1月21日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理丁薛祥在达沃斯出席世界经济论坛2025年年会,发表题为“坚守多边主义正道 促进开放包容发展”的致辞。致辞中英文对照如下:
坚守多边主义正道 促进开放包容发展
Keeping to the Right Path of Multilateralism and
Promoting Open and Inclusive Development
Special Address by H.E. Ding Xuexiang
Vice Premier of the State Council of
The People’s Republic of China
At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025
Professor Klaus Schwab,
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to come to beautiful Davos for the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting, an important platform for discussing global economic issues and a vanguard for promoting international exchanges and cooperation. This small town is attractive not only for its picturesque landscape, but also for inspiring new ideas and facilitating common progress.8年前,正是在这里,中国国家主席习近平发表重要演讲,围绕“世界怎么了、我们怎么办”的时代之问,发出支持经济全球化、维护和践行多边主义、共创美好世界的最强音,被施瓦布主席称为“为我们带来了阳光”。习近平主席深刻指出:“让世界经济的大海退回到一个一个孤立的小湖泊、小河流,是不可能的。”“搞保护主义如同把自己关进黑屋子,看似躲过了风吹雨打,但也隔绝了阳光和空气。”我有幸当时在现场聆听,至今记忆犹新。此后,习近平主席又两次在世界经济论坛上就完善全球治理、推动构建人类命运共同体给出明确答案,为国际社会提供了重要指引。
Eight years ago, it was here in Davos that Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered the important speech in which he pondered the question of our times—“what has gone wrong with the world, and what should we do about it”—and sent a resounding message that China will support economic globalization, uphold and practice multilateralism, and join the effort to make the world a better place. The speech, as Professor Schwab concluded, “brought us some sunshine.” Upon deep reflection, President Xi pointed out that “any attempt to channel the waters in the ocean back into isolated lakes and creeks is simply not possible,” and that “pursuing protectionism is like locking oneself in a dark room. While wind and rain may be kept outside, that dark room will also block light and air.” I had the privilege of listening to that speech in the audience, and it is still fresh in my memory. Since then, President Xi had offered clear answers twice at the WEF to the questions of how to improve global governance and build a community with a shared future for mankind, which provided important guidance to the international community.当前,世界百年变局加速演进,关税战、贸易战阴云密布,经济全球化动力和阻力胶着,多边主义和单边主义激烈博弈,全球治理体系正经历深刻调整。人类社会再次来到关键十字路口,渴望阳光穿云破雾,指明未来前行的方向。我们要重温习近平主席的重要演讲,坚定信念,团结协作,在风高浪急中携手前行,推动构建人类命运共同体,为世界注入更多稳定性和确定性,建设一个共同发展的公正世界。在这里,我愿谈几点看法。
As we meet, transformation not seen in a century is accelerating across the world. With imminent tariff wars and trade wars, an ongoing tug of war between the forces for and against economic globalization, and intense rivalry between multilateralism and unilateralism, global governance is undergoing profound adjustments. Human society has once again come to a critical crossroads, hoping that the sun will break through clouds and mists to light up the way forward. It is time to recall President Xi’s important speech. We should firm up confidence, uphold solidarity and cooperation, and forge ahead hand in hand despite high winds and choppy waters to build a community with a shared future for mankind. We should provide more stability and certainty for the world, and build a just world of common development. Here, I wish to share a few observations.第一,共同推动普惠包容的经济全球化。经济全球化是社会生产力发展的客观要求和科技进步的必然结果,是浩浩荡荡的历史潮流。这些年,经济全球化虽然遭遇逆风和回头浪,但仍然展现出巨大韧性和活力。根据世界贸易组织数据,1995年以来,全球贸易总额年均增长5.8%,2023年达到30.4万亿美元。1995—2022年,中低收入国家出口占全球的份额从16%上升至32%。同时,发达国家并没有因此吃亏受损,经济增速和人民福祉也得到有效提升。经济全球化不是你输我赢的零和博弈,而是互利共赢的普惠进程。
First, we need to jointly promote a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. Economic globalization is an inherent requirement for the development of productive forces, and an inevitable result of technological advancement. Indeed, it is an overwhelming trend of history. Over the years, despite some headwinds and setbacks, economic globalization has demonstrated strong resilience and dynamism. According to WTO statistics, the total volume of global trade has grown by an average of 5.8 percent per year since 1995, and reached US$30.4 trillion in 2023. Between 1995 and 2022, the share of middle- and low-income countries in global export rose from 16 percent to 32 percent. And developed countries did not lose out from this. Their growth rates and the well-being of their peoples have also been effectively boosted. Economic globalization is not a “you-lose-I-win” zero-sum game, but a universally beneficial process where all can benefit and win together.当然,经济全球化也会带来一些利益分配上的矛盾分歧。这些问题只能在推进经济全球化的进程中解决,搞保护主义没有出路,打贸易战没有赢家。我们要充分利用一切机遇,引领好经济全球化走向,以普惠纾发展之困、以包容聚合作之力,推动经济全球化进入更有活力、更加包容、更可持续的新阶段。相信我们有足够的智慧和能力,通过沟通和协商,找到互利合作的双赢多赢之道,把经济全球化的“蛋糕”不仅做得更大,而且分得更好。
