REGISTER NOW | CACS2024 Partial VIP list and Agenda

创业   2024-06-03 10:38   上海  
Theme: 2024 China Auto Chongqing Summit (CACS2024) - Shaping the Future of an Industry in Transition
Location: Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center
Dates: June 6-8, 2024
Join us at the CACS2024, where industry leaders will explore the future of automotive technology amidst a backdrop of profound transformation. With a focus on new energy, intelligent networking, AGI industrialization, and more. Bill Russo, Founder & CEO of Automobility Limited and AmCham Shanghai Automotive Committee Chair, will participate and share his insights. This summit is not to be missed!
Scan the below QR code to register!

Partial VIP List of CACS2024
(排名不分先后 Ranking is not in any particular order)

  • 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)驻华高级顾问兼中国区负责人海搏

    Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor for China, Head of the OECD Beijing Office, OECD Global Relations and Co-operation Directorate (GRC)

  • 中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会会长 王俠

    Wang XiaChairman, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Automotive Committee

  • 广州汽车集团股份有限公司党委书记、董事长 曾庆洪

    Zeng Qinghong, Party Secretary, Chairman of Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.

  • 长安汽车董事长、党委书记 朱华荣

    Zhu Huarong, Chairman of Changan Automobile, Secretary of the CPC Changan Automobile Standing Committee

  • 比亚迪董事长、总裁 王传福

    Wang Chuanfu, Chairman & CEO of BYD

  • 吉利集团董事长 李书福

    Li Shufu, Chairman of Geely Group

  • 中国第一汽车集团有限公司董事、总经理、党委副书记 刘亦功

    Liu Yigong, Member of BOD, President of FAW Group, Deputy Secretary of the CPC FAW Group Standing Committee

  • 东风汽车集团有限公司党委常委、副总经理 尤峥

    You Zheng, DGM of Dongfeng Motor Corporation

  • 上海汽车集团股份有限公司副总裁、总工程师 祖似杰

    Zu Sijie, Vice President of SAIC Motor

  • 安徽江淮汽车集团股份有限公司副总经理 马翠兵

    Ma Cuibing, Vice General Manager, Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp., Ltd.

  • 奥迪中国总裁 罗英翰博士

    Dr. Johannes Roscheck, President of Audi China

  • 通用汽车全球高级副总裁兼通用汽车中国公司总裁 Stephen Hill

    Stephen HillGM Senior Vice President and President of GM China

  • 北京梅赛德斯-奔驰销售服务有限公司总裁兼首席执行官 段建军

    Fred Duan, President & CEO, Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co. Ltd.

  • 赛力斯集团董事长 张兴海

    Zhang Xinghai, Founder, Chairman of Seres Group Co., Ltd.

  • 蔚来创始人、董事长、CEO  李斌

    Li Bin, Founder, Chairman & CEO of NIO

  • 理想汽车董事长兼CEO  李想

    Li Xiang, Chairman & CEO of Li Auto

  • 岚图汽车CEO  卢放

    Lu Fang, CEO of VOYAH Automobile Technology Company

  • 阿维塔科技总裁 陈卓

    Chen ZhuoPresident of AVATR Technology

  • 极越CEO  夏一平

    Joe XiaCEO of Jiyue

  • 博世中国总裁 徐大全

    Xu DaquanBosch China President

  • 麦格纳中国总裁 吴珍

    Wu Zhen, President of Magna China

  • 安波福中国及亚太区总裁 杨晓明

    Simon Yang, President of China and Asia Pacific, Aptiv 

  • 采埃孚集团亚太区销售及客户发展高级副总裁 许欢平

    Xu Huanping, Senior Vice President Sales and Customer Development, ZF Group

  • 大陆中国CTO  Dr. Thomas Meurers

    Dr. Thomas MeurersCTO of Continental China

  • 法雷奥中国CTO 顾建民

    Gu Jianmin, CTO of Valeo China

  • 马瑞利(中国)有限公司中国区商务市场副总裁 赵彤

    Mr. Zhao Tong, Vice President, China Commercial & Marketing, Marelli China

  • 马勒汽车技术(中国)有限公司销售与应用工程副总裁 徐薇

    Grace Xu, Vice President of Sales and Applications of MAHLE China

  • 英国驻重庆总领事 李遥

    Anthony Preston, Consul-General of British Consulate General Chongqing

  • 英国驻华使馆经济贸易公使衔参赞 柯达修

    Dashiell Caldwell, Minister Counsellor (Economy) British Embassy Beijing

  • 匈牙利驻重庆总领事 百里

    Czégel Balint, Consul-General of Consulate General of Hungary Chongqing

  • 以色列大使馆公使衔商务参赞  海约亚

    Yoav Haimi, Minister Counsellor, Head of Trade and Investment Mission, Embassy of Israel in Beijing

  • 奥地利驻广州总领事馆商务领事(代馆长)兼奥地利驻成都总领事馆商务处负责人 穆娥

    Ms. Birgit Murr, Consul (Commercial Affairs) & Head of Austrian Consulate, General Guangzhou & Head of Commercial Section of Austrian Consulate

  • 墨西哥驻华大使馆 经济、技术、新兴产业和金融事务参赞事  董浩天

    Héctor J. Dorbecker H., Counsellor of Economic, Technology, New Industries and Financial Affairs, Embassy of Mexico in China

  • 泰王国驻成都总领事馆领事 林大有

    Wittawin Tokiatroongruang, Consul, Royal Thai Consulat-General in Chengdu
