征稿启事 | 智慧农业

文摘   三农   2024-06-29 08:16   北京  

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering简称FASE20142月创刊,是由中国工程院、中国农业大学和高等教育出版社联合主办的国际化英文期刊。中国工程院院士、中国农业大学校长孙其信教授担任期刊主编。FASE期刊目前已被DOAJ、Scopus、ESCI、EBSCO、CSCD、CAS、AGRIS、CABI等数据库收录,也可通过Google Scholar和CNKI进行检索。FASE期刊2023年CiteScore为5.1,2023年IF=3.6。FASE旨在为农业科学与工程领域的研究人员提供论文发表与学术交流的国际化平台,内容涵盖农业科学、农业技术/工程、农业经济、农业政策及管理等可促进当前与未来农业可持续发展的学科。

 Guest Editors

刘 辉  教授


School of Traffic & Tranportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China

张 煜  研究员

Core Technology Research Headquarters, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, 1-31-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0856, Japan

王 沛  副教授
College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China

 Call for papers: 

We are organizing a special issue of Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE, http://journal.hep.com.cn/fase) entitled “Smart Agriculture”. As a rapidly developing interdisciplinary subject, smart agriculture demands holistic research from multiple disciplines.

The special issue invites submission of original and innovative papers as well as reviews and opinion pieces relevant to Smart Agriculture such as:

1. Agricultural artificial intelligence (digitalization, etc.) 
2. Agricultural equipment (mechanization, automation, etc.)
3. Unmanned farm
4. Intelligent field management (pest monitoring, water and fertilizer integration, etc.)
5. Agricultural robotics
6. Agricultural remote sensing
7. Agricultural sensors and information sensing (non-destructive testing, machine vision, etc.)
8. Agricultural IoT and big data
9. Phenotypic analysis of plants and animals
10. Plant factory (vertical agriculture, etc.)
11. Agricultural security and resilience (disaster monitoring and prediction, yield forecasting, etc.)
12. Climate-smart agriculture
13. Smart cities and agricultural transportation (logistics, supply chains, transportation, etc.)
14. Agricultural traceability
15. Ecology and dual carbon (carbon capture, carbon-nitrogen cycle, nutrition, etc.)
16. and all other relevant topics

In view of your international standing as a research scientist, we cordially invite you to write a review or research paper for this special issue related to one of the topics listed above with a due date of 31 October 2024. We look forward to receiving a positive response and a one-page abstract from you before you start to draft the article. Please submit your manuscripts through the FASE online submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fase and marked the “Special Issue: Smart Agriculture” in your letter or manuscript. The editors will strive to complete the first review process within 1–2 weeks and give you a quick response.




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