Admittedly, economic globalization will bring some tensions and disagreements on distribution. These issues can only be resolved in the process of promoting economic globalization. Protectionism leads nowhere. Trade war has no winners. We must seize all opportunities to steer economic globalization in the right direction, tackle the development challenges with universal benefit, and pool strengths with inclusive cooperation, so as to usher in a new phase of economic globalization that is more dynamic, more inclusive and more sustainable. I believe that we have the wisdom and capability needed to find a win-win and all-win solution, one that is based on mutually beneficial cooperation, through communication and coordination. We should not only make the pie of economic globalization bigger, but also distribute it better.第二,共同维护和践行真正的多边主义。多边主义是维护世界和平、促进人类发展的人间正道,是解决世界面临困难挑战的“金钥匙”。国际上的事要由大家共同商量着办,世界前途命运要由各国共同掌握,这是国际社会人心所向。我们要高举多边主义旗帜,坚持共商共建共享的全球治理观,确保各国在国际事务上权利平等、机会平等、规则平等。
Second, we need to jointly uphold and practice true multilateralism. Multilateralism is the right way to maintain world peace and promote human progress. It is the “golden key” to solving the difficulties and challenges facing this world. International affairs should be decided by all through discussion, and the future of the world should be determined by all countries together. This is a consensus shared by the international community. We must hold high the banner of multilateralism, pursue the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, and ensure equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules for all countries in international affairs.今年是联合国成立80周年,我们要以此为契机,重申对联合国宪章宗旨和原则的承诺,坚定维护以联合国为核心的国际体系、以国际法为基础的国际秩序,推动全球治理朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。坚定维护以世界贸易组织为核心的多边贸易体制,维护国际贸易规则制定的主渠道地位,营造开放、包容、非歧视的国际经济合作环境。
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. We should seize the opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, firmly uphold the U.N.-centered international system and the international order based on international law, and make global governance more just and equitable. We should firmly uphold the multilateral trading system with WTO at its core, uphold its role as the main channel for rules-making on international trade, and foster an open, inclusive and nondiscriminatory environment for international economic cooperation.第三,共同塑造世界经济发展新动能新优势。这次年会以“智能时代的合作”为主题,具有重要现实意义。当今世界,新一轮科技革命和产业变革深入发展,人工智能、量子科技、生物医药等前沿技术集中涌现,数字化、绿色化、智能化进程不断加快。我们要抓住和用好机遇,推动数字时代互联互通,加强科技创新国际合作,助力各国壮大新兴产业和未来产业,加快培育和发展新质生产力。
Third, we need to jointly foster new drivers and strengths for global economic development. The theme of this year’s annual meeting, “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age,” is highly relevant. In today’s world, the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), quantum technology and biomedicine are flourishing, and digital, green and intelligent development is picking up pace. We should seize and make the most of these opportunities to enhance connectivity in the digital age, promote international cooperation on scientific and technological innovation, help countries strengthen emerging and future industries, and accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productive forces.近年来,全球南北差距更加突出,技术鸿沟、数字鸿沟、智能鸿沟仍在扩大。我们要坚持科技成果造福全人类的理念,帮助发展中国家建设人工智能、智能交通、智慧能源等新型基础设施,加强关键民生领域信息技术推广应用,让更多国家搭上数字经济发展快车。
In recent years, the North-South divide has become more pronounced, and the gaps in technology, digital access and AI are still widening. We should uphold the principle of harnessing scientific and technological achievements for the benefit of all humanity, help developing countries build AI, intelligent transportation, smart energy and other new infrastructure, and promote the application of information technology in key livelihood sectors, so that more countries can get on board the fast train of digital economic development.第四,共同应对重大全球性挑战。当前,国际形势变乱交织,气候变化、粮食安全、能源安全等领域问题层出不穷,唯有“同球共济”、合力应对,才能共渡难关、共创未来。习近平主席提出全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议、全球文明倡议,为世界提供了重要公共产品。我们要携手推进三大全球倡议,让发展的动力源源不断,让和平的薪火代代相传,让文明的光芒熠熠生辉,凝聚起战胜困难和挑战的强大力量。
