway. Prof Samseth is a specialist in energy physics as well as materials physics. He has previously worked at the nuclear research reactor in Norway using neutrons as an investigative tool to study the structure of soft matter. In recent years he has focused on renewable energy and has been managing one of the large EU Horizon-funded projects on wind energy. Internationally, he has worked with UNEP on several topics in their yearbooks and been involved in working groups in IUPAP. He is currently the president of SCOPE, a scientific organization that focuses on emerging environmental issues. SCOPE is a member of the ISC, the International Science Council. In SCOPE he has been involved in assessments of bioenergy. Professor Samseth is an elected member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.

Cyrus Walther

Cyrus Walther is the Past-President of the International Association of Physics Students and Past-Chair of IUPAP Affiliated Commission 5, where he advocates for the young generation of physicists. He is Vice-Chair of IUPAP Working Group 16 "Physics and Industry", working on the IUPAP Corporate Associate Membership program, and honored with the Fellowship of the International Science Council, representing the global community of Physics students and advancing science for the global public good. Mr. Walther is a trained astroparticle physicist performing his Ph.D. at TU Dortmund University in Germany with his focus on high-energy gamma-ray astronomy. His research focus lies in Active Galactic Nuclei as well as in machine learning algorithms for high-energy astroparticle physics with past research involvement in the high-energy particle physics experiment ATLAS. Between 2021 and 2022, Mr. Walther has also studied at the Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. Moreover, he serves on the Executive Committee of the Commission on Data of the International Science Council with focus on the areas of young scientist involvement, the impact of data science on sustainability, and the advancement of research assessment on data and AI. In the American Physical Society, Mr. Walther serves in the Forum on International Physics Outreach Committee and represents his university as one of five German Student Ambassadors in the APS Student Ambassador network.

Ana Maria Cetto

Ana Maria Cetto has a Master in Biophysics from Harvard, and Master and Ph.D. in Physics from UNAM. She does research on the foundations of quantum mechanics at the Institute of Physics and teaches at the Faculty of Sciences, UNAM. She has published 25 books and 296 scholarly papers, and has been inter alia Director of the Faculty of Sciences, the Museum of Light and the Mexican Journal of Physics. She is a co-founder of the Third World Organization for Women in Science (OWSD), and has served as a consultant to UNESCO for the World Conference on Science, member of the Governing Board of the United Nations University, and Secretary General of the International Council for Science. She is the founding President of LATINDEX, past President of the Mexican Physical Society (SMF), head of the project Lights over the City, holder of the UNESCO Chair on Diplomacy and Heritage of Science at UNAM, and Chair of the UNESCO Global Open Science Steering Committee. She has received, among others, the national awards for the Development of Physics (2002) and for Scientific Research from the SMF (2012), the UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science in 2023, and the Oganesson Prize in 2024. In 2003 she was named Woman of the Year in Mexico. A chair at the University of Guadalajara and the optics museum at the Centro de Investigaciones en Optica, A.C. are named after her. As a member of the Executive Committee of the Pugwash Conferences she participated in the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize and as Deputy Director General of the IAEA she participated in the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize.


L. Cochran

Geraldine L. Cochran is an Associate Professor of Physics at The Ohio State University. Cochran is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and a Fellow of the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). Cochran has extensive experience conducting equity-oriented physics education research that spans multiple levels of physics education including high school curricula, introductory collegiate level curricula, assessment in graduate education, and mentorship within the physics workforce. Cochran also investigates the experiences of marginalized people at various points in the academic pathway in physics, and interventions and programs aimed at making physics more equitable. Cochran is a member of the Inclusive Graduate Education Network research hub and a co-PI on the National Science Foundation-funded Inclusive Graduate Programs in Physics project.



会议期间,正值国际纯粹与应用联合会(IUPAP)成立100年以来首次在中国召开IUPAP第33届全体大会。中国物理学会与IUPAP共同组织联合活动,包括诺贝尔奖获得者公众演讲、女物理工作者圆桌会议、Interdisciplinary Workshop: "Physics Research for a Sustainable Planet”。




A 粒子物理、场论与宇宙学;

B 核物理与加速器物理;

C 原子分子物理;

D 光物理;

E 等离子体物理(暂未发布)

F 纳米与介观物理(中美联合);

G 表面与低维物理;

H 半导体物理;

I 强关联与超导物理;

J 磁学;

K 软凝聚态物理与生物物理;

L 量子信息(中英联合);

M 计算物理;

N 统计物理与复杂系统;

O 电介质物理;

P 液晶(查看次条)

Q 超快物理;

R 高能量密度物理;

S 拓扑材料、物理与器件;

T 物理教育;

U 物理学史。





光物理分会场 | 中国物理学会2024秋季学术会议

女物理工作者论坛 | 中国物理学会2024秋季学术会议

原子分子物理分会场 | 中国物理学会2024秋季学术会议

统计物理与复杂系统分会场 | 中国物理学会2024秋季学术会议

强关联与超导物理分会场 I 中国物理学会2024秋季学术会议
