Bluebird Chinese Mid-Autumn Gathering

文摘   2024-09-13 13:55   芬兰  

Rising moon over the horizon’s edges,

Sharing moments where the skyline fledges

- Bluebird Chinese Mid-Autumn first Guqin Gathering

Time: 18:00-20:00, September 17, 2024

Venue: Courtyard, Lapinlahdenpolku 8, 00180, Helsinki


1. Art ice-breaking games;

2. Various art performances;

3. Art performances and experiencing of Guqin and tea

4. performances and experiencing of InkArtWellness

5. Tasting of tea and Appreciating the Moon

Limitation of participantsNo more than 70.

We are also recruiting the following for the Event:

1-3 performers, need to bring their own instruments;

5 volunteers;

Registration method: Scan QR code

Profile of Artist:

Jin Oh 胡谨勇

Singaporean Chinese composer, sound designer and guqin player. Currently pursuing his Masters in Composition in the Sibelius Academy. Recipient of the Martin Wegelius memorial foundation award and has also received support from organisation such as Arts Promotion Centre of Finland.

Li Tang & Petri Mutanen

Chinese-Finnish couple, specialising in tea ceremony, traditional culture, Chinese vegetarian cuisine and mindfulness. Organising tea events, retreats and courses, building a tea centre in Finland and China, promoting fair trade tea production and sustainable life style.

Yidan Chen

Founder of InkArtWellness and is currently studying for a masters degree in cultural management at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. She is a mother of two and has worked at several well-known fashion companies in Finland. With 25 years of experience in studying and working in the field of visual arts, she brings deep expertise to her work.

She is also an ink art creator, designer, and works in cultural and art communication. In her thesis, she is researching the well-being aspects of ink art. The purpose of her work is to help people relax both physically and mentally, find inner peace and balance, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve their ability to concentrate, as well as discover new pathways to self-awareness.

青鸟中文—— 不一样的海外中文课堂


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