Fourth, we need to jointly tackle major global challenges. Currently, the world is going through transformation and turbulence, and challenges such as climate change, food security and energy security keep cropping up. Only by strengthening global solidarity and pooling global efforts can we overcome the challenges and build a better future together. President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative, offering important public goods to the world. We should work together to advance these three global initiatives to generate enduring impetus for development, pass on the torch of peace to future generations, and illuminate the splendor of civilizations, thereby gathering formidable strength to overcome difficulties and challenges.绿色转型是全球发展大方向,是解决气候变化问题的根本之策。国际社会要一道努力,以公平、有序、公正的方式加速能源转型,维护新能源产业链稳定,推广绿色产品和技术。应对气候变化要一以贯之,增强环境气候和经贸领域政策的一致性,避免因为经贸摩擦迟滞绿色转型进程,避免设置绿色壁垒干扰正常经贸合作。
Green transition is a prevailing trend of global development and the fundamental solution to climate change. The international community should work together to accelerate the energy transition in an equitable, orderly and just manner, keep the new energy industrial chain stable, and promote green products and technologies. We must follow a consistent approach in addressing climate change, and improve the consistency of environmental and climate policies and economic and trade policies, so as to prevent economic and trade frictions from impeding the process of green transition, and avoid erecting green barriers that could disrupt normal economic and trade cooperation.安全和发展相辅相成、互相促进。当前,一些国际热点冲突仍在延宕,严重冲击世界和平稳定。我们要坚持以合作谋安全、促和平,以对话解争端、化分歧,共同走对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟的新型安全之路,支持联合国及其安理会发挥更大作用,支持一切有利于和平解决危机的努力。
Security and development complement and reinforce each other. At present, some international hotspot issues and conflicts are dragging on and having a serious impact on global peace and stability. We should promote security and peace through cooperation and resolve disputes and differences through dialogue. It is essential that we follow a new path to security that chooses dialogue and partnership over confrontation and alliance. We should support the U.N. and its Security Council in playing a bigger role, and support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of crises.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
China is a key engine for global economic development. Whenever world economic issues are discussed at Davos, a lot of attention would be on China. Here taking this opportunity, I would like to share with you some of the major trends that characterize the Chinese economy.第一个大趋势,是高质量发展扎实推进,这是中国经济的突出亮点。刚刚过去的一年,中国经济运行总体平稳、稳中有进,国内生产总值增长5%,增速居世界主要经济体前列。这一年,中国经济面临不少困难和挑战,我们加强逆周期调节,特别是加力推出一揽子增量政策,有效提振楼市股市、市场预期和社会信心,促进经济回暖向好。
The first major trend is that high-quality development is making solid progress. This is a big highlight of the Chinese economy. Over the past year, the Chinese economy made steady progress while maintaining overall stability. China’s GDP grew by five percent, one of the fastest among major economies. In response to the headwinds and challenges confronting China’s economy, we stepped up countercyclical measures, and in particular intensified efforts to introduce a package of incremental policies that effectively boosted the real estate and stock markets, improved market expectations and restored public confidence. As a result, the economy has rebounded and turned for the better.中国经济遇到的困难,既有外部大环境的影响,也有自身经济结构调整带来的阵痛。我们坚持不懈推动高质量发展,新产业新业态新模式竞相涌现,对克服经济困难发挥了重要作用。去年,我多次到中国各地调研,看到经济新旧动能转换成效明显,新兴产业和未来产业蓬勃发展,新质生产力正在加快形成。我调研的企业中,有民营企业也有外资企业,有传统制造业也有数字产业,大家都对未来发展充满信心。
The headwinds encountered by the Chinese economy are due to both the external environment and temporary pains brought by our own economic restructuring. We have persistently promoted high-quality development. New business sectors, forms and models have kept emerging. This has played an important role in overcoming economic difficulties. During my inspection tours to different parts of China last year, I saw the evident progress in the transition from traditional growth drivers to new ones; I saw emerging and future industries booming and new quality productive forces taking shape at a faster pace. All the businesses I visited—from private companies to foreign-invested ones, and from traditional manufacturing to digital firms—have great confidence in future development.今年,中国将进一步加大宏观政策力度,实施更加积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,大力提振消费、提高投资效益,推动科技创新和产业创新融合发展,促进资本市场健康稳定发展和房地产市场止跌回稳,有效防范化解地方债务风险,推动经济实现质的有效提升和量的合理增长。中国经济稳定健康发展,也将为世界经济发展持续注入强劲动力。
This year, China will further intensify macro policies, and adopt a more proactive fiscal policy and an appropriately accommodative monetary policy. We will vigorously boost consumption, improve investment performance, facilitate the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation, promote the sound and stable development of the capital market, stabilize the real estate market, and effectively prevent and defuse local government debt risks, so as to effectively pursue higher-quality economic growth and appropriately increase economic output. China’s stable and sound economic development will inject strong and sustained impetus to global economic development. 第二个大趋势,是绿色低碳转型全面加快,这是中国经济的鲜明底色。中国正以实际行动争取在2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和。2012年以来,中国单位国内生产总值能耗、碳排放强度分别累计下降超过26%、35%,目前可再生能源发电量在总发电量中占比超过35%。中国已建成全球最大、最完整的新能源产业链,为全球提供70%的光伏组件和60%的风电设备,这些优质产能为世界绿色发展和应对气候变化提供了重要助力。中国循环经济发展势头迅猛。举个例子,一家中国企业在新材料技术赋能下,可用8个塑料瓶抽出的涤纶丝生产1件T恤衫,用28个塑料瓶生产1件冲锋衣,每年可消耗300多亿个塑料瓶,真正实现了生态效益和经济效益双赢。
The second major trend is that green and low-carbon transition is accelerating across the board. This is a salient feature of the Chinese economy. China is taking concrete actions to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Since 2012, China’s energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon emission intensity have dropped by more than 26 percent and 35 percent respectively. And China’s renewable energy now accounts for over 35 percent of its total power generation. China has built the world’s largest and most complete new energy industrial chain. 70 percent of the photovoltaic components and 60 percent of wind power equipment worldwide come from China. These high-quality production capacity has served as a strong boost to global green development and climate response. China’s circular economy enjoys a robust momentum of development. For example, empowered by new material technology, a Chinese enterprise produces one T-shirt with the polyester yarn extracted from eight plastic bottles, and makes one hardshell jacket with 28 plastic bottles. This way, it consumes more than 30 billion plastic bottles every year, which has both ecological and economic benefits. 中国走绿色转型之路是长远之策,绝非权宜之计。不论国际形势如何变化,中国积极应对气候变化的决心和行动不会改变,将持之以恒协同推进降碳减污扩绿增长,加快经济社会发展全面绿色转型,遵循《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《巴黎协定》的目标和原则,为全球应对气候变化作出更大贡献。
China’s pursuit of green transition is a long-term commitment rather than an act of expediency. No matter how the international landscape may evolve, China’s determination and action for proactive climate response will not change. We will make tireless efforts to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate pollution while expanding green transition and promoting economic growth, accelerate the comprehensive transition to green economic and social development, observe the goals and principles of the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement, and make greater contributions to global climate response.第三个大趋势,是改革开放不断向更高水平迈进,这是中国经济的活力之源。中国大踏步赶上时代,靠的是改革开放;开创中国式现代化建设新局面,仍然要靠改革开放。去年7月,中国共产党召开二十届三中全会,对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出系统部署,提出300多项重要改革举措,并明确要在2029年新中国成立80周年时完成这些改革任务。我们将建设高水平社会主义市场经济体制,创造更加公平、更有活力的市场环境,推动实现资源配置效率最优化和效益最大化。
The third major trend is that reform and opening up is moving up to a higher level. This is the source of vitality of the Chinese economy. It is through reform and opening up that China caught up with the times in big strides over the past decades, and in order to break new ground in China’s modernization drive, we still count on reform and opening up. In July last year, the Communist Party of China held the Third Plenary Session of its 20th Central Committee, laying out systematic plans for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. More than 300 important reform measures were introduced at the meeting, and these reform tasks shall be completed by 2029, the year marking the 80th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. We will build a high-standard socialist market economy, foster a fairer and more dynamic market environment, and make resource allocation as efficient and productive as possible.开放是中国式现代化的鲜明标识。从外商投资准入看,2013年我们设立上海自贸试验区,发布第一份外资准入负面清单,清单条目当时有190条,目前仅剩27条。去年中国制造业领域外资准入限制措施已全面“清零”,还对跨境服务贸易实行负面清单管理,电信、互联网、教育、文化、医疗等重要领域正在有序扩大开放。从对外贸易看,我们不追求贸易顺差,愿意进口更多国外有竞争力的优质产品和服务,促进贸易平衡发展。中国的关税总水平已经降到7.3%,处于全球较低水平,我们给予所有同中国建交的最不发达国家100%税目产品零关税待遇。我们主动扩大进口,连续7年举办中国国际进口博览会,进口规模多年位居世界第二。从营商环境看,跨国公司很关注中国知识产权保护、平等参与政府采购、跨境数据流动以及要素获取、资质许可和标准制定,这些方面我们都在不断完善相关制度和政策。这些问题对内资企业和外资企业都很重要,我们的态度很明确,就是一视同仁、平等对待。以政府采购为例,根据相关法律法规,在中国境内生产的产品,不论供应商是内资企业还是外资企业,都依法保障其平等参与政府采购活动的权利。我知道在现实中,不论是外资企业,还是内资企业,有时都可能会遭遇一些“玻璃门”、“弹簧门”个案问题,我们真诚地愿意同大家一起解决这些问题。中国开放的大门不会关闭,只会越开越大,营商环境只会越来越好。我们诚挚欢迎更多外国企业到中国投资兴业,在分享中国机遇中实现更好发展。
Openness is the hallmark of Chinese modernization. In terms of the access for foreign investment, we set up the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone in 2013 and issued the first negative list for foreign investment. There were 190 items on the list at that time, but now the number has been reduced to 27. Last year, China lifted all restrictions on foreign investment in manufacturing and established a negative-list system for cross-border trade in services. And we have been taking systematic steps to further open important sectors like telecom, the Internet, education, culture and medical services. In terms of foreign trade, we don’t seek trade surplus; we want to import more competitive quality products and services to promote balanced trade. China’s overall tariff level has been cut to 7.3 percent, a fairly low level in the world, and we give all least developed countries having diplomatic relations with China zero-tariff treatment for 100 percent tariff lines. We have taken the initiative to expand imports and held the China International Import Expo for seven years in a row. China has been the world’s second largest importer for many years now. In terms of business environment, we know issues like China’s IPR protection, equal participation in government procurement, cross-border data flow, access to factors of production, qualification approval and standard setting are of great interest to multinationals. In these areas, we are continuously improving relevant institutions and policies. These issues are important to both domestic and foreign-invested enterprises, and our attitude has been clear, that is, to provide equal and fair treatment for all of them. Take government procurement for example, according to relevant laws and regulations, all products made in China enjoy the right of equal participation in government procurement, whether their suppliers are domestic or foreign-invested enterprises. I know in reality, there might be cases where invisible barriers and hidden hurdles stand in the way of both foreign-invested enterprises and domestic ones. On the part of the Chinese government, we sincerely hope to work out these problems with parties concerned. China’s door of opening up will not be closed and will only open even wider, and our business environment will only get better. We sincerely welcome more foreign enterprises to invest and do business in China, and achieve greater success in sharing China’s opportunities.女士们、先生们、朋友们!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
China’s Spring Festival is just around the corner. As the new year begins, everything takes on a new look. Let’s start again from Davos, uphold the right path of multilateralism, promote open and inclusive development, and jointly usher in a better future.最后,预祝本次年会取得圆满成功!
To conclude, I wish the annual meeting a full success.谢谢大家!